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Zakir Musa, founder of Ansar Ghazwat ul Hind, killed in an encounter in Tral

I m just an observer.

Giving my opinions only.

However, Indians r our ally. But in this case Pakistan isn't related to the news. So u have no reason to be upset.

An Indian terrorist, ISIS sympathiser and mass murderer got killed by Indian army. Why r Pakistanind getting so upset.
Because Kashmiris are our Brothers , they are killed mercilessly beacause they raise our Slogans anyway i am sure he is in peace , nothing to be upset , and what did you say about india as your ally , what a joke , they treat you like some filthy dogs on their border and you say that they are your ally , cheers mate

When did you join ISIS...?
If you really meant that then you are a threat to not just Indians but also Pakistanis..!

Boy oh boy ... you indians are shit scared of ISIS , don't pee your pants mate , ISIS is not the only one , why are we sitting here for ...
Boy oh boy ... you indians are shit scared of ISIS , don't pee your pants mate , ISIS is not the only one , why are we sitting here for ...
Since your a newbie .. you won’t understand...!
If enough Isis presence is proved in Kashmir then we can link it with global jihad and its game over... we can repel article 370.
The problem is that not many Kashmiri fighters have joined ISIS at the moment.
We'll see about that , soon enough ... better save your actresses because i heard that on 27th Feb , our soldiers on the frontlines were making these jokes to one another
"Hey , you know what , if war does happen , then i'm warning you , don't lay a hand on deepika , she's mine "
Dammmmn Savage , now don't get in the wrong way , they were just joking anyway i am one those guys who believe in Ghazwa e Hind , and you know what it is ....

You’re funny, I like you.

We always need clowns around to entertain us, this forum does get quite serious at times.
I thank you for the good laugh and eagerly await Ghazwa e Hind or whatever they’ve taught you.
Since your a newbie .. you won’t understand...!
If enough Isis presence is proved in Kashmir then we can link it with global jihad and its game over... we can repel article 370.
The problem is that not many Kashmiri fighters have joined ISIS at the moment.
You are just trying to make your points valid by calling me a newb , pity can't you come up with something better than that ?

You’re funny, I like you.

We always need clowns around to entertain us, this forum does get quite serious at times.
I thank you for the good laugh and eagerly await Ghazwa e Hind or whatever they’ve taught you.
Yeah sure , whatever you say ... your words prove that you indeed lost the argument , cry you little baby ...
Sure we are willing to take blows .... just make sure you guys are also ready
Make sure you are capable of landing them. You had your pants pulled down last time you tried.
Indian gift to Imran Khan on his congratulatory message.

Rapists back lol

Where you been since feb 27th

Lmao at your coward nation and coward impotent pm making all Indians hide


Indian cowards are back lol hiding for two months

Welcome back to pdf you bunch of losing puddhus lol

Hahahaha the pussies are back lol

He was affiliated to ISIS. Openly advocated ISIS version of Islam. From one mouth you guys say that ISIS is not Islam and is a conspiracy/creation of Jews, that kashmiri terrorism is for Kashmiriat and not religion.
And from other mouth you are deeply mourning the death of an ISIS affiliated terrorist. So much hypocrisy to digest.
Or is it a display of Taqia

Big words above
Taqia lol

Plain English “ you are a lying bastard Indian “



First at least make up your minds whether Mr. Zakir Moses was a Muslim.
Thought ISIS fighters weren’t Muslim.
Or is it that if they fight in Kashmir at Pakistan’s behest, they become good Muslims? Lol

Also ROFL at the threat of genocide.
Seems we have a **** Javed Rambo on our hands here lol

Lol at you
Zakir musa was Isis lmao at these coward nation citizens

Look at their hypocrisy. They are mourning the death of an ISIS terrorist.
And ranting day and night on other threads that ISIS is not Islam, It is a YAHOODI SAZISH.

How many times you say it won’t make it true .

Your Indian government refuted your fairytale

If they r getting equal rights like every other Indians in business, economy, education and politics then they they have absolutely no reason to demand for a separate country.

They should better move out rather than killing innocent men, women and children.

However if Indian authority discriminated against them, their freedom movement would've made sense.

If countries start entertaining such ideas then tomorrow punjsbis will start demanding for a separate country, the day after tomorrow West Bengalis will do the same. Similarly in Pakistan pashtuns, baloch and in BD chakmas will start demanding for separate countries.

Every other Indian ? WTH
Kashmir has Never been part of India
I m just an observer.

Giving my opinions only.

However, Indians r our ally. But in this case Pakistan isn't related to the news. So u have no reason to be upset.

An Indian terrorist, ISIS sympathiser and mass murderer got killed by Indian army. Why r Pakistanind getting so upset.

I don't think so bud.

Should blacks, Hispanics, Asians start demanding for separate countries in USA?

I'm sure a black would love to live with othere blacks compared to a white people.

Your opinion is false
An Indian terrorist ? From when Kashmir been part of India ??

Isis sympathiser ? So gov of India is lying ??

And Pakistan isn’t related to this news
Check un pal , Pakistan is related to Kashmir

prove it to me that he advocated ISIS

They can’t
Government of India has stated no Isis in Kashmir my brother .

Is zakir musa an ISIS member ?

Rapists back lol

Where you been since feb 27th

Lmao at your coward nation and coward impotent pm making all Indians hide


Indian cowards are back lol hiding for two months

Welcome back to pdf you bunch of losing puddhus lol

Hahahaha the pussies are back lol

Big words above
Taqia lol

Plain English “ you are a lying bastard Indian “



Lol at you
Zakir musa was Isis lmao at these coward nation citizens

How many times you say it won’t make it true .

Your Indian government refuted your fairytale

Every other Indian ? WTH
Kashmir has Never been part of India

So not sure why the hue and cry over an ISIS terrorist being killed.
We even have Pakistanis calling him shaheed and asking for his soul to reach Jannat.
Next time be sure to pray and put martyrdom when an ISIS terrorist blows himself up in Pakistan or mass kills Pakistani citizens or armed forces....you know to give him the same respect being given to this terrorist.
So not sure why the hue and cry over an ISIS terrorist being killed.
We even have Pakistanis calling him shaheed and asking for his soul to reach Jannat.
Next time be sure to pray and put martyrdom when an ISIS terrorist blows himself up in Pakistan or mass kills Pakistani citizens or armed forces....you know to give him the same respect being given to this terrorist.

Go away you lying little shit
Go read what your own government says
No Isis in Kashmir even zakir himself stated he’s not Isis
Go away you lying little shit
Go read what your own government says
No Isis in Kashmir even zakir himself stated he’s not Isis

You’re right, not ISIS, Al Qaeda...the grand daddy of ISIS lol
There...that makes him not a terrorist anymore..happy?
Now come up with a rationale to distance him from terrorism through some verbal gymnastics...
And don’t forget to curse the Indian army and Indians in anger....lol

They will react . but it seems it will escalate tension as India will Blame Pak .
Modi has successfully made Pak responsible for every attack on India and World started believing it. So Pak is forced slowly and surely that even dotted line for attack doesn't end in Pak FATF is one tool.
Glad you acknowledge your a bullshitter and your earlier posts where full of shit .

I don’t think I’ve changed my stance about the fact that Musa was a terrorist, period!
To me ISIS, Kashmiri terrorist, al Qaeda all form part of the same sub human scum that the world is trying to eliminate.
It’s only clowns like you trying to make the distinction.
The rest of us are happy putting a bullet between the eyes of any and all Musas.
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