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Yasin Malik thrown out of Delhi hotel

Freedom fighters don't ethnically cleanse a section of the population, they are jehadis who are getting hammered all around the world. From Xingjiang to Philippines to Chechenya to Kashmir. They all die a dog's death.
when hindu majority army capture kashmir and killed innocent kashmiris ..so obviously the population didnt welcome hindu pandits .. they were always welcome and taken care off before u invaded it ... check kashmir pandits before 1947 ...
my only regret is that only one terrorist was thrown out. Why are the rest of them still allowed to walk free?
when hindu majority army capture kashmir and killed innocent kashmiris ..so obviously the population didnt welcome hindu pandits .. they were always welcome and taken care off before u invaded it ... check kashmir pandits before 1947 ...

What do you mean "welcome"? Kashmir has been their homeland since centuries, and now the types of geelanis (iranian) and andrabis (wannabe arab) will decide if the original inhabitants are "welcome" or not?

well still they are saying go indian dogs go .. all the protest is against ur army and goivernment..may be u r ignorant but they know who are killing them

No one gives 2 hoots about fundoo mulla's rant. Like no one gave a fig when they prayed for "Sheikh Osama" after he was dragged out of his rathole and shot.
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