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Zaid Hamid onIshq e Rasool of Dr. Allama M. Iqbal

People like zaid hamid by misusing name of Iqbal do great dis-service to his name

ZH has been instrumental in the last five years in reviving Iqbal's name amongst the youth of Pakistan. He did this through his TV series as well as roadshows in Pakistan's universities.

Since you feel that these actions on the part of ZH are a "misuse" and a "great dis-service" to Iqbal's name, you are quite welcome to do something to put things right.

Other than anti-ZH remarks here on PDF, what do you propose to do undo the "misuse" and "great dis-service"?

Eager minds want to know :)
He normally pisses Indians off because, unlike many other Pakistani "analysts" on the media, he isn't appologetic about Mumbai.

Bhai, Zaid Hamid never pisses off indians, he is a nothing more than Youtube joke for us. His "Mission moon in 2014" & "Ghazwa-E-Hind" theories are most funny things i have ever watch on internet. Also his funny "Economic terrorism" in which he suggests to use gold coins instead of dollar/ euros is bullcrap & a crying whinning theory for idiots who fail to deliver what today's economic world needs.

He openly says that India doctored the evidence regarding that tragic incident, handed Pakistan ridiculously false dossiers, gave lists of Mumbai terrorists to Pakistan that were filled with names of people actually JAILED in Indian jails, when the Mumbai incident happened, stuff like that.

Who is he to give comments on Indian dossier??? did your Govt. appointed him to speak his crap on credibility of dossier??

Have you seen the dossier?? how without seeing you can believe this a*s's claim??

He claimed Kasab to be Amarsingh right after two days of attack without any evidence to show??? how is this possible for him to know so fast?? does he have any intelligence network in indian jails??

He says saffron bands on Kasab's hand shows he is hindutva wadi but he dont have brain to understand if hindus staged this attack (which is not reality) & wanted to blame it on muslims or pakistanis they would have not done such basic mistakes.

Attacking People & their mastermind were using high-tech weapons, GPS & Satellite phone do you think they were dumb as 3rd graders to keep hindu bands to show off realities if they wanted to blame muslims for that??

Indians can't refute his points like that, so they talk about his "topi"/cap. What disservice has Zaid Hamid done to Allama Iqbal?

Indians are borne ignorant to idiots & stupidity, they dont waste to giving importance to low life idiots & low-significant clowns.
It seems you are interested much about names indians used for Zaid Hamid, for your knowledge we call in LAAL TOPI , LAAL LANGOOR, BUDDA KHUSRA . Hope it helps your interests.

Well be it a Quranic verses or Hadiths, if muslims uses it for spread hate instead of love & peace like Talibanis & jihadis do it is disregard to Holy book.

Same goes with Allama Iqbal's literature, if it is used by clowns like this laal topi who openly celebrites tragic deaths of 40 muslims & 120 hindus died in mumbai attacks, use it as a leverage to spread hate/gain fame & hatch baseless conspiracies about it it certainly is a disregard.

Calm down man. For someone claiming Zaid Sahab is a joke to Indians, you sound worked up enough to have a mental stroke.

About Mumbai. If you were really interested in finding the truth, do some research. India's dossier was ridiculed internationally, BBC carried stories about how India was handing fake lists of "involved terrorists" to Pakistan. India went on propaganda spin trying to drill up international pressure and outrage, trying to milk the dossier. Then it turns out SO MANY of the ******** named on the terrorist list India gave, were fake - many people were already in Indian jails and had been for years.

It's like the Indian govt was stupid as sh*t, just pulling out random names of people, like they didn't want to being the actual perpetrators to the front? If India really was the victim and had nothing to hide, why the HELL would it present a flimsy dossier filled with fake names. And pulling stunts like handing the dossier in Gujrati when Pakistan pressed them to hand over concrete evidence. Stupid delaying tactics like that show to the rest of the world what a flimsy fake case India had. Also when the dossier got handed, the evidence was so weak - one of the main evidences it listed was the large quantities of Dentonic toothpastes and Pakistani products that these people were carrying. Like they went there to open a general store.

Also no answer on how half a dozen people were holding a THREE HUNDRED ROOM building, and still the military stood around and did nothing for nearly a week. Six or seven people can't possibly cover that many rooms, Indian security could have taken over most of the building without the terrorists even finding out. Yet the security forces waited for a week sitting on their @sse$, which cost hostages their lives.

