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Your favorite drink in pakistan?

Best childhood drink ever but I believe it is not available anymore

what about those other drinks that uncles recommend for suhag night.
what about those other drinks that uncles recommend for suhag night.

Just take any multi vitamin which contains Zinc.

Daily recommended requirement for Zinc:
Men - 11 mg
Women - 8 mg

1 large boiled egg zinc content - 0.5 mg

Don't overdose.
dhoodh patthi
Yakhnee I drink as makes you strong
Lassi is a must
Lime & water

I tend to stay away from fizzy drinks though Pepsi tastes much better than Pepsi / Coca Cola in UK , Pakistani coca-cola is horrible and not a patch on the UK version .

Sting my school friend takes as a mixer for he’s sharaab
Sanda Tael

The man, Muhammad Nasir, is a vendor of lizard oil, a topically applied ointment used to “treat” erectile dysfunction in Pakistan – a sort of liquid Viagra. He has been selling the oil in Rawalpindi city’s historic Raja Bazar marketplace for five years. The oil, locally known as “sanda tael”, is extracted from the roasted fat of Indian spiny-tailed lizards and is sold by indigenous healers and street peddlers.

Thank me later 👍🏽😎
what about those other drinks that uncles recommend for suhag night.
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