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You cannot take India out of the hearts of the people of Karachi

What I see online - and remember online is where people can anonymously express their true feelings - is besides the obvious hate for establishment, I see a LOT of hate toward the Pakistani people. Nation of terrorists, "**** hole" (in some ways ironic), conspiracy theorists (again, ironic if you think about it), beggars etc are very attacks on the general Pakistani.

So you formed your opinion of India and Indians based on your internet experience? Do you live online? It is not a bad idea to venture out into the REAL world at times you know!

Oh and By the way, hate mongering is from Pakistanis' side also. Indians do not have a copyright on this. Fir instance, take a look at your posts only..."Stab in the back"....what the hell do you mean?

And I mean, in real life, it may happen way less, but that's because people will not tell things to your face as easily and may hide their true feelings.

Like I said, many of those 'people' belong to Pakistan also.

Now you might say that Pakistanis do the same. Well I don't see that many Pakistanis attacking the general Indian the way I see vice versa.

LoL...look at your very own posts buddy...need I say more?

Are you any better from those 'Indian hatemongers' you so despise?:azn:
Because it's they who often show the least self-control when posting?

LoL cmon man I do not want to name members in public and yes many of them do flaunt the Chinese flag also.

And please now do not say that they are 'false flag's' because by that logic could be applied to so-called 'Indian Hatemongers' too.:agree:
LoL cmon man I do not want to name members in public and yes many of them do flaunt the Chinese flag also.

And please now do not say that they are 'false flag's' because by that logic could be applied to so-called 'Indian Hatemongers' too.:agree:

Hmmm you, yourself are treading dangerous waters. You've not introduced yourself, you've not contributed any information or added to the discussion in the forum, and you've started your posting life here arguing over who trolls more and accusing the forum of bias.

Not a good start
Hmmm you, yourself are treading dangerous waters. You've not introduced yourself, you've not contributed any information or added to the discussion in the forum, and you've started your posting life here arguing over who trolls more and accusing the forum of bias.

What introduction do you want? Why do you think you will have enough justification to trust me if I promulgate some of my details in public?

How do I know you are a chinese?
How do you know I'm an Indian?
How do we know SMC is a pakistani?

It's a forum, do not forget that. Real life is very very different from virtual one.

By the way, I have been reading this forum for past few months now and hence fell that I'm in a reasonable position to 'tread dangerous waters' so to say.
What introduction do you want? Why do you think you will have enough justification to trust me if I promulgate some of my details in public?

How do I know you are a chinese?
How do you know I'm an Indian?
How do we know SMC is a pakistani?

It's a forum, do not forget that. Real life is very very different from virtual one.

By the way, I have been reading this forum for past few months now and hence fell that I'm in a reasonable position to 'tread dangerous waters' so to say.


Members Introduction - Pakistan Defence Forum
@SMC and Cardsharp

Sometime back a Canadian born Chinese gave me a terrible headache. Had to go to great deal of length to sort out the matter. Don't want to get involved in the details as I'd like to keep it private. That doesn't mean I stereotyped Canadian Chinese as the same. Guy was rotten apple. Simply a case of that.

As for online forums, there are quite a few Indian internet warriors that I have come across. Usually these guys are all hot air and have no idea what they are talking about. Just keep away from them in conversation if you don't like it. People who choose to remain ignorant by choice can't be taught by facts. And for that matter most of these online trolls are likely to be recluses without a social life. I doubt you'll come across one too often in real life.
@SMC and Cardsharp

Sometime back a Canadian born Chinese gave me a terrible headache. Had to go to great deal of length to sort out the matter. Don't want to get involved in the details as I'd like to keep it private. That doesn't mean I stereotyped Canadian Chinese as the same. Guy was rotten apple. Simply a case of that.

As for online forums, there are quite a few Indian internet warriors that I have come across. Usually these guys are all hot air and have no idea what they are talking about. Just keep away from them in conversation if you don't like it. People who choose to remain ignorant by choice can't be taught by facts. And for that matter most of these online trolls are likely to be recluses without a social life. I doubt you'll come across one too often in real life.

Now that's what I call a mature attitude.:tup::tup:

People do not understand one very basic thing.

There are not so many Pakistanis on the internet because there is not much internet penetration in Pakistan as compared to India.

There are not so many Chinese on English medium internet forum such as this because many of the Chinese are not that comfortable in English as they are in mandarin.

There are soo many Indians on such forums because of India's internet penetration as well as many of them being comfortable in english.

It's not that Pakistanis or Chinese do not troll or do not 'stab you in the back' so get out of that India phobia.

It's just that because of reasons which are beyond any of us' control, Indians become the fall guys over here on :pdf:
Working with Indians for the past 17 years, I have come across some decent people, small percentage. Mostly nice to your face and stab you in the back, that has happened many times and due to this very reason do not trust them. When I live in Pakistan 25 years ago and never came in contact with them I had only seen Indians in movies, but after coming to US I have been bitten by their poison many times.

No ifs and ***** about it. I had better experience working with Jewish people and Christians and can trust them most of the time.
@SMC and Cardsharp

Sometime back a Canadian born Chinese gave me a terrible headache. Had to go to great deal of length to sort out the matter. Don't want to get involved in the details as I'd like to keep it private. That doesn't mean I stereotyped Canadian Chinese as the same. Guy was rotten apple. Simply a case of that.

As for online forums, there are quite a few Indian internet warriors that I have come across. Usually these guys are all hot air and have no idea what they are talking about. Just keep away from them in conversation if you don't like it. People who choose to remain ignorant by choice can't be taught by facts. And for that matter most of these online trolls are likely to be recluses without a social life. I doubt you'll come across one too often in real life.

I'll play the devil's advocate here. I think you didn't stereotype that Chinese because it was after all one incident but you probably are constantly bombarded by Indian anti-pakistani articles and Indian anti-pakistani sentiments online. It then probably becomes harder not to associate this to Indian members here or Indians in general.

I'm sorry if I misinterpreted your statement about not hating or loving Indians but in my experience when people say something like that they usually, that they do has a dislike but don't wish to express it or hope that their opinion could be changed.
Anyways guys, I'm out of this thread.

Somebody had rightly said "Let there be India bashing!":lol:
There are not so many Pakistanis on the internet because there is not much internet penetration in Pakistan as compared to India.

I believe internet penetration is slightly higher in Pakistan compared to India. But even with 100 million odd Indians connected, that's way more than the 20 odd million in Pakistan connected.
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