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Viagra ban in Pakistan sparks demand for lizard oil that makes men ‘strong like steel’

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Just make friendship with someone from Gilgit
GBians have Salajeet in excess so you will have smooth Salajeet supply

My Gilgiti friend in class once brought Salajeet for us and i can confirm it really works 😁

Aik chutky Dhood mein dal k Salajeet khao
Aur phir saari raat maze urao
I know something much better, it's an American invention and it does wonders for the precious tool. Nothing on the planet comes close.
Plenty of herbs work far better than Viagra.
Ban Ban Ban, thats all they know to do. They need to learn to EXPORT. Export this oil if its so effective. Get some forex
Ban Ban Ban, thats all they know to do. They need to learn to EXPORT. Export this oil if its so effective. Get some forex
Well these bans don’t impact the elite. This is what happens when you have illiterate people running the country. I mean the banned people bringing in more than one mobile phone and chocolates 😂.

Chocolates 😂🤣🤣.

Useless bunch of clowns!
This increases the black market trade and we all know who benefits from that.
There are too many other stuff that works. A friend of mine earned alot of money selling salajeet online.
Meanwhile… 😂
I have never heard of lizard oil

But I don’t think viagra is banned as it is so widely available. I know many pharmaceutical guys who work for Pfizer and have mentioned about sale of viagra in Pakistan.

I will be surprised if this is true. The alternative pills are cheaper though.

In UK they usually display a board of price list on every pharmacy counter saying something like 4x viagara for £20 and alternative brand for £6-10 depending on which pharmacy you are at.
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