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Zaid Hamid onIshq e Rasool of Dr. Allama M. Iqbal

Iqbal may have written poems in praise of Mohammed pbuh.

But the same Iqbal hated Mullahism. No wonder Mullahs used to accuse Iqbal for Kufr.
Iqbal may have written poems in praise of Mohammed pbuh.

But the same Iqbal hated Mullahism. No wonder Mullahs used to accuse Iqbal for Kufr.

I started taking interest in Islamic studies only after i read few poem by Iqbal Sahab.
I love the way of ISLAM as interpreted & explained by Allama Iqbal Sahab.His writtings & visionary poems are gems of mordern times. May Allah give him place in Jannat-ul-firdous & bless eternal peace to his soul.
Iqbal may have written poems in praise of Mohammed pbuh.

But the same Iqbal hated Mullahism. No wonder Mullahs used to accuse Iqbal for Kufr.
Sir the same Iqbal defended Mullahs to in his poems specially in Persian poems
Mr First Zaid Hamid is a lion but some secular slaves can't understand it because they don't have enough brain to understand it and one related to Afghanistan and also some other poems he defended Mullahs

Ok dear poster. You can make Zaid any type of animal.

You wanna make him lion, fine. make him whatever. perhaps a tiger, or even donkey.

So which of Iqbal's poems are praising Mooooolahs and Ayatoooooolahs.
Ok dear poster. You can make Zaid any type of animal.

You wanna make him lion, fine. make him whatever. perhaps a tiger, or even donkey.

So which of Iqbal's poems are praising Mooooolahs and Ayatoooooolahs.
I have read many but can't remember by name I will ask a scholar than tell you it was related to Afghanistan when he said if Mullash will be thrown out their will be no Islam left their

which ones?

point me to the poem that praises the loonies like Zaid.

and As for Iran he was the one who predicted coming of Khamini
People like zaid hamid by misusing name of Iqbal do great dis-service to his name
People like zaid hamid by misusing name of Iqbal do great dis-service to his name

Exactly !!

Hate mongering peoples like this Laal Topi who arrogantly considers him defense analyst/islamic visionary/spokeman of soviet fighters or any other fame seeker should banned be to use/interpret Precious works & legacy of Allama Iqbal.

Instead , Linguistics scholars & Religious philosophers should be sponsered & funded to study Allama sahab's literature.

Revival of Allama Iqbal's values & visions of Islam is a need of hour to counter mullahgiri & jihadi ideology!
People like zaid hamid by misusing name of Iqbal do great dis-service to his name

What specifically has he done, to do a dis-service to Iqbal?

He normally pisses Indians off because, unlike many other Pakistani "analysts" on the media, he isn't appologetic about Mumbai. He openly says that India doctored the evidence regarding that tragic incident, handed Pakistan ridiculously false dossiers, gave lists of Mumbai terrorists to Pakistan that were filled with names of people actually JAILED in Indian jails, when the Mumbai incident happened, stuff like that.

Indians can't refute his points like that, so they talk about his "topi"/cap. What disservice has Zaid Hamid done to Allama Iqbal?
What specifically has he done, to do a dis-service to Iqbal?

He normally pisses Indians off because

He does not piss us off at all.. Most Indians love him, because he keep spewing comic nonsesne that embarasses Pakistan.. Case (actuall 2 cases) in point ;)

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Why does Shaikh Zaid Hamid get under the skin of Indians so much ?

Seems like he sets their *** on Fire.
What specifically has he done, to do a dis-service to Iqbal?

He normally pisses Indians off because, unlike many other Pakistani "analysts" on the media, he isn't appologetic about Mumbai. He openly says that India doctored the evidence regarding that tragic incident, handed Pakistan ridiculously false dossiers, gave lists of Mumbai terrorists to Pakistan that were filled with names of people actually JAILED in Indian jails, when the Mumbai incident happened, stuff like that.

Indians can't refute his points like that, so they talk about his "topi"/cap. What disservice has Zaid Hamid done to Allama Iqbal?
I wonder if he really pisses indians off more than the pakistanis coz its the pakistanis who are his main audience not the indians.Indian come to know about him only through internet youtube videos.otherwise noone get to know him though massmedia tv channels as none gets those in india unlike pakistanis who have to tolerate him on tv,on internet on the roads in social life etc.And going by the opposition one sees against him in pakistan like in sialkot in multan one can easily conclude how much torture pakistani awam goes through by listening to his ear shattering blabbering.Seriously he does not need any mic for that.
Why does Shaikh Zaid Hamid get under the skin of Indians so much ?

Seems like he sets their *** on Fire.

Are u fking kidding me? use more brains and less arse....

Indians adore zaid hamid, hes our hero.

Y else would Pakistan ban him and Indians over the interweb protest for an encore?

His invigorating speeches put a smirk on every Indians faces , HEs so good I once though hes a raw agent..but sadly hes too stupid fr that.:smitten:

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