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Yasin Malik thrown out of Delhi hotel


May 21, 2006
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NEW DELHI, Dec 3: Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front chief Yasin Malik was thrown out of a hotel in Delhi with his wife and 18-month-old daughter.

His group, the JKLF, said from Srinagar that Mr Malik and his family had gone to Delhi on Sunday and booked two rooms in a hotel near Nizam-ud-din railway station. But they were asked to leave around midnight by the hotel management.

Mr Malik and his family had to wait on the roadside for several hours before they took shelter in a friend’s house, the JKLF said in a statement.

“If Delhi gets upset due to our presence there, it should formally introduce a law that could prevent the people of Kashmir from visiting the national capital,” it said

“Only due to the person’s political ideology, he was thrown out of the hotel along with his family. Such action cannot be legitimised at any level,” the statement said.

Well ofcourse. He should have expected that. No one was going to garland him with flowers in New Dehli. Next time stay at friend's house. It will be less embarrassing and troublesome.
Garlands for killers? Pakistani Logic :wacko:
If he was alone nothing to be concerned about. But with a 18 month old child and a woman by his side? That is wrong.
NEW DELHI, Dec 3: Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front chief Yasin Malik was thrown out of a hotel in Delhi with his wife and 18-month-old daughter.

His group, the JKLF, said from Srinagar that Mr Malik and his family had gone to Delhi on Sunday and booked two rooms in a hotel near Nizam-ud-din railway station. But they were asked to leave around midnight by the hotel management.

Mr Malik and his family had to wait on the roadside for several hours before they took shelter in a friend’s house, the JKLF said in a statement.

“If Delhi gets upset due to our presence there, it should formally introduce a law that could prevent the people of Kashmir from visiting the national capital,” it said

“Only due to the person’s political ideology, he was thrown out of the hotel along with his family. Such action cannot be legitimised at any level,” the statement said.

Well next time bhartis too will be thrown out from the J&K hotels)Also he already thrown out hindu pandits from kashmir.
Very nice Job. Do the same with ShahaZada , Madam, Chiddu and Basterd Kapil sibbal. This is the way to make them realize that we hate them.
That's wrong!
There was an 18 months old girl with him!
With this act they're embarrasing themselves.
Something tells me, there is more to this story.

Wait for the other side of the story, am not going to believe Yasin Malik's version. Probably another stunt of his to remain in the spotlight. Thats the usual separatist tactics, terrorist attacks during the summer and media propaganda during the winter. :rolleyes:
If he was alone, still it could have been justified , but with 18 months old daughter and wife…. wrong…. very pathetic gesture.

Well next time bhartis too will be thrown out from the J&K hotels)Also he already thrown out hindu pandits from kashmir.

Who will throw? u? Internet Hercules…..
NEW DELHI, Dec 3: Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front chief Yasin Malik was thrown out of a hotel in Delhi with his wife and 18-month-old daughter.

His group, the JKLF, said from Srinagar that Mr Malik and his family had gone to Delhi on Sunday and booked two rooms in a hotel near Nizam-ud-din railway station. But they were asked to leave around midnight by the hotel management.

Mr Malik and his family had to wait on the roadside for several hours before they took shelter in a friend’s house, the JKLF said in a statement.

“If Delhi gets upset due to our presence there, it should formally introduce a law that could prevent the people of Kashmir from visiting the national capital,” it said

“Only due to the person’s political ideology, he was thrown out of the hotel along with his family. Such action cannot be legitimised at any level,” the statement said.


This is something we should really condemn about it.....At lease we should learn to respect to the separatist leaders...Any way...It is a one of incident where GOV does not have any control over Pvt individual...And of course...like separatist people of Kashmir does not like Hindu people so do the same way...Most of the Hindu people do not like any separatist too....
But emotions aside...this is an incident that should be condemned...On a lighter note....If India can tolerate and accomdate Congi party and its Familly for 65 years.....Then we should not have any problem to tolerate Yasin Mallick who is less harmful than Congi Party...
So he is the chief from JKLF and didnt know this could happen?
Do i need to say/write more,risking his wife and kid?
What if some lunatics(they are evrywhere) would have attacked them?
And he is the chief.
“Yasin Malik along with his family including 18 month old daughter went to Delhi on December 1, and got two rooms booked through Professor Abdul Rahman Geelani at Hotel Barkat near Nizam-ud-Din. As he reached the hotel, its staff made unnecessary delay in providing the rooms and then finally allowed him to check-in. At midnight the hotel authorities told his and his family to leave the hotel, for they do not provide accommodation to Pakistani citizens. The hotel staff further put forth reasons that the government authorities are compelling them to do so. Malik and family members were made to wait on the roadside for hours,”

So he is the chief from JKLF and didnt know this could happen?
Do i need to say/write more,risking his wife and kid?
What if some lunatics(they are evrywhere) would have attacked them?
And he is the chief.

Nothing of that sort will happen in India, him and other Kashmiri separatist leaders visit Delhi and other parts of India all the time, for seminars, meetings, medical check ups, surgeries, if anything government agencies ensures no harm comes their way.
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Such attempts for media attention aren't new.Delhi has hosted these ppl for quite sometime and will continue to do so.
Much ado about nothing.

On one hand he is a separatist leader, on the other, he calls it "the National Capital". If I were told to leave (leave alone thrown out of) a hotel like that, in any country, any city, first thing I would do is call the police. But no, he decided to wait on "roadside" at midnight for god knows what, and it took his friend "hours" to reach there from within Delhi.

Jam ke dramebazi kar raha hai... but it is good because it shows he is nothing but a spent force. I think it would be nice of Indians to get him a chance in some reality show. Usko lagega usne ganga naha liya.
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