So I think Zaid Hamid is pretty logical and completely right when it comes to this.

Indian b.utt hurt over Zaid Sahab's stuff is plainly visible. Indians claim its all a joke to them, yet in most of his YouTube videos and on forums there are a bunch of indos visibly and violently angsty over what he's said.

If it hurts so much, stop watching his stuff. It's like cocaine, Indians are addicted to what he's saying and can't stop or help themselves, even though it plainly and visibly shakes them up and messes with their psyche.
About Mumbai. If you were really interested in finding the truth, do some research. India's dossier was ridiculed internationally, BBC carried stories about how India was handing fake lists of "involved terrorists" to Pakistan. India went on propaganda spin trying to drill up international pressure and outrage, trying to milk the dossier. Then it turns out SO MANY of the ******** named on the terrorist list India gave, were fake - many people were already in Indian jails and had been for years.
Any proof to back this up?? Or it's just from a source "you know but can't find on the net"??:lol:
BBC is one agency and anyways I can recall no such article..........The whole international community criticised Pakistan for allowing such an operation to be coordinated on it's soil. And I can bring statements from reputable sources to back this up:azn:

As for Zaid Hamid, he may be a joke but a bad one. Wouldn't you feel angry if someone keeps on ranting about conquering your country with an army of ghosts??:blink:

About Mumbai. If you were really interested in finding the truth, do some research. India's dossier was ridiculed internationally,

Prove it what you say.
Except Pakistan nobody questioned it.
USA, UK & China takes dossier as credible. UK & USA has cleared it officially & China has not objected indian claims of their all weather pakistan's participation in defence.

BBC carried stories about how India was handing fake lists of "involved terrorists" to Pakistan.

BBC ?? Link please

& You said Stories ...Right??
Just like stories about 9/11 was a plot of CIA.
who believe it?? again Pakistanis??


It's like the Indian govt was stupid as sh*t, just pulling out random names of people, like they didn't want to being the actual perpetrators to the front? If India really was the victim and had nothing to hide, why the HELL would it present a flimsy dossier filled with fake names. And pulling stunts like handing the dossier in Gujrati when Pakistan pressed them to hand over concrete evidence. Stupid delaying tactics like that show to the rest of the world what a flimsy fake case India had. Also when the dossier got handed, the evidence was so weak - one of the main evidences it listed was the large quantities of Dentonic toothpastes and Pakistani products that these people were carrying. Like they went there to open a general store.

F*ck the dossier, even if we give you most credible evidence your impotent govt. will not accept the **** created by ur army/ISI because of pressure from army.

Just think about what I say - We have recording & CCTV footages of Kasab killing innocent in mumbai & again Kasab is a Pakistani national accepted by Your Government. What about Kasab's parents who recognized Kasab?? His parents admitted that he went to brainwashed groups for money?? Is this not a evidence to check home grown terrorism for Pakistan???

Also no answer on how half a dozen people were holding a THREE HUNDRED ROOM building, and still the military stood around and did nothing for nearly a week. Six or seven people can't possibly cover that many rooms, Indian security could have taken over most of the building without the terrorists even finding out. Yet the security forces waited for a week sitting on their @sse$, which cost hostages their lives.

This is again stupid defence. There are 300+ room but do you understand architectural points ?? there were several floors & these 9-10 terrorist were controlling only 2-3 floors.
You must be quiet old to understand that each floor is seperated from other floor by 1-2 stair passages hence its not difficult to guard it by 1-2 gunmen.
With no knowledge of positions of terrorist/ hostage it took time control terrorist...it took 3 days not a week like you say.

So I think Zaid Hamid is pretty logical and completely right when it comes to this.

Indian b.utt hurt over Zaid Sahab's stuff is plainly visible. Indians claim its all a joke to them, yet in most of his YouTube videos and on forums there are a bunch of indos visibly and violently angsty over what he's said.

If it hurts so much, stop watching his stuff. It's like cocaine, Indians are addicted to what he's saying and can't stop or help themselves, even though it plainly and visibly shakes them up and messes with their psyche.

Well again I will say Zaid Hamid is a clown who rants what most pakistanis want believe . He is hero of Pakistanis who are scared of truth.

