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Z-20 Utility Helicopter News & Discussions

How about making something like an Osprey helo version?

If they get one osprey from somewhere they might make it. No guarantee if it will have same performance but yes it will look same. Chinese have mastered the art of making fakes. As usual no correct specifications will be given since all of these are secrets lolzz.
Red Hawk will have navy and rescue version in the future, which means a huge market for 1500 units plus. This will be sold to any nation who can't afford to buy black Hawk meanwhile want its very performance..


USA might feel very regret sold China S70 in 1980s.

They say it's less noisy.
Think V-44 instead of V-22. :lol:



you know what I don't care what people say about copying or what not.

Even if we are the only nation in the history of the world that copies, it's still ok.

We copy because it works. We copy to make sure we can reduce casualties, we copy for peace, we copy because we are a glorious and proud people and intent to stay that way.

I would rather be the unethical dude that's winning wars, then the ethical dude getting conquered.

True. 千方百計
Exactly. I'm expecting innovation not imitation. And that poster who claims copying for peace. You know we got the Japanese Zero fighter plane that crashed in WW2 and we learned from it, its strengths and weaknesses. We made the Hellcat which is not a copy of the Japanese Zero but something to defeat the Zero.

Got a CH47 decades ago from the Vietnam war, you think China would have made something different and better by that time.
also thanks to the Iraqi defector who hijacked the Mig21, and flew to Israel.... its weaknesses were learnt and had a role in Israel's total victory and it was not really a fight in the air but a clubbing the seals event.

I don't think making an Osprey is easy.
there might be one in the workshop being built and panted at the moment
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If someone invented an umbrella, Chinese don't need to re-invent it but make improvements. That is also an innovative process.
wrong analogy

this shows lack of thought and blatant and mind numbing propensity of copying
it hurts me to say it but come on China .. there is a limit to everything

where is the originality gone?
all that millennium old heritage of beautiful, paintings and porcelain culturally, gardens, architecture and art lost in the sands of time? where is all the creativity gone?

I cringe with disappointment when I see yet another plagiarism and recoil even more when my fellow countrymen have wet dreams that these Chinese rip off will help us in Ghazwa e Hind and our world conquest.
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wrong analogy

this shows lack on thought and blatant and mind numbing propensity of copying
it hurts me to say it but come on China .. there is a limit to everything

where is the originality gone?
all that millennium old heritage of beautiful, paintings and porcelain culturally, gardens, architecture and art lost in the sands of time? where is all the creativity gone?

I cringe with disappointment when I see yet another plagiarism and recoil even more when my fellow countrymen have wet dreams that these Chinese rip off will help us in Ghazwa e Hind and our world conquest.
This baby will solve lots of problem that cause hundreds of casualty of our precious pilots. I wanna reiterate here that Z20 is not a copy(engine, paddle, electronic devise, control interface, aerodynamic configuration), it just take S70 for some reference. Our destroyer could carry two Z20 navy version for anti-sub mission instead of carring ONE Z9 or K31. iT'S a great leap to PLA army and marine, hope you could understand. PA officers will be invited to take on board of Z2O and they will tell how it feels sometime in the future. Chinese weapon sure is not the top notch in the world range, but it offers all Pakistan takes to defend its very land. The most sincere of a friendship is not whether your friend offers you the best in the world, but to offers the best he has. Pakistan and China are Brother country forever.

And THAT'S why the Chinese will always be two or three steps behind the West. Never a creator, only a cheap knock-off. Their stuff is like the knock-off Rolexs' you can buy in Chinatown in New York. They look nice, they're dirt cheap, but two weeks later they have springs and cogs flying out all over.
sourgrape, take it easy.

U will have to wait for the Americans to build it first.Then u can copy it.
what we care is whether it works. How you gonna deal with CHina, copyright infringement?

wrong analogy

this shows lack on thought and blatant and mind numbing propensity of copying
it hurts me to say it but come on China .. there is a limit to everything
where is the originality gone?
all that millennium old heritage of beautiful, paintings and porcelain culturally, gardens, architecture and art lost in the sands of time? where is all the creativity gone?

I cringe with disappointment when I see yet another plagiarism and recoil even more when my fellow countrymen have wet dreams that these Chinese rip off will help us in Ghazwa e Hind and our world conquest.
We are lagging behind too much makes it very difficult to innovate, we will see lots of new stuff rolling out in the future. Be patient, my friend.
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There are more helicopters in the pipeline。

China will roll out 8-10 types of conventional and “unconventional” choppers over the next 5 years。

Interesting time ahead。:D
Those who think that Z-20 is a copy of the Black Hawk need to have their heads examined。

Chinese are calling Z-20 a replicate of the UH-60 only to make fun of those dunderheads。

By the way,Indians need not reply。You lot can't even make a working rifle。:rofl:
And THAT'S why the Chinese will always be two or three steps behind the West. Never a creator, only a cheap knock-off. Their stuff is like the knock-off Rolexs' you can buy in Chinatown in New York. They look nice, they're dirt cheap, but two weeks later they have springs and cogs flying out all over.

Your assessement is completely wrong: the one who can't make will never have chance to leapfog such as India's case: these people are condamed to buy and to be depend on western nations for ever on military procuments. We Chineses already proved with intention not only to catch up the western with our J-20 and J-31 that are still on development stages, but also "try" to be at the podium of leading edge technologies: we have no hesitation to undertake the stealthy unmanned fighter project to answer U.S X-47...copying is just a warming up process for our engineers and scientists before give them the challenging tasks.

And do you know that with Chinese's cheap knock-off junk had virtually banckrupted American civilian manufacturing industries because American people don't care, they just want affordable cheap chinese good than expensive one's made in America...same go to Satellite launch business, South America such Boliva, Brazil and other african countries used Chinese cheap knock of sat launch service instead the expensive western counterpart. I dare to say that eventually with Chinese military knock off toys, we will eventually make its affordable to this world and bankrup U.S militaro-complexe the same fashion.
I don't have 'sour grapes.' Why should I ? WE'RE the innovators. Chinese are the cheap knock-offs. YOU are the one who should be bummed out. Not an innovative bone in you.:china:
Was that before you copied a bunch of British designs during the emergence as an industrial power. Or was it after you stole a bunch of German designs after World War II? How's stealing European technological and commercial secrets through the NSA going for you?

Do you ever look in the mirror before calling someone ugly?

And THAT'S why the Chinese will always be two or three steps behind the West. Never a creator, only a cheap knock-off. Their stuff is like the knock-off Rolexs' you can buy in Chinatown in New York. They look nice, they're dirt cheap, but two weeks later they have springs and cogs flying out all over.
For a country less than 250 years old, you sure throw around the term "always" pretty liberally. China had been one of the most technologically advanced civilization, if not the most, for the past two millenniums. We only fell behind starting in the 18th century. The British once accused you of being the same "copy cat". I love how you claim we never "create" anything. Perhaps you never used paper, gunpowder, compass or read a printed book in your life? You should consider completing the 10th grade before embarrassing yourself.
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...Perhaps you never used paper, gunpowder, compass or read a printed book in your life? You should consider completing the 10th grade before embarrassing yourself.

This is the same argument muslims make about how advanced they WERE. Paper ? Great !! But what have you done in the last 2000 years ? Squat, that's what.
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