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Zakir Musa, founder of Ansar Ghazwat ul Hind, killed in an encounter in Tral

Stop giving yourself braingasms , a Muslim does'nt fear death like you bitches , we'll kill every single one of you , just wait ... and i am not kidding , mark my words

First at least make up your minds whether Mr. Zakir Moses was a Muslim.
Thought ISIS fighters weren’t Muslim.
Or is it that if they fight in Kashmir at Pakistan’s behest, they become good Muslims? Lol

Also ROFL at the threat of genocide.
Seems we have a **** Javed Rambo on our hands here lol
He was affiliated to ISIS. Openly advocated ISIS version of Islam. From one mouth you guys say that ISIS is not Islam and is a conspiracy/creation of Jews, that kashmiri terrorism is for Kashmiriat and not religion.
And from other mouth you are deeply mourning the death of an ISIS affiliated terrorist. So much hypocrisy to digest.
Or is it a display of Taqia

Where does it say he was affiliated with ISIS.

Kashmirs should try to integrate. No point in wasting lives in such manner.

Wah wah. The people who boast of freedom motivated by suppression are advising another group of suppressed people to integrate. You people and your ideas are a sold bunch.
Get lost b....

Indian army has my support. Terrorists must die!!
Get lost? Fukin cuckhold b..


Lickin indian balls in an indo Pak thread.. like the insignificant lil c..t.

Dont talk with your mouthful..
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Google about him you will see his love towards Pakistan especially for it's politicians and army [emoji16]
Where does it say he was affiliated with ISIS.

Wah wah. The people who boast of freedom motivated by suppression are advising another group of suppressed people to integrate. You people and your ideas are a sold bunch.
I agree. Terrorists must die. More power to the freedom fighters in getting rid of these terrorists in the Indian Army forcefully occupying Kashmir and suppressing its people under state sanctions.
Beware he might put yours in his mouth..:lol:
You Martyr one, several more comes forward to take the place. Rest assured, J& K won't be a comfortable place for Indian security personnel till the scores old issue is resolved.

The will of 1.2 billion Indians backed by the Indian state vs. a few thousand (if at all) terrorists operating in Kashmir.
As a betting man, I’ll put my money on the former...

Don’t think the Indian security forces are in Kashmir on vacation to worry about comfort. So that’s not a problem.
ISIS (samusa Bhai) acted smart by declaring ISIS territory in Kashmir,

Indian forces showed his his position within a week......

What a day today
First at least make up your minds whether Mr. Zakir Moses was a Muslim.
Thought ISIS fighters weren’t Muslim.
Or is it that if they fight in Kashmir at Pakistan’s behest, they become good Muslims? Lol

Also ROFL at the threat of genocide.
Seems we have a **** Javed Rambo on our hands here lol
Haha ... i said i was'nt kidding , my threat is genuine and btw stop ranting that he was in any way connected to ISIS , its all your propaganda and I'd rather believe a pig but not you ...

Get lost b....

Indian army has my support. Terrorists must die!!
Why am i not surprised ? Sucking indian balls is your birth habit and by you , i mean B'deshis ... whatever suck them as long as you like , in the end you are a no one on world's map ....
The will of 1.2 billion Indians backed by the Indian state vs. a few thousand (if at all) terrorists operating in Kashmir.
As a betting man, I’ll put my money on the former...

Don’t think the Indian security forces are in Kashmir on vacation to worry about comfort. So that’s not a problem.
The will of 1.3 billion people is the reason why educated young boys have raised arms against bharat.

Its indian use of rape,mass murder,torture,kidnappings and blinding youngsters that has got you to pulwama today.
Google about him you will see his love towards Pakistan especially for it's politicians and army [emoji16]

I see. But the reports are sourced from Indian media. What's the reliability, unless I see screenshots or excerpts of the actual content, how can I believe the Indian media who are trying to label the Kashmiri struggle as a terrorist movement.
Haha ... i said i was'nt kidding , my threat is genuine and btw stop ranting that he was in any way connected to ISIS , its all your propaganda and I'd rather believe a pig but not you ...

Oh we know you mean what you say, we just don’t think you can do what you say lol
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