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Zakir Musa, founder of Ansar Ghazwat ul Hind, killed in an encounter in Tral

Modi has successfully made Pak responsible for every attack on India and World started believing it. So Pak is forced slowly and surely that even dotted line for attack doesn't end in Pak FATF is one tool.
FATF is not tool. This is reality. Money laundering really happened on vast scale. But government and NAB(National Accountability Bureau) has taken steps . We are dealing them with iron hands.
I don’t think I’ve changed my stance about the fact that Musa was a terrorist, period!
To me ISIS, Kashmiri terrorist, al Qaeda all form part of the same sub human scum that the world is trying to eliminate.
It’s only clowns like you trying to make the distinction.
The rest of us are happy putting a bullet between the eyes of any and all Musas.

You belong to different country
You are not Kashmiri
All Kashmiri call Indian army terrorist and rejoice like yesterday when Indian occupying terrorist was killed in mehnder
Sweets are given out when terrorist are killed in Kashmir like yesterday

Zakir musa is hero of whole of Kashmir

Innanillahiwainalrajioun brother
FATF is not tool. This is reality. Money laundering really happened on vast scale. But government and NAB(National Accountability Bureau) has taken steps . We are dealing them with iron hands.
Honestly that helps in reducing violence in Kashmir, as you cannot fund Kashmiris. Without monetary support it is very difficult cult to sustain armed rebelion.
You belong to different country
You are not Kashmiri
All Kashmiri call Indian army terrorist and rejoice like yesterday when Indian occupying terrorist was killed in mehnder
Sweets are given out when terrorist are killed in Kashmir like yesterday

Zakir musa is hero of whole of Kashmir

Innanillahiwainalrajioun brother

“Gadhe to agar tum kala Kar do, toh kya ban jati hai bhains?” Lolol

Yeah Kashmir is and always will remain part of India.
You lot can bark up a storm, but your passport says otherwise lol
You and your ilk can **** off to any country you seek nationality of, we give two shits.
The land is and will remain ours!
End of story!

Now cry me an Indus....
He was affiliated to ISIS. Openly advocated ISIS version of Islam. From one mouth you guys say that ISIS is not Islam and is a conspiracy/creation of Jews, that kashmiri terrorism is for Kashmiriat and not religion.
And from other mouth you are deeply mourning the death of an ISIS affiliated terrorist. So much hypocrisy to digest.
Or is it a display of Taqia
In fact most ppl here are ISIS supporters , they just maintain the facade by blaming them as creation of western agencies. If ISIS had succeeded we would see more worms coming out of the wood work. Its just our tough luck we have enemies who are sheer opportunists having no ethics , values or principles. These ppl just operate on principle on whatever it takes to get what they want.
“Gadhe to agar tum kala Kar do, toh kya ban jati hai bhains?” Lolol

Yeah Kashmir is and always will remain part of India.
You lot can bark up a storm, but your passport says otherwise lol
You and your ilk can **** off to any country you seek nationality of, we give two shits.
The land is and will remain ours!
End of story!

Now cry me an Indus....

Yet more bullshit from resident shit for brains

Taqia ? Like you said in your first post .
Kashmir Banaye ga Pakistan. :pakistan:
Every religion has its own mythical prophecies like god will appear at the end of world, ppl will be judged after their death ...etc

For pakistan this slogan is just like that, it only has a beginning but no end. As the sole aim of such slogans is keep gullible ppl endlessly occupied .
Yet more bullshit from resident shit for brains

Taqia ? Like you said in your first post .

Don’t think you would know your *** from your elbow.
Never mentioned the word Taqia nor do I know what that means.

Keep crying over the death of a terrorist, while we watch in mirth.
Isis, Al Queda, Satan himself. If he is a Kashmiri freedom fighter slaughtering Indian soldiers we salute him. Pakistan looks after those who work in its interests. Musharaf made a u turn, but the same Pakistan backed Taliban to victory in Afghanistan. Today the Americans don't call them terrorists, they call them Sir.

Besides the whole isis in Kashmir narrative is flawed. Those flags are Indian plants, like some stone throwers in Palestinian protests. It's a known Israeli tactic. The Kashmiri cause is secular, always has been, its because of that its been exclusively Kashmiri, bar the odd Pakistani. Even during the 90s, you didn't see foreign fighters in Kashmir. The flow of fighters and arms is influenced by Pakistan.
Don’t think you would know your *** from your elbow.
Never mentioned the word Taqia nor do I know what that means.

Keep crying over the death of a terrorist, while we watch in mirth.

Got you mixed up from who you quoted . (Republic ) the other Indian like you spreading he’s bullshit on here .

Glad you realised your a lying little shit .

No one cries over someone dying for there land . What do you take us for it’s an honour to die defending your homeland against occupation .

All Indians that died defending there country against occupation are hero’s as are all Pakistanis who’ve died defending there home land same as Kashmiris who have died defending there homeland .

Real hero’s are those who spill blood for there soil
Got you mixed up from who you quoted . (Republic ) the other Indian like you spreading he’s bullshit on here .

Glad you realised your a lying little shit .

No one cries over someone dying for there land . What do you take us for it’s an honour to die defending your homeland against occupation .

All Indians that died defending there country against occupation are hero’s as are all Pakistanis who’ve died defending there home land same as Kashmiris who have died defending there homeland .

Real hero’s are those who spill blood for there soil

Only problem is, Musa who you claim died fighting for his land was actually fighting for his religion, not Kashmir or Kashmiris. Might as well be ISIS.
Some hero..lol

Here is a quote from the dead horse’s mouth:

“I see that many people in Kashmir are engaged in a war of nationalism, which is forbidden in Islam,” Musa said. The fight in the region should “not be for the sake of Kashmir”, he added. “It should be exclusively for Islam so that sharia is established here.”

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