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Young Doctors Demand Rights In Punjab

JANA.............i advice you to go to some GOVT hospital and see how the life of a house officer ND PG trainee is going on then come back and argue

FYI i know very well what is the situation at Govt Hospitals and what is the role of govt doctors. i also know that how govt doctors are simply ignoring patients at govt hospital and refer them to their PRIVATE clinics .
oh wow the govt should have sent thousands of patients to private hospitals and borne the charges just because the blackmailer doctors on tax payer money are on strike??

why the govt should not hire new doctors who are willing to work against the same salary these protesting doctors are getting .

no one is willing to work

Govt called doctors posted in rural areas to come and serve in cities. They simply replied with their resignations
Jana sometimes it's better to stay quiet when you don't know what you are talking about. The fallout of it is that you come across as a complete fool.

You have no idea about the curricula, pay structure, benefits, let alone hard work and persevrance. Kindly do not compare medicine with engineering and least of all commerce. If they were all equal, First World countries would not have higher points for medicine.

As for your last line, yeah, think about it, I was saying that since you want doctors to be bred like rabbits, you derserve those only because they'll be so eager for a job they'll agree to any amount of pay... the intelligent ones, who know they deserve better should not be treating people liek you at all who cannot appreciate them.

One should not go beyond limit to defend the thugs and prove him or herself more fool than others.

and its laughable you are talking about curricula and making it a basis for terming doctors more deserving than others no matter in how many attempts they have passed the exams in Pakistan ;)

secondly PAKISTAN IS NOT first world country or anywhere near them neither 90% of our doctors as much professionals as theirs so the day when we come on a par with FIRST WORLD countries viz a viz healthcare we should come up with such claims otherwise blindly supporting majority of those doctors who are naim hakeem is merely emotionalism.

2. a Good doctor dont care if you appreciate him or not he is going to treat his patients. above all those who deserve appreciation are applauded not those who are trainees and still want to black mail for money and kill people
One should not go beyond limit to defend the thugs and prove him or herself more fool than others.

and its laughable you are talking about curricula and making it a basis for terming doctors more deserving than others no matter in how many attempts they have passed the exams in Pakistan ;)

secondly PAKISTAN IS NOT first world country or anywhere near them neither 90% of our doctors as much professionals as theirs so the day when we come on a par with FIRST WORLD countries viz a viz healthcare we should come up with such claims otherwise blindly supporting majority of those doctors who are naim hakeem is merely emotionalism.

2. a Good doctor dont care if you appreciate him or not he is going to treat his patients. above all those who deserve appreciation are applauded not those who are trainees and still want to black mail for money and kill people

Sweetheart, keep living in your little Blunderland.

I am done arguing with someone who doesn't know one thing abt the issue, but feels it's their right to churn out an opinion. Bye!
Your use of the term "blackmailer" is highly offensive.

Journalists are also well known for their black-mailing tactics and for far longer, should i use the same term whenever a journalist comes in?

Bibi you are free to use the term because there are many blackmailers in the media and 50% media houses use the blackmailing tactics whenever they have to for their vested interests.
Doctors’ strike: 22 patients die across Punjab
Published: April 3, 2011


Doctors across Punjab continued their strike Sunday, while unattended patients continued to suffer at hospitals across the province. A total of 22 patients have died across Punjab due to the strike.

Three more patients died in the Nishtar Hospital bringing the death toll in Multan alone to 17, while a patient died in Faisalabad in the morning after being denied medical care.

More than 700 protesting doctors have resigned so far, as the Punjab government has refused to give in to their demands. The provincial government has also announced it will recruit new doctors at public hospitals to fill the vacancies. However, only 350 doctors have applied for the post, who will be interviewed today (Sunday).

Sources say that senior doctors have also gone on strike to support the young doctors. Only two doctors are on duty at the Allied Hospital Faisalabad.

The General Body of the Young Doctors Association has refused to call off their strike until their demands are met.

Blood is on Shahbaz Sharif’s hands says Riaz

Opposition Leader in the Punjab Assembly Raja Riaz said on Saturday that he would seek to lodge murder cases against Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif because he was responsible for the deaths that occurred during the ongoing doctors’ strike.

Riaz told The Express Tribune that Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) workers would collect data from each hospital about deaths during the strike. They would also reach out to families who had lost loved ones and put them in touch with party legislators to help them seek legal remedy. He said that he would visit police stations personally and seek to get cases registered against the chief minister. If the police refused, he would move the Lahore High Court, he said.

