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Z-20 Utility Helicopter News & Discussions

This is the same argument muslims make about how advanced they WERE. Paper ? Great !! But what have you done in the last 2000 years ? Squat, that's what.
More than you could swallow for a guy from a country that only has some 2oo plus years history.

Now leave this thread before i report you trolling and deviating thread.

Time to sleep as its mid night of washington time.

I guess you are a false flag or some random Indian employee makes ends meet in US.

let's back to topic, when will Z20 being inducted?
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Exactly. I'm expecting innovation not imitation. And that poster who claims copying for peace. You know we got the Japanese Zero fighter plane that crashed in WW2 and we learned from it, its strengths and weaknesses. We made the Hellcat which is not a copy of the Japanese Zero but something to defeat the Zero.

Got a CH47 decades ago from the Vietnam war, you think China would have made something different and better by that time.

besides, the CCP approving only 'Copy' projects is actually an insult to Chinese engineers and their Industry. I'm quite convinced that in there are people with real brains and talent who can come up with truly original stuff. But because their bosses have a policy of funding only copy projects they spend all their time looking at photos and drafting and get the bad reputation for being 'cheap copycats'. This is stupid and sets in place a wrong culture that'll take a long time to go away.
This is the same argument muslims make about how advanced they WERE. Paper ? Great !! But what have you done in the last 2000 years ? Squat, that's what.
In the last 2000 years? How about being the dominant power in Asia until the 18th century?

Too distant for you? How about having the world's largest industry output today?

I was thinking you were ignorant, but now you're going into the stupid territory.

Agreed I'm going to start banning since the threads been derailed.

On topic this is a excellent stride for us older S-70's and Mi-17 can be replaced, Y-20 and Z-20 will enhance our transportation/lift capabilities especially in Xizang.
There are more helicopters in the pipeline。

China will roll out 8-10 types of conventional and “unconventional” choppers over the next 5 years。

Interesting time ahead。:D

Unconventional is right. Z-20 is just the tip of the iceberg.




Where you think he got the name V-44 from?

V-44 Quad Tiltrotor (QTR) concept helicopter : theBRIGADE



Possible C130 gunship replacement.



In wind tunnel test.


Added bonus, a girl pic in the link.
Isn't it designed by Boeing?

On topic this is a excellent stride for us older S-70's and Mi-17 can be replaced, Y-20 and Z-20 will enhance our transportation/lift capabilities especially in Xizang.
I don't think China should quickly replace the Mi-17.

The Z-20 could supplement the Mi-17 fleet. If so, China will have a huge number of helicopters.
Isn't it designed by Boeing?

I don't think China should quickly replace the Mi-17.

The Z-20 could supplement the Mi-17 fleet. If so, China will have a huge number of helicopters.

Z-20 is still in prototype stage, Mi-17/171 will not be replaced so soon they have their own sets of capabilities. But it is clear China wants to get rid of any product it imported with its own in time as the technologies mature and product becomes available for in house mass development. Z-9/Z-10/Z-11/Z-19/Z-20 will continue to operate for the purpose they are developed. Personally I would like to see Z-9W [gunship] replaced with Z-19 with a 23-30mm auto cannon mounted.
The former boss of AVIC visits Harbin Aircraft Co. Ltd.


See Z-20 in the background? :hitwall::azn::D
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