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WWW Syria presidential election

Who do you think will win?

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Some 50,000 insurgents killed. That's pretty good in my books. Insurgents failed to topple Assad. That's failure on the part of insurgents. It's over 3 years. People are fed up with it. Insurgents have lost support. Now people only want calm and security, not toppling Assad :victory:
Insurgents with light weapons managed to capture half country from the army with thousands of tanks and planes. That's pretty good in my books and huge fail for the army.

like I said before, all he has to do is put his military uniform on... in this conflict he never wore his uniform at all, because there is no need for it.. plus don't forget the mutual defence agreement with Iran haven't been implied yet...
Yep rebels captured half of the country but still no need. Yet he asks Hezies to fight for him.
Insurgents with light weapons managed to capture half country from the army with thousands of tanks and planes. That's pretty good in my books and huge fail for the army.

Insurgents failed because they failed what they wanted to accomplish, which is toppling Assad and establishing an Islamic caliphate in Syria. Doesn't matter how impressive they've fought. At the end of the day, they failed :bounce:

Yep rebels captured half of the country but still no need. Yet he asks Hezies to fight for him.

NDF has 200,000 soldiers. SAA has 100,000 soldiers. Foreign pro government fighters are 50,000. They are volunteers.
Insurgents with light weapons managed to capture half country from the army with thousands of tanks and planes. That's pretty good in my books and huge fail for the army.

Yep rebels captured half of the country but still no need. Yet he asks Hezies to fight for him.
half of the country? enough BS, plus it is easy to take over a WHOLE TOWN with couple of light guns, those civilians will be killed easily by those terrorists and use people as human shields...when you have neighboring countries opening up their borders and training and funding AQ, even USA won't be able to handle it.. again less then 25% of Syria's military power have been used in this conflict, and don't forget the we haven't called up on are allies yet...

and Alasad haven't wore his military uniform, something you don't understand the meaning of.. even if Hezbollah ( last party to join the conflict voluntary) fought in Syria to protect Lebanon from those F$A terrorists bombing cities in Lebanon..
Insurgents failed because they failed what they wanted to accomplish, which is toppling Assad and establishing an Islamic caliphate in Syria. Doesn't matter how impressive they've fought. At the end of the day, they failed :bounce:
They captured half of the country with light arms only against armed to teeth army. Can u show me any other example in history when that happened?

NDF has 200,000 soldiers. SAA has 100,000 soldiers. Foreign pro government fighters are 50,000. They are volunteers.
Spare me of these nonsense numbers. Look what happened in Khan Sheikhun. Rebels stormed checkpoints there for 3 months and Assad could not send even one division to help them.

half of the country?
Yep half of the country. This is current situation:


More than half of the inhabited area are not controlled by Assad. Whats even worse, he lost all the resources: Euphrates and oil.
They captured half of the country with light arms only against armed to teeth army. Can u show me any other example in history when that happened?

Spare me of these nonsense numbers. Look what happened in Khan Sheikhun. Rebels stormed checkpoints there for 3 months and Assad could not send even one division to help them.

Yep half of the country. This is current situation:


More than half of the inhabited area are not controlled by Assad. Whats even worse, he lost all the resources: Euphrates and oil.
enough BS, I can make my own map now with my own colors and data :coffee:... plus this thread here about elections, lets move the discussion to the Syrian thread...
If you call supporting a internationally recognized war criminal, mass-murderer and anti-Muslim Nusayri such as Al-Asshead and a decedent and un-Islamic criminal Mullah-regime as "justice" or a virtue of a Muslim then you can kiss this below:
Talking from an illegitimate fully western puppet regime that has spent billion billion dollars to unrest in Shia country Iraq and support the most dangerous wahabi takfiri killers in Syria and Iraq "permanently"!
It is impossible to think for a moment that your regime is Islamic.
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Yep rebels captured half of the country but still no need. Yet he asks Hezies to fight for him.
They captured half of the country with light arms only against armed to teeth army. Can u show me any other example in history when that happened?

