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Zakir Musa, founder of Ansar Ghazwat ul Hind, killed in an encounter in Tral

So he openly rejoiced the death of his own military on the hand of terrorists? Hmm, if one looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck then it must be duck.
He is a duck and he was lined to be shot like one.

Check out UNHCR report on torture and other crimes committed in IOK.
Thats false report and has ben discredited by government.
But tgats irrelevant... here its about online celebration of a terrorist by you guys.
The Kashmiri cause is secular, always has been, its because of that its been exclusively Kashmiri, bar the odd Pakistani.

He is a duck and he was lined to be shot like one.

Thats false report and has ben discredited by government.
But tgats irrelevant... here its about online celebration of a terrorist by you guys.
Yeah UN lies and your occupation is humanitarian.

And all gangrapes,mass graves,blinded kids,torture victims and all evidences are fake.

And Kashmiris hate your kind for the sake of it..
Yeah UN lies and your occupation is humanitarian.

And all gangrapes,mass graves,blinded kids,torture victims and all evidences are fake.

And Kashmiris hate your kind for the sake of it..
Zakir musa is an isis guy. Good he was dispatched.
Inna lillahi wa Inna ilayhi rajioon.

Allah swt sadde shuhada nu firdaus bakshe.

Indians, there are no daesh in Kashmir. These groups are home grown Kashmiris.

You can try to deceive the world or your population, but liars always get revealed.

How many times did your government change its story about the failed Balakot strikes?

Yeah UN lies and your occupation is humanitarian.

And all gangrapes,mass graves,blinded kids,torture victims and all evidences are fake.

And Kashmiris hate your kind for the sake of it..

Kashmiris are fully united for their cause of freedom.

70 years of oppressing someone, yet these Indians still think they can bully them.

After a certain point, fear of death escapes a population as the need for survival for the next generation and alleviation of oppression becomes more important.

Our shuhada are the blood who will feed the saplings of tomorrow.
No he wasnt ISIS, IOK has no ISIS, Kashmiris raise that flag to troll india..

As for dispatching, you suffered IED casualties yesterday?

Let us study this Daesh flag.


Top part has half of the Kalima of Islam. Incumbent to believe it for every Muslim.

The bottom circle has the signature of Prophet Muhammad saws. This also completes the Kalima with its second part.

To a Muslim unaware about Daesh, it looks like a nice flag to add to a protest march.

However he or she may not be aware that daesh are actually khawarij, which makes them Non-Muslims.

Every scholar of Islam, every legal body, every council of ulema in every country has declared them Kuffar (Non Muslims.)


Kashmiri resistance leaders reject Daesh claims of influence

Responding to the claims, prominent pro-independence leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani said Daesh had no presence in Jammu Kashmir.

Such assertions, he added, "only provide a tool for India; they will try in every possible way to defame the just and genuine struggle of the Kashmiri people".

Geelani went on to question Daesh’s motives for making the claim, noting that, if the organization was what it claimed to be, "its first and foremost priority would be the liberation of the Qibla Awal [Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque] from the Israeli occupation".

Geelani also pointed out that India had been forcibly occupying Jammu Kashmir for the last seven decades, while Daesh was only "two or three years old, during which time the entire Muslim world has been drawn into the fight within and [Muslims] are mercilessly killing each other".


Indian hybrid warfare against Kashmiris


Hate-filled online articles against leading separatist leaders of India-administered Kashmir are disseminated online in the name of Daesh but the police haven't verified whether the radical literature is real or fake.



It is obvious that daesh are Indian men fulfilling Indian interests in Kashmir. This is why they have made takfir on Syed Ali Shah Geelani (Pro-Pakistan leader of and Syed Salahuddin (Kashmiri Mujahideen leader.)

Also Daesh called Kashmir their first province of India, which is tacit approval of Indian occupation of Kashmir.

They think they are intelligent, but Pakistanis/Kashmiris see right through them.

However, this is meant for the foolish or agenda driven people in the wider Muslim world and West.
Is zakir musa an ISIS member ?
Ansar ghazwat ul hind is an offshoot of Al Qaeda, but Zakir followed the ideology of ISIS, establishing a caliphate in India. Before founding this group he was a member of Hizbul, but was fed up of them because of political interference.
May Allah swt accept the Shaheed. The occupation forces will have to pay for his martyrdom.

Wait for repayment. Tick tock.
Waited this day for long. I hearing about this terrorist head for long.
And don't worry our forces knows well how to play tic tock.
Ansar ghazwat ul hind is an offshoot of Al Qaeda, but Zakir followed the ideology of ISIS, establishing a caliphate in India. Before founding this group he was a member of Hizbul, but was fed up of them because of political interference.

Ignored for promoting lies and false propaganda against the Kashmiri freedom struggle.

True disciple of Modi here.
I prefer Kashmiri Mujahideen name from the 80s. Terrorised indian army
In fact most ppl ======================================================================== to get what they want.
talk of moral values and ethics do not sound so good coming from someone with your background. So please avoid getting involved in trolling/insulting posts.
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