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Your favorite drink in pakistan?

Kashmiri Chai
Pathan ki Doodhpatti
All kind of lassi
Fresh falsa sharbat with sprite.
Mint Nimbu Pani with crushed ice, sprite and black salt.
Sanda Tael

The man, Muhammad Nasir, is a vendor of lizard oil, a topically applied ointment used to “treat” erectile dysfunction in Pakistan – a sort of liquid Viagra. He has been selling the oil in Rawalpindi city’s historic Raja Bazar marketplace for five years. The oil, locally known as “sanda tael”, is extracted from the roasted fat of Indian spiny-tailed lizards and is sold by indigenous healers and street peddlers.

Thank me later 👍🏽😎
Sanday ka tael is complete BS, there are many reasons for ED and one of the most common is Venous leak and there is no cure for it.
Anybody who misses Gola Ganda or still eats it?
When I travel to Pakistan, I'm always offered black label with cola by friends and relatives.

After all these years they don't understand that Pakistani chai is my favourite drink of choice 😒
Coke Zero. Almost 1 can a day for the past one year now. It's too addictive. Can't find an alternative.
The problem with that is it's unhygienic the way it's sold on streets. And there is no way we can extract cane juice at homes because it's a nasty work and you need a big machine.
Had it been hygienic its a very refreshing drink and lots of health benefits.
Jitna ghalees utna lazeez 😂
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