Well answer me one thing, your government says Kasab is a pakistanis, your media has even shown his home his village in pakistan, his parents accepted kasab as their son.
Still this Laal Topi says Kasab is a hindu called Amarsingh. And you say its pretty logical .... :rofl:

Now Answer me only a single question....
who is more stupid??
Your Govt.,Your Media Pakistani Citizens who recognised their son or this langoor called Zaid???
India makes this big media fuss over this "dossier of evidence" that they claim to have(and ask Pakistan to "take action" without even showing the evidence), Pakistan actually had to pressure India to get that, India kept postponing the dates. And when they finally did provide the dossier, it was in Gujrati, yet another lame stalling tactic, as the dossier would need to be sent back to give them more time to fully doctor their details.

Even the final dossier is full of crap, a dozen terrorists India accused of being involved in the Mumbai attacks(and now hiding in Pakistan), were found to be in Indian jails, where they had been for years. India was clearly pulling names out of it's @$$. And if that's not enough, the much "overwhelming" evidence that India had that the state propaganda was drumming up, lists as "conclusive evidence" the "fact" that the terrorists were carrying dozens of soaps, shampoos, and other household items made by Pakistani companies. Almost every major soap brand is listed there, another thing they pulled out of thin air, makes it sound like the terrorists were considering setting up a department store in India.. perhaps sales weren't good, that might be why they had to resort to terrorism.

BBC News - India's "Most-Wanted" List Embarrasses Government
Paklink - Seriousness of Indian terrorist List Given to Pakistan
OneIndia.in - Pakistan Blows a Slap on India: 'Wanted Terrorists' List Rejected
Express Tribune - Second goof-up in India's 'most wanted' List

India clearly wasn't and isn't serious, their "evidence" is laughable, ridiculous, and pathetic. It isn't the first country to try to pull a false-flag, but it did pull a pathetic one that isn't even implemented very well. Hitler had his troops dress as Polish soldiers and attack his own German frontal positions, to provide him the excuse to attack Poland. The naive German population was in tears, over the cruel Polish attack. Israel is famous for pulling false-flag attacks on it's friends(India beware), like the way it attacked the unarmed American naval ship USS Liberty, trying to sink it and blame the Egyptians. They kept trying for hours but couldn't sink the bloody boat, so they meekly said it was an *accidental* misfire - the ship crew told a different tale, of American-made helicopters looming overhead with Israeli commandos, multiple torpedo attacks, etc. The Americans refused to investigate any further, and the people who lost their sons, fathers, husbands, get to live with patriotic pride in their great country.

The Mumbai incident was India's attempt to have it's own "9/11" false-flag operation, and use it to apply pressure at Pakistan at that time when Pakistan was under alot of pressure - the US had conducted a raid across the border around Landi Kotal and there was alot of problems over that. And right at that time, India has this "Mumbai attaaaak" and all of a sudden Pakistan's problems greatly exacerbate. They have a habit of doing this - in 2001 when Pakistan was under pressure because the US wanted to invade Afghanistan, India staged some attack on their parliament and used that as an excuse to amass on Pakistan's borders. They had no interest in investigating, and eventually no facts were ever found showing Pakistan doing that attack. They also faked multiple events during the Soviet invasion, jumping at excuses to line up on our Eastern borders when a super-power was amassing on our Western front(Red Army tanks build-up at Parachinar), working together to put pressure on Pakistan.

The only people who really buy into India's official propaganda version of the Mumbai attacks, are the gullible Indians themselves. Even the independent American media said the Mumbai attack was a failed, "botched" false-flag attack. It's only the Indians with their heads buried deep in the sand, that refuse to accept the facts and patriotically stand tall and defend their corrupt politicians, who continue to plunder rape them again and again and again. The media closely follows the government's propaganda line, and very few Indians seem to conduct research on their own and see things for what they are. It's a tragedy, because in the end, innocent human lives are lost, and people in high places of power and political office, feel they can play with innocent people's lives and get away with it. Here are links from the independent US media:

InfoWars - Mumbai False-Flag Attack update
InfoWars - Operation False-Flag, A Modern Primer
InfoWars - Gladio Reprise more False-Flag Operations