Law Minister Rana Sanaullah brushed off the threat, saying that he hoped that the opposition leader would not object if cases were registered against the federal government over deaths in federal government hospitals in the Punjab.

Blame it on Sharif

Riaz said that the escalation of the standoff between the provincial government and the Young Doctors Association was all down to Sharif. At 4pm on March 31, he said, the YDA Punjab and Senior Advisor Sardar Zulifqar Khosa had reached a deal to end the strike.

The two sides signed a agreement, Riaz said, adding that he had seen a copy of it provided to him by the YDA. He said it was agreed that the chief minister would announce the deal at 9pm that same day. Meanwhile, he said, the YDA announced that the strike was over.

But before 9pm, Riaz claimed, the chief minister was “deliberately misled” by Health Secretary Fawad Hassan Fawad about the contents of the agreement. “Sharif always relies on the briefings of the bureaucracy. He thinks they are the only ones who can solve the problems of the province,” he said.

He said that a YDA Punjab delegation went to the chief minister’s officer at 90, The Mall, to meet Sharif. But when they got there, they were told the meeting had been cancelled. The YDA Punjab called Khosa, but he did not answer his mobile phone, Riaz said. Later that night, the YDA Punjab announced the resumption of their strike.

“The chief minister is very arrogant; he thinks he’s a Mughal emperor. He snubbed the YDA Punjab and because of his stubbornness, dozens of patients have died,” Riaz said. “It’s in his psyche to solve every problem through brutal police torture.”

He added that he would ask the Punjab Assembly speaker to summon the chief minister to attend a special session of the assembly on the issue.

Law Minister Sanaullah said that Riaz’s statement had “exposed those behind the doctors’ strikes” and that his party would suffer for bringing doctors into politics. He said that Riaz should not talk about the doctors, but answer questions instead about the “petrol bomb” the federal government had set off.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 03rd, 2011.
Doctors can protest in a civilized way not by killing innocent poor.

Their boycott of duty has killed more than 20 people in one day.

:angry: fk these docs and hire others there are plenty of doctors in Pakistan breeding like anything
Same to u.....

هم كسى كے پيو كے ملازم نهيں هيں we go thru the hardest studies & training,,, work 24-36 hr shifts without sleeping,, We have week long duties at hospitals where we have to stay at hospital for the week & get our sleep disturbed again-&-again by patient's relatives for even trivial sneeze & cough...

It's our profession whereby we make livlihood,,, like anyother profession,,,

& when I completed my studies pay for house-officer was Rs.6300/-. & where u gonna get NEW recruits,,,!!! all doctors are together in this.

& there are many more stories of jahiliyat of ppl towards doctors ,,, not even worth getting a headache .

= = = =
Next time u have any Journalist coming to u for treatment ,,,, all doctors should refuse treatment to these journalists.
Citizens suffer as doctors shut emergency wards

* Young doctors allegedly beat senior doctors who wanted to perform their duties

* Affected people demand legal action against those doctors who are on strike

Staff Report

LAHORE: Citizens burst out against doctors on strike demanding strict action and registration of FIRs for murder against those who forced closure of emergency wards in hospitals across the provincial capital.

A large number of citizens kept knocking doors of different hospitals on Friday after the young doctors’ leaders reached all key hospitals’ emergencies and forced the management to shut down all emergency wards since the government was not ready to meet their demands during the negotiations on Thursday.

This is considered the worst strike by doctors in the history of Pakistan and a large number of patients, including those who received serious injuries in road accidents, those injured due to mishaps in their houses, seriously ill men, women and children as well as victims of shooting kept waiting for treatment outside different hospitals. The young doctors not only forced the closure of different wards but they went on to beat and torture the senior doctors who decided to save precious human lives and were ready to perform their duties.

This eventually led to all the senior doctors threatening to resign from their jobs if the government could not manage to protect them from the wrath of renegade doctors.

No police force or law enforcers were deployed at the hospitals by the government, which led to the manhandling and threat to the senior doctors who were still serving the poor patients in dire conditions and under threats by the protesting doctors.

However, emergencies of all hospitals, including Ganga Ram, Mayo Hospital, Services Hospital, Lahore General Hospital and Jinnah Hospital, remained partially or fully closed throughout the day and the patients were forced to rush to private hospitals in order to save their lives.
The patients as well as senior doctors have stated that the government did not play its due role in the crisis, which took a bizarre shape leaving all those visiting the hospitals for immediate medical relief at the mercy of death.

