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Top 100 Ulima's Fatwa declares Operation Zarb-e-Azb as Jihad.

Do i look like an official representative of India here????? Mate leave it to me to decide on what to do or not to.....
No but all Indian responses are always in relation to India or what is happening in India...so far not 1 is in relation to the situation or what the thing really means...Like the word Jihad you used...Maybe in India it is understood as you used it but not on this side of the border! So yes you were representing Indian mentality!
I suggest you step out of the thread! Because what you wrote was really insensitive! and if you didnt want such a reaction you shouldnt have prodded it!

That is because of selective reading.... you read my posts (all of them ) then you would know what i meant.....( i clearly mentioned on the sentiments behind the word and how people misused it)
zarvan after reading your posts allah di kasam i just feel like shooting myself lol.
its just frustrating how badly his brian is washed!!!
its because of people like him that i now want a secular pakistan kasamey. if we stay the way we are then there will thousands of zarvans out there.
You try to go secular than you will millions and millions of Zarvan
zarvan after reading your posts allah di kasam i just feel like shooting myself lol.
its just frustrating how badly his brian is washed!!!
its because of people like him that i now want a secular pakistan kasamey. if we stay the way we are then there will thousands of zarvans out there.
and I talk facts you want to live in denial your choice the facts will soon brutally come to haunt you
Your operation led there creation your killing of them led the creation of those groups so the thing which led to there creation is not going to end no matter how much operations you do
So what will end it? How will it end?
Should we bow to them who is stopping the polio operation
Should we bow to those who kidnap and kill

How about those who come into the city and blow themselves and few others up?
What about the thing at the airport, do we need more of those to wake us up?

Please do tell me!
You are the same guy who opened a thread on becoming moderate right?
yeah i did
what does that have to do with anything?
being a moderate doesn't mean I'm going to listen to any bs you say about my religion. you basically attacked a very important tenant of our religion! you can say what you want now but your intentions weren't good when you made that post, thats why you got a bad response from me.
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yeah i did
what does that have to do with anything?
being a moderate doesn't mean I'm going to list n to any bs you say about my religion. you basically attacked a very important tenant of our religion! you can say what you want now but your intentions weren't good when you made that post, thats why you got a bad response from me.

I DIDNT (or that wasnt my intention).....You read my posts again.... in which i clearly mentioned in it....Well I never disrespect any religion or religious terms..... That is why i said you read all my posts in the first page you will understand the meaning of it
You try to go secular than you will millions and millions of Zarvan
Listen this has nothing to do with being secular! Brother I aint secular and for once I agree get rid of these people who are like a virus and spreading...if they feel no pain and remorse in ours dying why should we shed a tear for their dead?!

I am strictly talking about terrorist no one is harming the locals...in fact they were told to evacuate!

I DIDNT.....
then remove your post and keep out! Mind you Jihad has another meaning which Muslims understand and when people try to play the media card jihad vs jihad...well you are not only being insensitive but also prodding! You may understand it or not but that is what it is!

That is because of selective reading.... you read my posts (all of them ) then you would know what i meant.....( i clearly mentioned on the sentiments behind the word and how people misused it)
Yes we are aware how people use it so if I use baniya or something because people us it and crack a raw joke would it be insensitive of me? Yes it would be esp since we all know how the word is really used!
So what will end it? How will it end?
Should we bow to them who is stopping the polio operation
Should we bow to those who kidnap and kill

How about those who come into the city and blow themselves and few others up?
What about the thing at the airport, do we need more of those to wake us up?

Please do tell me!
Man to safe Pakistan you would have to compromise on many things now it will be slow painful process you have to talk and talk for lot of time break as many groups as you can try to break almost all but that is not going to happen so break as many involve all tribes involve most Ulemas of Deoband and Ahle Hadith and above all get rid of USA and stop being USA puppet slowly break groups and when only few hundred are left ask Tribals to wipe them out not use Army and Air Force to take out rest and also start implementation of Shariah because if you don't it you will have Taliban type groups rising from every part of Pakistan and war will increase
and I talk facts you want to live in denial your choice the facts will soon brutally come to haunt you
I'm waiting for your facts to come haunt me, i was i had the control to pakistan nucleus weapons because i would line all of the crazy terrorists and their supporters like yourself and denote a whole bomb over your guys.

zarvan i don't know if you realize this but what you say on this forum is actually pushing people away from islam. you have to open your eyes.
only allah knows best but i 100% sure that when somebody who is open minded and willing to learn about islam after they read what you write they will never become muslims!
and they might end up going to hell and that will be on your hands just so you know.
just imagine how many people you pushed away from islam, how many potential muslims who didn't convert or even bother to read about islam after reading what you write on here.
zarvan after reading your posts allah di kasam i just feel like shooting myself lol.
its just frustrating how badly his brian is washed!!!
its because of people like him that i now want a secular pakistan kasamey. if we stay the way we are then there will thousands of zarvans out there.
Bro...Why be angry over someone's choice? You made yours he made his...Only thing sensible would be one to debate without foul words! If not then leave this is an open forum no one is being forced on gun point :D
Listen this has nothing to do with being secular! Brother I aint secular and for once I agree get rid of these people who are like a virus and spreading...if they feel no pain and remorse in ours dying why should we shed a tear for their dead?!

I am strictly talking about terrorist no one is harming the locals...in fact they were told to evacuate!

then remove your post and keep out! Mind you Jihad has another meaning which Muslims understand and when people try to play the media card jihad vs jihad...well you are not only being insensitive but also prodding! You may understand it or not but that is what it is!

Yes we are aware how people use it so if I use baniya or something because people us it and crack a raw joke would it be insensitive of me? Yes it would be esp since we all know how the word is really used!

I normally do not comment on internal matters of Pakistan..... But when i saw this i thought this is a good step to keep those terrorists away.....and i mentioned very clearly that the word has been misused by people.... and by the way i dont intent to give further clarification on this, as my intention was good.. i explained to 3 posters in close to 10 posts....
I normally do not comment on internal matters of Pakistan..... But when i saw this i thought this is a good step to keep those terrorists away.....and i mentioned very clearly that the word has been misused by people.... and by the way i dont intent to give further clarification on this, as my intention was good.. i explained to 3 posters in close to 10 posts....
Yes you explained but i suggest you clear all those posts..coz anyone jumping in the thread will only read 1 post and get hyper no one reads more...heck some even jump OP and jump into the thread like skydiving! :enjoy:
I'm waiting for your facts to come haunt me, i was i had the control to pakistan nucleus weapons because i would line all of the crazy terrorists and their supporters like yourself and denote a whole bomb over your guys.

zarvan i don't know if you realize this but what you say on this forum is actually pushing people away from islam. you have to open your eyes.
only allah knows best but i 100% sure that when somebody who is open minded and willing to learn about islam after they read what you write they will never become muslims!
and they might end up going to hell and that will be on your hands just so you know.
just imagine how many people you pushed away from islam, how many potential muslims who didn't convert or even bother to read about islam after reading what you write on here.
I don't give a version which people's nafs wants Mr so sorry for that I would tell you reality and what Islam tells you want to shut your eyes you problem I am not going to change my views I read Quran and Sunnah on daily bases and try my level best to base my views on that USA detonated lot of bombs on so called my type of guys guess what we have increased more than reducing so sad for you
You try to go secular than you will millions and millions of Zarvan
i am secular and pakistan will be secular,
if there will be a million zarvan then there will be millions of bullets for all those zarvans as well.
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