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Zaid Hamid on Russian Television

Even though I'm not a fan of ZH, but here, he has given a deep and thought provoking analysis.

Know your Enemy, Decide your Ways, Ignorance is Ignorance, Not a Blessing.

May Allah SWT be the protector of Pakistan and it's people. Ameen
Excellent, ZH will save Pakistan, defeat Nato, rule Delhi and bring back Taliban to Afghanistan.

God willing, I mean weather permitting.

At topic - this guy is smart, always speaks what the street wants to hear, NEVER says anything that will displease the people naturally inclined and trained to shout slogans. He made a mistake during the Zaman days, but he learned from it. He knows which side of the bread is buttered.
well Zaid Hamid was once upon a time an idol for many people in Pakistan. Later on that idol was destroyed by his extremist views about India and his affiliation with Yusuf Kazab since majority in Pakistan wants peace and peaceful relationships with all nations.

Now after being underground for almost an year he is back on TV and redeveloping his opinion on different issues. Some what making sense once again but people like myself would probably never trust him again. He is an attention seeker, kind of story writer and a mad man on certain issues. But today he is making sense
The guy is a dilemma. Sometimes his words makes great sense, but then he destroys it all with the ever so frequent anti this anti that rants.
LOL. same old word of accusing this accusing that. Thank god he didn't talk about conquest of Delhi.
9 'armoured infantry' divisions? Their equipment is stacked in Pakistan? That's a lot of equipment!

Difficult to believe. Nice to have some facts.

He should learn to talk a little slower and quiter.
He's a Pakistani nationalist and I support all Pakistani nationalists. We need more nationalists like him.

Haters gonna hate but Patriotic Pakistanis love Zaid Hamid !!!
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