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Top 100 Ulima's Fatwa declares Operation Zarb-e-Azb as Jihad.

No offence, but why are you wasting your time behind a keyboard when you belong in the field of operations? Why not shed blood yourself fighting against the armed forces of the very country that clothed, fed and nurtured you?
Thats like slapping a person with the slipper and going I didnt do it on purpose but the slipper jumped in my hand!
No offence, but why are you wasting your time behind a keyboard when you belong in the field of operations? Why not shed blood yourself fighting against the armed forces of the very country that clothed, fed and nurtured you?
When you don't know my views you are free to keep your mouth shut Mr
Pakistan was on the wrong side and if they will not get rid of USA they would be on the wrong side and I most Pakistanis give a dam about these firqa baaz who wouldn't had given this fatwa if the majority fighting in that areas would have been barelvis
do you want a fatwa from a wahabi or a salafi?
if i can get you a a fatwa from a wahabi or salafi that says that the war against ttp is jihad will you accept it then? will join pakistan army then to fight against ttp?
Huh?! 100 ulimas are all from the same sect?!
Yes all are barelvi molvis

do you want a fatwa from a wahabi or a salafi?
if i can get you a a fatwa from a wahabi or salafi that says that the war against ttp is jihad will you accept it then? will join pakistan army then to fight against ttp?
First ask them is it allowed in Islam to attack Muslims and become partner of kufar to attack Muslims I want them to answer that standing with me in front of Jali of ROZA E RASOOL SAW if they have balls to answer me there I would accept the answer
Yes all are barelvi molvis

First ask them is it allowed in Islam to attack Muslims and become partner of kufar to attack Muslims I want them to answer that standing with me in front of Jali of ROZA E RASOOL SAW if they have balls to answer me there I would accept the answer
its not ok to attack muslims, i will tell you that right now.
but its not ok to attack any innocent person weather he is a muslim or not.

pakistan attacked armed fighters who were actively engaging in war and were also kidnapping people for ransom and they are also involved in the drug trade.
these people how ever attack innocent mothers and children who are going to school.
so you tell me who is more justified?
if these people are muslims in your eyes then my friend you are deaf dumb and blind and there is no hope for you.
Yes all are barelvi molvis

First ask them is it allowed in Islam to attack Muslims and become partner of kufar to attack Muslims I want them to answer that standing with me in front of Jali of ROZA E RASOOL SAW if they have balls to answer me there I would accept the answer
How about this question:

Is it allowed in Islam to attack children and women or any civilian? Because that is what terrorists are doing and causing Pakistanis to live in a pathetic state!
its not ok to attack muslims, i will tell you that right now.
but its not ok to attack any innocent person weather he is a muslim or not.

the problem is that pakistan attacked armed fighters who were actively engaging in war and were also kidnapping people for ransom and they are also involved in the drug trade.
these people how ever attack innocent mothers and children who are going to school.
so you tell me who is more justified?
if these people are muslims in your eyes then my friend you are deaf dumb and blind and there is no hope for you.
No Sir stop lying Pakistan didn't attacked those Pakistani attacked Tribals who 98% were peaceful becuse USA ordered you to do so Musharraf chose to betray Muslims and Islam first and allow USA to attack Afghans and attacked our own Tribals on USA orders Imran Khan warned from day one not to enter Tribal areas other wise reaction would come but retard Muhsarraf was too arrogant to listen if that was not betrayal what Musharraf and forces on his order did than you are deaf dumb and blind

How about this question:

Is it allowed in Islam to attack children and women or any civilian? Because that is what terrorists are doing and causing Pakistanis to live in a pathetic state!
Both are wrong but who started this crap first who started those action sand did for 4 years which resulted in creation of TTP it was actions of Musharraf through his forces which led to creation of TTP and other groups and the reaction which came so the thing which started the fire will never solve it
why would it be called that?
what ttp is doing is not jihad but terrorism sponsored by our bitter neighbors.
if these ulemas declared pakistans operation against terrorists as jihad then thats what it is.

well technically your on some bullshit.
you saying jihad on jihad is same as you saying jihad on islam.
in fact your tiny brian can't probably even understand the meaning of jihad.
jihad is a struggle with yourself, there is a greater jihad and a lesser jihad. war is the lesser jihad. and it is only jihad when your defending yourself.
state sponsored terrorism by india is not jihad.

