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Your favorite drink in pakistan?

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i just bought it today for 2.50gbp buht mengha but tasty. in pakistan i drank lots of sting very addictive.

I tried this once and it tasted like cough medicine. I don’t like it.


On it’s own Pakola is terrible, but if you make doodh soda with it, it blows doodh soda with coke/sprite out of the water.
i like those street vendors who make real narr drink you rarely get that in uk and if you do you pay like 6 to 9 pound very expensive. Thats wat makes pakistan unique.
i like gorr brown sugar chai.
My favorite drinks are bubble up soda/local lemon bottal, sardai, and I love homemade falsa juice with a touch of lemon.
i know this is drink post but i like buckay kidney and ogery that towel meat i am hungry now.

pakistan has sprite mint i cant find that in uk.
in uk this best but abit pricy.

they used to do lemonade locuzade but stopped theres a petition to get it bak.
My mother doesn't consider herself as 'real' Punjabi. She is from Attock.
Well attock is barely a punjab. It's the border of punjab and KPK. Maybe you have a different version of lassi there. Come to mainland punjab if you want to try real lassi.

By the way, surprised that nobody mentioned Ganay ka Ras (sugar cane juice).
The problem with that is it's unhygienic the way it's sold on streets. And there is no way we can extract cane juice at homes because it's a nasty work and you need a big machine.
Had it been hygienic its a very refreshing drink and lots of health benefits.
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