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WWW Syria presidential election

Who do you think will win?

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Don't switch the topic. You are wrong about secularist in Syria. They are minority.

Also US wouldn't put troops in Syria. It is not needed. Just take out Assad's air force. Implement no fly zone. Sunni's will take care of the rest.

Sunnis love Assad. They grew up under the Assad family. There are 2 Sunni candidates. If they want to vote for Sunni, no one's stopping them :agree:
Syrian militant groups’ rocket fire on government-controlled areas of Aleppo killed 50 people over the weekend, a monitoring group said on Monday, the eve of an election in which foreign backed militants have warned they will step up attacks on state targets.
Rohama reports- The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the death toll from the attacks by extremist militants included nine children.

The bombardments killed 23 people on Saturday and another 27 on Sunday.

The Britain-based monitoring group said the casualties on Saturday and Sunday came after 230 people had been killed in two months of militants’ bombardments of areas of Aleppo controlled by the government.

Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman said "Targeting civilians is a war crime.”

Fighting in Aleppo, which was Syria's commercial hub before the three-year conflict erupted, has escalated in recent weeks after Syrian army consolidated their control in central Syria and the last militants retreated from the center of the city of Homs.

The attacks are the latest ahead of the country's presidential election on Tuesday, a highly agreeable vote amid a foreign backed civil war that has killed more than 160,000 people.

The Syrian opposition and its Western allies have denounced the balloting as a sham. President Bashar Assad is widely expected to win a third seven-year term.
Looks like Assad won 94.5% of votes, same as Sisi did.
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73.4% turnout 8-) Kurds boycotted, so Arab turnout was like 85%.

Assad won 88.7% of votes, better than I expected.

And that's all folks. See you again in 2021.
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Syrians have proven they are committed to their country by turning out in droves in the national presidential election despite foreign-backed militancy in the Arab country, a political analyst tells Press TV.

“It (Syrians’ high turnout in the election) is a testament to the Syrian people’s commitment to their country that they went out despite this Western-inspired civil war and participated in their government process,” Rodney Martin, a former US congressional staffer, told Press TV in a Wednesday interview.

Commenting on the reaction of western countries to the election in the Arab country, the analyst said, “Obviously, they will continue to denounce this election and they will continue to be state sponsors of terrorism and perpetrate terrorism against the Syrian people.”

He further touched upon the foreign-sponsored militancy in the Middle Eastern country, saying, “This civil war has been perpetrated against the Syrian people, it is the civilians in Syria... suffering as a result of this civil war that is being perpetrated by the West.”

On Tuesday, the Syrian people voted in high numbers in the presidential election across the government-controlled areas of the country.

On Wednesday, Syrian People's Assembly speaker Mohammad Jihad al-Laham announced that Syria’s incumbent leader Bashar al-Assad won 88.7 percent of the vote. The country’s Supreme Constitutional Court also announced that 73.42% of the 15.8 million eligible voters had taken part in the election.

Following the announcement, crowds took to streets throughout the country to celebrate the re-election of the incumbent president.

Assad, MP Maher al-Hajjar, and businessman Hassan al-Nouri were competing for the top post.

Syria has been gripped by deadly violence since March 2011. According to reports, the Western powers and their regional allies -- especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey -- are supporting the militants operating inside Syria.
so Bashar Asad won with 88.7% of the votes, 77% of the Syrian participated in the election, as expected terrorist supporters didn't let the refugees to participate in the elections. parliamentary observers from Brasilia, Russia, India,Tajikistan, Filipino, Uganda, north Korea, and Iran plus some independent politicians from U.S, Canada, Ireland, Pakistan, Malysia and... confirmed the result.
a true slap in the face of terrorist supporters.
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parliamentary observers from Brasilia, Russia, India,Tajikistan, Filipino, Uganda, north Korea, and Iran

LOL, they needed to invite observers from Hitler, Inquisition officers of medieval era, Dracula and also Cuba and Venezuela as well.
LOL, they needed to invite observers from Hitler, Inquisition officers of medieval era, Dracula and also Cuba and Venezuela as well.

The US is an oligarchy dictatorship. The last thing anyone needs is observers from the US :victory:
so Bashar Asad won with 88.7% of the votes, 77% of the Syrian participated in the election, as expected terrorist supporters didn't let the refugees to participate in the elections. parliamentary observers from Brasilia, Russia, India,Tajikistan, Filipino, Uganda, north Korea, and Iran plus some independent politicians from U.S, Canada, Ireland, Pakistan, Malysia and... confirmed the result.
a true slap in the face of terrorist supporters.
It must have been a fair election if North Korea confirmed it. :sarcastic:
It must have been a fair election if North Korea confirmed it. :sarcastic:
north Korea parliament and 8 other countries.
what? you expected to invite terrorist supporters (Zionist and their dictator and coup ruled allies)?
Syria Elections International Observers: “Polls Passed in a Democratic and Positive Atmosphere” | Global Research


Observers at the presidential elections in Syria are unanimous that the expression of people’s will was valid and the polls passed in a democratic and positive atmosphere.

On Wednesday morning, observers met for a roundtable meeting at Dama Rose Hotel to give their assessment to presidential elections. Observers include members of parliaments from Russia, Iran, Brazil, Venezuela, North Korea, Tajikistan, the Philippines, Uganda, as well as representatives of Canada, the United States, Ireland, Pakistan, Malaysia and Bahrain.
Syrian election observers

An Iranian observer opened the meeting accusing the US and its European allies of the policy of double standards when “an obvious free choice of Syrian people is put into doubt by Washington and its allies.” He urged a US observer to explain why such anti-Syrian hysteria took place. However, the US observer levelled a harsh criticism on the White House, pledging that upon return to the homeland, he would inform the Americans about a real situation in Syria.
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