I am not going to respond to your personal attack, and i have made it clear to the person i quoted and he got what i meant with that post....... If you could come from that high horse and read my second post with a calm mind probably you will get what i meant..... Now do not bring India to it (if your intention is not to start a troll war here)

You are the same guy who opened a thread on becoming moderate right?
No Sir stop lying Pakistan didn't attacked those Pakistani attacked Tribals who 98% were peaceful becuse USA ordered you to do so Musharraf chose to betray Muslims and Islam first and allow USA to attack Afghans and attacked our own Tribals on USA orders Imran Khan warned from day one not to enter Tribal areas other wise reaction would come but retard Muhsarraf was too arrogant to listen if that was not betrayal what Musharraf and forces on his order did than you are deaf dumb and blind
pakistan didn't attack tribals my friend!!
pakistan attacked hostile militants who were dis obeying the state, they were sending weapons and terrorists using our land as a safe haven for terrorists!!
tribal people are part of pakistan and they are also part of our army.
who told you that pakistan attacked tribal civilians?
is it against islam to attack armed fighters who kidnap children for ransom, sell drugs, sell weapons to terrorists, bomb masjids and schools?

I am not going to respond to your personal attack, and i have made it clear to the person i quoted and he got what i meant with that post....... If you could come from that high horse and read my second post with a calm mind probably you will get what i meant..... Now do not bring India to it (if your intention is not to start a troll war here)

You are the same guy who opened a thread on becoming moderate right?
if you don't want to bring india into it then don't make stupid posts
just observe and read.
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Both are wrong but who started this crap first who started those action sand did for 4 years which resulted in creation of TTP it was actions of Musharraf through his forces which led to creation of TTP and other groups and the reaction which came so the thing which started the fire will never solve it
Ok so the creation of TTP and other groups was bad right? so why cant we attack the bad? How is trying to get rid of the bad a bad thing?
if you don't want to bring india into it then don't make stupid posts
just observe and read.

Do i look like an official representative of India here????? Mate leave it to me to decide on what to do or not to.....

But then we are not discussing the topic, and you are getting personal.... So let us stop it here before going further off topic
pakistan didn't attack tribals my friend!!
pakistan attacked hostile militants who were dis obeying the state, they were sending weapons and terrorists using our land as a safe haven for terrorists!!
tribal people are part of pakistan and they are also part of our army.
who told you that pakistan attacked tribal civilians?
is it against islam to attack armed fighters who kidnap children for ransom, sell drugs, sell weapons to terrorists, bomb mastoids and schools?
Pakistanis attacked Tribals Pakistanis attacked Muslims we sold Muslims to USA even that retard Musharraf admitted it and even those so called terrorists no where were proven terrorists if USA calls someone terrorists doesn't make him one you didn't attacked kidnappers or that kind of people you attacked Muslims living in Tribal areas ethnically tribals and Afghans to please Master USA yes it is against Islam to become partners of kufar to attack and kill Muslims you want to live in denial your choice but this will only increase the problem and you will see it yourself
I am not going to respond to your personal attack, and i have made it clear to the person i quoted and he got what i meant with that post....... If you could come from that high horse and read my second post with a calm mind probably you will get what i meant..... Now do not bring India to it (if your intention is not to start a troll war here)

You are the same guy who opened a thread on becoming moderate right?
I suggest you step out of the thread! Because what you wrote was really insensitive! and if you didnt want such a reaction you shouldnt have prodded it!
Ok so the creation of TTP and other groups was bad right? so why cant we attack the bad? How is trying to get rid of the bad a bad thing?
Your operation led there creation your killing of them led the creation of those groups so the thing which led to there creation is not going to end no matter how much operations you do
No Sir stop lying Pakistan didn't attacked those Pakistani attacked Tribals who 98% were peaceful becuse USA ordered you to do so Musharraf chose to betray Muslims and Islam first and allow USA to attack Afghans and attacked our own Tribals on USA orders Imran Khan warned from day one not to enter Tribal areas other wise reaction would come but retard Muhsarraf was too arrogant to listen if that was not betrayal what Musharraf and forces on his order did than you are deaf dumb and blind

Both are wrong but who started this crap first who started those action sand did for 4 years which resulted in creation of TTP it was actions of Musharraf through his forces which led to creation of TTP and other groups and the reaction which came so the thing which started the fire will never solve it
zarvan after reading your posts allah di kasam i just feel like shooting myself lol.
its just frustrating how badly his brian is washed!!!
its because of people like him that i now want a secular pakistan kasamey. if we stay the way we are then there will thousands of zarvans out there.
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