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Zakir Musa, founder of Ansar Ghazwat ul Hind, killed in an encounter in Tral

Where does it say he was affiliated with ISIS.

Wah wah. The people who boast of freedom motivated by suppression are advising another group of suppressed people to integrate. You people and your ideas are a sold bunch.

If they r getting equal rights like every other Indians in business, economy, education and politics then they they have absolutely no reason to demand for a separate country.

They should better move out rather than killing innocent men, women and children.

However if Indian authority discriminated against them, their freedom movement would've made sense.

If countries start entertaining such ideas then tomorrow punjsbis will start demanding for a separate country, the day after tomorrow West Bengalis will do the same. Similarly in Pakistan pashtuns, baloch and in BD chakmas will start demanding for separate countries.
Oh we know you mean what you say, we just don’t think you can do what you say lol
We'll see about that , soon enough ... better save your actresses because i heard that on 27th Feb , our soldiers on the frontlines were making these jokes to one another
"Hey , you know what , if war does happen , then i'm warning you , don't lay a hand on deepika , she's mine "
Dammmmn Savage , now don't get it in the wrong way , they were just joking anyway i am one those guys who believe in Ghazwa e Hind , and you know what it is ....
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If they r getting equal rights like every other Indians in business, economy, education and politics then they they have absolutely no reason to demand for a separate country.

They should better move out rather than killing innocent men, women and children.

However if Indian authority discriminated against them, their freedom movement would've made sense.

If countries start entertaining such ideas then tomorrow punjsbis will start demanding for a separate country, the day after tomorrow West Bengalis will do the same. Similarly in Pakistan pashtuns, baloch and in BD chakmas will start demanding for separate countries.

Isn't a right to self determination as promised by the Indian State, and the United Nations, a right?
The will of 1.3 billion people is the reason why educated young boys have raised arms against bharat.

Its indian use of rape,mass murder,torture,kidnappings and blinding youngsters that has got you to pulwama today.

There’s a simple way to end all this torture for the Kashmiris..
They should drop their weapons, stop pelting stones and peacefully demand their rights (if any have been impinged upon) across the table under the ambit of the Indian constitution as Indians. We the common people of India will happily support them in this endeavor against the army and govt.

Besides, Kashmiris should know by now that we wield a bigger stick than they can whip up. It’s a useless endeavor fighting against an army and state that has more personnel in its reserves than the number of Kashmiris, with resources to boot.

This is just the practical thing. Azaadi is not an option.
Haha ... i said i was'nt kidding , my threat is genuine and btw stop ranting that he was in any way connected to ISIS , its all your propaganda and I'd rather believe a pig but not you ...

Why am i not surprised ? Sucking indian balls is your birth habit and by you , i mean B'deshis ... whatever suck them as long as you like , in the end you are a no one on world's map ....

I m just an observer.

Giving my opinions only.

However, Indians r our ally. But in this case Pakistan isn't related to the news. So u have no reason to be upset.

An Indian terrorist, ISIS sympathiser and mass murderer got killed by Indian army. Why r Pakistanind getting so upset.

Isn't a right to self determination as promised by the Indian State, and the United Nations, a right?

I don't think so bud.

Should blacks, Hispanics, Asians start demanding for separate countries in USA?

I'm sure a black would love to live with other blacks compared to a white people.
He was affiliated to ISIS. Openly advocated ISIS version of Islam. From one mouth you guys say that ISIS is not Islam and is a conspiracy/creation of Jews, that kashmiri terrorism is for Kashmiriat and not religion.
And from other mouth you are deeply mourning the death of an ISIS affiliated terrorist. So much hypocrisy to digest.
Or is it a display of Taqia

prove it to me that he advocated ISIS
Check out the posts when indian soldiers became shaheed in pulwama

So he openly rejoiced the death of his own military on the hand of terrorists? Hmm, if one looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck then it must be duck.
You Martyr one, several more comes forward to take the place. Rest assured, J& K won't be a comfortable place for Indian security personnel till the scores old issue is resolved.

Kashmir valley is the only uncomfortable region. Jammu doesn't have any violence(except for the occasional infiltration near the border) and the Ladakh region is considered a tourist area. There are 4-5 "hotspots" - Srinagar, Anantang, Pulwama and a few more, mainly in South of the valley. A single big operation like that Zarb e whatever which you guys did would wipe out the insurgency within a week(Of course that's assuming there is a good border fence to prevent further infiltration, else all would be pointless). In any case, Kashmir issue will only be settled by economic might. Currently, India is 15 times the GDP of Pakistan. All we have to to is to make sure that it is 50 times and that we dwarf your military budget, so that you become no more than a minor nuisance.
I m just an observer.

Giving my opinions only.

However, Indians r our ally. But in this case Pakistan isn't related to the news. So u have no reason to be upset.

An Indian terrorist, ISIS sympathiser and mass murderer got killed by Indian army. Why r Pakistanind getting so upset.

I don't think so bud.

Should blacks, Hispanics, Asians start demanding for separate countries in USA?

I'm sure a black would love to live with other blacks compared to a white people.

@The Eagle @WebMaster @Horus @WAJsal @waz

Just look at this nonsense post. Can I ask why is this random guy allowed to post bs without knowledge? Black Hispanics were not promised right of self determination in US neither Bengalis Punjabis in India, nor Baloch Pushtuns Punjabis in Pakistan. Kashmiris right of freedom is reserved by partition rules as well as UN, even Indian govt.
Is zakir musa an ISIS member ?
He quit gazwatul-hind organisation as it was not as extremists as he would have liked.
But did he join ISIS...? I don’t know that, but according to some here he did.
It’s not uncommon, many Kashmiri jihadis have joined ISIS, you can see many carrying Isis flags during the stone pelting bouts.
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