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Xclusive : Air Chief Complains To Antony, MMRCA, Other Deals Delayed Due To Inefficie


Dec 19, 2009
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Xclusive : Air Chief Complains To Antony, MMRCA, Other Deals Delayed Due To Inefficient DOFA, New Body Likely For Offsets !!!


With a setback in the offset implementation hitting big defence deals, Air Chief Marshal, P V Naik, who is also the Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee, has complained to Defence Minister A K Antony, to intervene and set right the functioning of the Defence Offset Facilitation Agency (DOFA), with the most affected being the Rs 42,000 crore 126 aircraft deal for the IAF (Indian Air Force).

The deal for the 126 MMRCA (meduim multi-role combat aircraft) of the IAF is the first and the only deal so far to have 50 percent offsets, and is mid-way through its processing.

DOFA, under Department of Defence, Ministry of Defence, has come under severe criticism by the MoD and the services for its inefficiency and incompetence in handling offset matters, leading to inordinate delays in finalisation of offset programmes thereby affecting early procurement of defence equipment for the armed forces.

Offsets were introduced in the Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP) in 2006 for the first time, whereby it was applicable to defence deals costing more than Rupees 300 crore, where 30 percent of the deal shall come back in terms of investment or technology transfer, into India, meaning it was an arrangement to plough back 30 percent cost of the deal in the form of technology transfers or anything similar. But the amended DPP- 2008 clarified that technology transfers could not form part of the offset programme.

Some of the programmes which have been affected due to inability in finalising offsets, are procurement of Survey Target and Towing aircraft, additional Aerostat radars, MICA missiles, additional executive jets for VVIP, and the upgrade of Mirage-2000 aircraft contract.

A source told DNA that, "After the introduction of the offset concept in the defence procurement procedure, the delays caused due to improper handling of the programme has been taken seriously as there are a lot of proposals held up affecting defence modernization."

It is likely that a separate and more powerful body namely Defence Offset Management Wing will be created in the MoD in view of the latest developments, which will ensure timely implementation of offsets.

Joint Secretary Satyajeet Rajan in the MoD heads the DOFA as its Chairman. When DNA tried contacting Rajan, he was unavailable for comments.

Defence Minister Antony, it is learnt, has asked DOFA to immediately look into the matter and resolve it, so as to avoid criticism from the armed forces.
What's the point of complaining to that bozo Anthony? As if he already doesn't know this. He's just another puppet in the hands of corrupt leadership who lacks spine to oppose his masters in the government. Anthony would make a good college professor for his so-called clean chit profile.

As a DM he's not fit.
What's the point of complaining to that bozo Anthony? As if he already doesn't know this. He's just another puppet in the hands of corrupt leadership who lacks spine to oppose his masters in the government. Anthony would make a good college professor for his so-called clean chit profile.

As a DM he's not fit.
What about Mamta baneerjee in that profile;)
What about ME in that profile...??
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