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Zaid Hamid onIshq e Rasool of Dr. Allama M. Iqbal

Sir when on earth he said himself a Sufi Sir in hi many poems he has criticized Sufis as well along with Mullahs in one poem he said that these sufis in time of war instead of asking people to fight start praying but never pick up sword

Future of Pakistan (Insha Allah): Pakistan Kahani By Abdaal Bela (New)

Sir when on earth he said himself a Sufi Sir in hi many poems he has criticized Sufis as well along with Mullahs in one poem he said that these sufis in time of war instead of asking people to fight start praying but never pick up sword

Yes he always took Molana Rumi as his mentor but never called himself sufi

He and Quaid e Azam were both master of disguises. They never showed their real personality to public . He never called himself Sufi, But he was one.

Future of Pakistan (Insha Allah): Allama Iqbal: Spiritual Dimensions & Mystical Experiences (Part 1)

Future of Pakistan (Insha Allah): Allama Iqbal: Spiritual Dimensions & Mystical Experiences (Part 2)

For Zarvan.
Sir he never claimed himself a sufi nor was he a sufi first understand Sufism and other Stuff before talking Sir Iqbal was a pure Muslim main focus on reviving Muslim Ummah and showing them future path and as he saw what Jews were up to in west he already fore told many things
Zaid Hamid: I have done over a thousand shows. Show me ONE thing that I have said, that was anti-Islam, anti-Pakistan, or in any way against our cultural ethos.
Zaid Hamid with Faisal Rehman on Waqt News program Hot Line 11 July 2012 - YouTube

Same thing reflected on this forum. People berating him can't even point out a single reason WHY he's "bad". Mostly we have Indians, and indo-influenced kids who don't know any better, berating him. Indians feel a deep pinch on what he says, they try to twist his words to make him seem like a war monger.

But he's been perfectly clear - he believes INDIA will start the war. They've done so the past three times. And the Hadith he quotes is irrefutable as a Muslim, though Indians don't have to believe it.
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