Spare me of these nonsense numbers. Look what happened in Khan Sheikhun. Rebels stormed checkpoints there for 3 months and Assad could not send even one division to help them.

Yep half of the country. This is current situation:


More than half of the inhabited area are not controlled by Assad. Whats even worse, he lost all the resources: Euphrates and oil.

Green means there are insurgents in there. Does not mean insurgents control those places. Heck, you can say the entire Donbas area of Ukraine is controlled by militants because there are militants all over the place there, with checkpoints and all.
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Green means there are insurgents in there. Does not mean insurgents control those places.
No, it means control. Contested places are marked with olive. Why you are posting without knowing the basic things about conflict?

enough BS, I can make my own map now with my own colors and data :coffee:... plus this thread here about elections, lets move the discussion to the Syrian thread...
You know perfectly well that the map is true. And if u dont know, ask those who know.
No, it means control. Contested places are marked with olive. Why you are posting without knowing the basic things about conflict?

There are plenty of Syrian troops in green areas. Control is not absolute.
There are plenty of Syrian troops in green areas. Control is not absolute.
No there is no any Assad troops there. For example u can see the isolated red dot in Aleppo. Thats Shia villages Nubl and Zahra. Assad troops cant reach it, only with helicopters. Same goes for isolated areas in Idlib. They are supplied by helicopters.
No there is no any Assad troops there. For example u can see the isolated red dot in Aleppo. Thats Shia villages Nubl and Zahra. Assad troops cant reach it, only with helicopters. Same goes for isolated areas in Idlib. They are supplied by helicopters.

There are at least special forces troops there. Plus, air power can always hit insurgent positions in green areas. Insurgents are not even getting any backing from any country anymore because they no longer fly the green white black 3 red starred moderate democratic Syria flag. On the other hand, militants in Novorossiya get backing from Russia because they fly the flag of Russia. Even rebels in Libya flew the current flag of Libya. Insurgents in Syria think they can do it all on themselves. The only result is they will all be exterminated.
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There are at least special forces troops there.
No. Assad's special forces are joke. Besides thats not control.

Plus, air power can always hit insurgent positions in green areas.
Thats true, but that does not mean control. Israeli air force fully controls the skies of Lebanon, does that mean we control Lebanon? Hell actually our air force can hit any target in Syria with no problem. Maybe we control Syria too? :P

Insurgents are not even getting any backing from any country anymore because they no longer fly the green white black 3 red starred moderate democratic Syria flag.
Many do fly. Islamif Front recently publushed a covenant that they are part of the revolution. So only Nusra is not. But they are quite a small part of the rebels and they cooperate well with the rebels.

Note ISIS I dont consider part of the rebellion and painted their territory in separate black color.

Anyways regardless of color: green rebel, black ISIS or yellow Kurd, Assad effectively lost control over half of populated areas. He still controls most of the large cities, but he lost all the resources.
Thats true, but that does not mean control. Israeli air force fully controls the skies of Lebanon, does that mean we control Lebanon? Hell actually our air force can hit any target in Syria with no problem. Maybe we control Syria too? :P

Israel cannot make spare parts for its jets. An F-16 can only fly about 50 sorties before running out of spare parts.

Many do fly. Islamif Front recently publushed a covenant that they are part of the revolution. So only Nusra is not. But they are quite a small part of the rebels and they cooperate well with the rebels.

I have not seen any. Care to provide a link where rebels fly the democratic flag of Syria?
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Anyways regardless of color: green rebel, black ISIS or yellow Kurd, Assad effectively lost control over half of populated areas. He still controls most of the large cities, but he lost all the resources.

Over 80% of Syria's population, sans Kurds, live in government controlled areas. Insurgent areas are desolate and have no food, no water, no heating, and are bombed every day. Those places are unbearable and only the hardest souls can survive there. It is true that Syria's oil production is not as high as before, but that is not a problem. Iran and Russia and Iraq, Syria's top 3 allies in the region, provide sufficient oil and material to Syria.
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