They added that majority of the doctors did want to allow the closure of these wards, especially the emergencies, because it was against the ethics and the Hippocratic Oath, which each of them had taken and according to which they were bound to protect human lives irrespective of what the situation was.

They said that a small minority had forcibly hijacked the whole community and they were not only earning a bad name for the doctors’ community but also committing crimes against humanity by deliberately exploiting the death and suffering of poor citizens and using it as a tool to force the government to kneel down against their demands.

Dr Rana Suhail, who represents another group of young doctors, told Daily Times that his friends had told the group beforehand who went for the forced closure of the wards that it was an inhumane act and would earn bad name to the respected community.

He added that all doctors had the same demands but his group did not agree with the modus operandi of those forcing closure of wards and denying treatment to the poor patients. Dr Suhail further said that the whole community has been hijacked by a few and they label everybody who disagrees with them a “traitor”.

Allama Iqbal Medical College Principal Prof Dr Javed Akram told Daily Times that Jinnah Hospital’s emergency ward was the only one that stayed open throughout the day but in dire conditions since a large number of doctors were absent.

He said that it was time for the government to decide, one way or the other, if it was serious in ending the ordeal and plight of the poor patients. He said, “A number of patients might go to private hospitals for treatments but not everybody could afford the costly treatments and the public hospitals were far well-equipped than any private medical facility.”

He said that he personally remained involved in treatment of dozens of citizens who rushed to the hospital emergency along with other senior professors and registrars, since the renegade doctors respected their teachers in the hospital and did not try to manhandle them.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
I totally understand Doctor's Point of view but what's the fault of aam awam in this?People are dying and these doctors are on streets.Go back to hospital.Work on your patients.Doctors should be held responsible for these 18 deaths and tried for criminal negligence .I've dealt with government doctors and they way they talk with people is just disgusting.Their attitude is even worse then Police.
....* Young doctors allegedly beat senior doctors who wanted to perform their duties

....... This eventually led to all the senior doctors threatening to resign from their jobs if the government could not manage to protect them from the wrath of renegade doctors.


journalism at it's worst,,, their grudge & desperation showing how far can they go to skew the news,,, & then they have guts to point fingers towards docs...

ALL senior docs are with juniors & are well respected... They haven't forgotten what journalists did to them at Jinnah Hosp... They beat up MY PRINCIPAL,,,,,,,,

Same to u... garbage minded lady... u deserve to die sickening deaths in ur miserable disease... especially journalists., who harm Pak-Watan by all sorts of senseless & careless reporting.

هم كسى كے پيو كے ملازم نهيں هيں we go thru the hardest studies & training,,, work 24-36 hr shifts without sleeping,, We have week long duties at hospitals where we have to stay at hospital for the week & get our sleep disturbed again-&-again by patient's relatives for even trivial sneeze & cough...

It's our profession whereby we make livlihood,,, like anyother profession,,,

& when I completed my studies pay for house-officer was Rs.6300/-. & where u gonna get NEW recruits,,,!!! all doctors are together in this.

& there are many more stories of jahiliyat of ppl towards doctors ,,, not even worth getting a headache for such stupids.

= = = =
Next time u have any Journalist coming to u for treatment ,,,, all doctors should refuse treatment to these scum bags.

There is an ignore user option, it's about time you used it ;)

You are simply hitting your head against a wall. Don't go down to their level

---------- Post added at 08:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 PM ----------

liar journalism at it's worst,,, their grudge & desperation showing how far can they go to skew the news,,, & then they have guts to point fingers towards docs...

ALL senior docs are with juniors & are well respected... They haven't forgotten what journalists did to them at Jinnah Hosp... They beat up MY PRINCIPAL,,, If I ever saw a journalist I'll literally knock her down,,,,,

NO SERVICE FOR JOURNALISTS ANY MORE,,,, we'll see how they'll come begging back to us,,,

"Allegedly" was the key word. :D
....they are not doing all this for charity rather for their own future.

and this BS of serving humanity ...
u r very right ,,, we don't do it for CHARITY,,, it's our source of livlihood & we won't do this hard service for peanuts...

