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Zaid Hamid Rocks!

Zaid Hamid is pain in the *** for anti Pakistan conspiracy hatchers
One thing is for sure - he speaks with a lot of passion.
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Zaid Hamid will inshallah lead Pakistan within the next 10 years. He may be over the top in one or two things but otherwise he is spot on. The Indians really fear his truth.

In 20-30 years we will look back at this current time as the inferno which moulded Pakistan into a great nation. We will come through this. Keep faith in Allah and Pakistan.
Speaking with passion does not mean he is an intellectual who's arguments are right. He is nothing but a conspiracy nut on the sidelines, kind of like Alex Jones. Both have been wrong on so many occasions but their blind fans can't see that. It is the duty of Islamists like Zaid Hamid to point fingers to external forces so that the people are fooled into believing what sounds better. This has always worked well for the islamists in Pakistan- make the public suspicious of outside forces to escape blame for the county's own failure.
Zaid Hamid gives evidence for his points. Do you prefer corrupt weaklings like Zardari incharge?
He really rocks as he speaks with passion. No doubt, he makes some people fool but making fool still intelligence from his mind.
Speaking with passion does not mean he is an intellectual who's arguments are right. He is nothing but a conspiracy nut on the sidelines, kind of like Alex Jones. Both have been wrong on so many occasions but their blind fans can't see that. It is the duty of Islamists like Zaid Hamid to point fingers to external forces so that the people are fooled into believing what sounds better. This has always worked well for the islamists in Pakistan- make the public suspicious of outside forces to escape blame for the county's own failure.

Well said Bro, finally someone who sees what Zaid Hamid's real intentions are. I was watching a video when he said that democracy is not gud and pakistan should be under military rule. It is because of people like Zaid Hamid that pakistan is suffering today. Please everyone stop listening to this nutcase and stop being so emotional about everything. Loving your nation is great but that does not mean that hate the other nation. I have so many pakistani friends and we never had any problems of any kind, they are like my brothers and there is no difference between them or any indian friend i have. Please people we have been hating each other for over 60 years now, let get over this and move on, just imagine how strong we would be if pakistan and india unite, China would look like a baby in front of us. So please forget w.e. happened and lets move on to a bright future and provide our next generation with the tool of success that they really need, not weapons to kill each other, anyone here agree with me ?
Indians can only complain and spread lies against this great man!

We all know that Zaid Hamid speaks and spreads the truth, and no amount of Indian lies can change that!

All i will say is Each to their own. We know just how many web spinners there are across the border.
Why do we have to Advocate for Zaid hamid ? His name Speaks for himself Hakeem bhai ( The doctor ):bunny:
Actually Indians also want Zaid Bhai to become president of Pakistan. Beacause a nation which is in so much of misconception as a enemy if far better then the nation which is well informed and knows the facts. A nation blinded by patriotism is good as a enemy whichs knows the half truth
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