I don't expect any Indians to really see or comprehend the facts, facts and logic is often beyond them on things like these, they can continue to believe in their noble politicians. My intention was to present the facts, not to change the beliefs anyone is desperately clinging to. That, would be like trying to make the blind see. Tragic ignorance.
If zaid hamid has followers then i pity intellectual ability of those followers ..i consider them kids aged 15 ..
He does not piss us off at all.. Most Indians love him, because he keep spewing comic nonsesne that embarasses Pakistan.. Case (actuall 2 cases) in point ;)

We should give him a honorary gesture by allow him to sit at "All India Radio" studio one fine day morning as an RJ and let him to say.."good morning Pakistanis...this is Pakistan radio from New Delhi..".
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and As for Iran he [Iqbal] was the one who predicted coming of Khamini

hahahah. So now Iqbal is a some kind of Nostredamous? that he predicted the coming of the "dark lord" Khomeni.

Then Iqbal must have predicted that dark lord Khomeni will start Shia organizations in Pakistan like the militant Sipah mohammad, and others like ISO and TNFJ.

Wow. Your study of Iqbal is masterful! NOT!

I have read many but can't remember by name I will ask a scholar than tell you it was related to Afghanistan when he said if Mullash will be thrown out their will be no Islam left their

Many Mullahs do the selective reading of Iqbal as totally out of context. Mullah Zaid is not the first one to hijack and kidnap Iqbal and then suicide bomb his poetry.

hahahah. So now Iqbal is a some kind of Nostredamous? that he predicted the coming of the "dark lord" Khomeni.

Then Iqbal must have predicted that dark lord Khomeni will start Shia organizations in Pakistan like the militant Sipah mohammad, and others like ISO and TNFJ.

Wow. Your study of Iqbal is masterful! NOT!

Many Mullahs do the selective reading of Iqbal as totally out of context. Mullah Zaid is not the first one to hijack and kidnap Iqbal and then suicide bomb his poetry.


I'll ask again. What specifically has Zaid Sahab said or done to "suicide bomb" Allama Iqbal's poetry as you put it?

Can you give us one single example?

I've seen every episode of his two series on Iqbal(one on News One, other on Aaj TV), I found them to be unbelievably inspiring and spiritual(exact opposite of mullahiat, which is unthinking mechanical prayer for material/petty gains).
Zaid Hamid - Iqbal Zinda Rood !!! - YouTube

hahahah. So now Iqbal is a some kind of Nostredamous? that he predicted the coming of the "dark lord" Khomeni.

Then Iqbal must have predicted that dark lord Khomeni will start Shia organizations in Pakistan like the militant Sipah mohammad, and others like ISO and TNFJ.

Wow. Your study of Iqbal is masterful! NOT!

Many Mullahs do the selective reading of Iqbal as totally out of context. Mullah Zaid is not the first one to hijack and kidnap Iqbal and then suicide bomb his poetry.

Mr Zaid Hamid tells what Iqbal poetry tells if you have guts than prove him wrong if you can't than keep quite
Sir the same Iqbal defended Mullahs to in his poems specially in Persian poems

Mullah ko jo hay Hind main sajday ki ijazat

Nadan ye samajhta hay kay Islam hay azaad.
(Allama Iqbal)
Mullah ko jo hay Hind main sajday ki ijazat

Nadan ye samajhta hay kay Islam hay azaad.
(Allama Iqbal)
Mr I already know this Poem but he has also defend Mullahs in some of his poems
]hahahah. So now Iqbal is a some kind of Nostredamous? that he predicted the coming of the "dark lord" Khomeni.[/B]

Then Iqbal must have predicted that dark lord Khomeni will start Shia organizations in Pakistan like the militant Sipah mohammad, and others like ISO and TNFJ.

Wow. Your study of Iqbal is masterful! NOT!

Many Mullahs do the selective reading of Iqbal as totally out of context. Mullah Zaid is not the first one to hijack and kidnap Iqbal and then suicide bomb his poetry.


Allama Iqbal was a Sufi. He himself said, Maulana Rumi was his spiritual mentor
Allama Iqbal was a Sufi. He himself said, Maulana Rumi was his spiritual mentor
Sir when on earth he said himself a Sufi Sir in hi many poems he has criticized Sufis as well along with Mullahs in one poem he said that these sufis in time of war instead of asking people to fight start praying but never pick up sword

Allama Iqbal was a Sufi. He himself said, Maulana Rumi was his spiritual mentor
Yes he always took Molana Rumi as his mentor but never called himself sufi

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