& we have NO intension to serve humanity... this rhetoric is NOT said by us but by journalists who want to have us serve them for free by telling us that we r there to serve humanity... NO WE ARE NOT... We want to make money for our families like anyone else.... Humanity can keep suffering the heck we care...
I totally understand Doctor's Point of view but what's the fault of aam awam in this?People are dying and these doctors are on streets.Go back to hospital.Work on your patients.Doctors should be held responsible for these 18 deaths and tried for criminal negligence .I've dealt with government doctors and they way they talk with people is just disgusting.Their attitude is even worse then Police.

these are young doctors who are demanding this.

do you want to breed another generation of un-empathetic doctors. they are asking for their rights. don't give them that and they'll end up like the disillusioned doctors of the last generation
I totally understand Doctor's Point of view but what's the fault of aam awam in this?People are dying and these doctors are on streets.Go back to hospital.Work on your patients.Doctors should be held responsible for these 18 deaths and tried for criminal negligence .I've dealt with government doctors and they way they talk with people is just disgusting.Their attitude is even worse then Police.

Sir not 18 deaths. many more .

Children`s Hospital: 41 children die during doctors` `total strike`

LAHORE, March 31: At least 41 children died while hundreds of others were either discharged forcibly or had to be rushed to some other health facility by the parents in panic during the two days of closure of emergency, ICU-CCU and other departments of Children’s Hospital by the protesting doctors, Dawn learnt on Thursday.

Most of the patients shifted their ailing children to the private health facilities after repeated attacks of the agitating doctors at the indoor and emergency department of Children’s Hospital.

The agitating doctors, however, called off their strike at 4pm on Thursday after a ‘successful’ dialogue with the Punjab government.

Such an alarming number of deaths at the Children’s Hospital, the only healthcare institution offering specialised care of minors in Punjab, took place on March 29 and 30 when the striking doctors had withdrawn all kinds of health services from all 42 departments of the institution, including emergency, ICU-CCU and operation theatres.

The number of deaths is said to be double the figure at the hospital in normal days when the emergency, ICU-CCU departments and operation theatres are fully functional with full attendance of the doctors and other staff.

A source said that according to the statistics compiled by the administration branch of Children’s Hospital, out of the total 41 children who died in two days of the closure of all the critical care departments, 19 babies died on March 29 and 22 children on March 30.

Of these, the source said 13 deaths — six on March 29 and seven on March 30 — occurred alone at the hospital’s emergency department.

The data shows 11 children had died at the hospital on March 28, before the withdrawal of critical care by the protesting doctors. The source said on an average, 10 to 12 children died at the hospital daily when all its departments were functional.

The death toll, however, failed to move the Punjab government led by Shahbaz Sharif, who has otherwise built his image as a ‘strict administrator’, as so far no departmental action has been taken against the leadership of the Young Doctors Association, the body which had given the strike call.

“You are devil not a doctor. How many more innocent babies will you kill?” the mother of a dead baby was witnessed wailing in the face of striking doctors outside the Children’s Hospital emergency department, who were dragging parents of sick children out of the facility on Thursday morning.

Scores of other visitors, mostly parents of ailing children, who were also denied access to the emergency department, came forward in support of the grieved mother and condemned the doctors’ attitude.

They later blocked Ferozepur Road for traffic and continued the agitation for an hour. Police later dispersed the protesters, assuring them that “justice will be done”.

An office-bearer of YDA’s Punjab chapter, Dr Abubkr Gondal, said the decision to withdraw emergency services and deny critical care to patients was taken as a last resort.

“We have no option but to take this step as our colleagues were arrested and tortured by the police during a peaceful demonstration on March 29 on The Mall. We were not willing to put the lives of the patients at grave risk, but it was the only way left to put pressure on the government for a special pay package for the doctors,” Dr Gondal said.

To a question about the deaths, particularly of 41 children at Children’s Hospital, in two days of the closure of emergency and ICU-CCU, he said though the association felt sorry for the families of the deceased children, the health bureaucracy and the Punjab government were responsible for these deaths.

Hospital’s Medical Director Dr Ahsan Waheed Rathore dispelled the impression that the death ratio increased, particularly in two days of complete strike by the doctors. He said 12-16 patients died daily at the institution in normal days.

He said ‘only’ eight children died during the last 24 hours at the hospital, adding the senior doctors had been providing treatment to the children in the absence of junior medics at the emergency and ICU-CCU.

Children`s Hospital: 41 children die during doctors` `total strike` | Newspaper | DAWN.COM
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