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WWW Syria presidential election

Who do you think will win?

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Israel cannot make spare parts for its jets. An F-16 can only fly about 50 sorties before running out of spare parts.
Israel can make much more spare parts than Assad. Again: Israel fully controls Lebanon air space since 1970-es. Does that mean we control Lebanon?

I have not seen any. Care to provide a link where rebels fly the democratic flag of Syria?
Many rebel groups which are very active have rebel flags on their logos (Asala, Mauruf, Yarmuk and so on).

Over 80% of Syria's population, sans Kurds, live in government controlled areas.
Thats not true.

Insurgent areas are desolate and have no food, no water, no heating, and are bombed every day. Those places are unbearable and only the hardest souls can survive there.
Check the map I provided. Rebels control continous large zones in North and South. They wer well supplied. There are only 2 isolated rebel islands: Ghouta in Damascus and Talbise-Rastan-Hule area in Homs.

It is true that Syria's oil production is not as high as before, but that is not a problem. Iran and Russia and Iraq, Syria's top 3 allies in the region, provide sufficient oil and material to Syria.
Assad lost resources and lands. He has only towns with useless population which he has to feed. He solely depends on Russia and Iran aid.
They captured half of the country with light arms only against armed to teeth army. Can u show me any other example in history when that happened?

Spare me of these nonsense numbers. Look what happened in Khan Sheikhun. Rebels stormed checkpoints there for 3 months and Assad could not send even one division to help them.

Yep half of the country. This is current situation:

More than half of the inhabited area are not controlled by Assad. Whats even worse, he lost all the resources: Euphrates and oil.
Israel can make much more spare parts than Assad. Again: Israel fully controls Lebanon air space since 1970-es. Does that mean we control Lebanon?

Many rebel groups which are very active have rebel flags on their logos (Asala, Mauruf, Yarmuk and so on).

Thats not true.

Check the map I provided. Rebels control continous large zones in North and South. They wer well supplied. There are only 2 isolated rebel islands: Ghouta in Damascus and Talbise-Rastan-Hule area in Homs.

Assad lost resources and lands. He has only towns with useless population which he has to feed. He solely depends on Russia and Iran aid.

No, it means control. Contested places are marked with olive. Why you are posting without knowing the basic things about conflict?

You know perfectly well that the map is true. And if u dont know, ask those who know.

No, it means control. Contested places are marked with olive. Why you are posting without knowing the basic things about conflict?

You know perfectly well that the map is true. And if u dont know, ask those who know.

U have hijacked this thread and speak too much! What a dirty effort to continue takfiri murdering and more Syrian people die! U zions are bloodthirstys. Mods should be more be careful of u. U are playing a zombie takfiri in this site.
Poor wahabis that cheat by u dirty zion.
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2 more days until the all important election, then it's all over :victory:
Election day tomorrow :bounce: This election is absolutely crucial. Everyone must vote wisely, because the next election won't be until 2021.
Election day today. Remember to vote wisely, for the next presidential election in Syria won't be until the year 2021 :bounce:

This is what the ballot paper looks like

Superbly, stop embarrassing yourself. 500 already answered you accordingly. The fantasy you have in your head doesn't reflect the reality. Assad is in a position when not changed will mean he will loose. Rebels have continuous support and logistics while Assad doesn't. He will have to major assault on north and south. He is not capable. Even if he is , Turkey will jump in to adjust the situation but that won't be needed since Assad is a goner. Also these elections are not valid. nobody nationally and internationally will accept these pseudo elections as valid.
Superbly, stop embarrassing yourself. 500 already answered you accordingly. The fantasy you have in your head doesn't reflect the reality. Assad is in a position when not changed will mean he will loose. Rebels have continuous support and logistics while Assad doesn't. He will have to major assault on north and south. He is not capable. Even if he is , Turkey will jump in to adjust the situation but that won't be needed since Assad is a goner. Also these elections are not valid. nobody nationally and internationally will accept these pseudo elections as valid.

Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, none of them backs insurgents in Syria. Sure, there are volunteers from those countries, but they all use crappy outdated AK-47 rifles bought on the black market. They are not provided with efficient M16 rifles which is the standard rifle of those countries. On the other hand, Russia actively backs militants in Ukraine by providing them with the latest arms such as AK-74M rifles, RPG-26 bazookas, shoulder fired anti aircraft missiles. Heck, Iran provides NDF with Sayyad rifles and recon drones, which insurgents have no counterpart.

There are only a few thousand insurgents in Syria at any given time, too few to topple the government.

As for the international community, there are only 2 camps, the US camp and the China / Russia camp which is challenging the US camp. Everyone else is a none player.
Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, none of them backs insurgents in Syria. Sure, there are volunteers from those countries, but they all use crappy outdated AK-47 rifles bought on the black market. They are not provided with efficient M16 rifles which is the standard rifle of those countries. On the other hand, Russia actively backs militants in Ukraine by providing them with the latest arms such as AK-74M rifles, RPG-26 bazookas, shoulder fired anti aircraft missiles. Heck, Iran provides NDF with Sayyad rifles and recon drones, which insurgents have no counterpart.

There are only a few thousand insurgents in Syria at any given time, too few to topple the government.

As for the international community, there are only 2 camps, the US camp and the China / Russia camp which is challenging the US camp. Everyone else is a none player.
There is no US camp in Syria. Turkey and US are on disagreement about Syria. If US wanted they would have steamrolled Assad before he could scratch his ***. Lybia is good example. You think Assad would make a chance if he had US against him? US bailed out of Syria. Turkey, Jordan, Qatar and Saudi's are left. Because of political landscape Turkey can't intervene so

About M16 and other equipment. The rebels don't have shortage of weapons. They get more than enough. There is also no shortage of men. Majority of Syria is sunni. It is dragging out because it is an unconventional war and rebels don't have the armor and jets to deliver a defeating blow. They will have to bleed out Assad step by step.

My conclusion is the following. There is no possibility Assad will win from the rebels and Iran doesn't have border with Syria so they don't decide what happens there.
There is no US camp in Syria. Turkey and US are on disagreement about Syria. If US wanted they would have steamrolled Assad before he could scratch his ***. Lybia is good example. You think Assad would make a chance if he had US against him? US bailed out of Syria. Turkey, Jordan, Qatar and Saudi's are left. Because of political landscape Turkey can't intervene so

About M16 and other equipment. The rebels don't have shortage of weapons. They get more than enough. There is also no shortage of men. Majority of Syria is sunni. It is dragging out because it is an unconventional war and rebels don't have the armor and jets to deliver a defeating blow. They will have to bleed out Assad step by step.

My conclusion is the following. There is no possibility Assad will win from the rebels and Iran doesn't have border with Syria so they don't decide what happens there.

Sunni or not isn't important in Syria, which is a largely secular country. Sunnis aren't going to try topple Assad just because Assad is Alawite. Even if the US took out Assad, someone else would have easily replaced him ala Egypt, Libya. At this point, it is better for Syria to not have a transitional government, and have Assad run his max of 2 terms in ofifce, provided he wins today's election. You are forgetting Iraq, which is a major ally of Iran due to both Iraq and Iran being Shia theocracies after the US took out Saddam.
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Sunni or not isn't important in Syria, which is a largely secular country. Sunnis aren't going to try topple Assad just because Assad is Alawite. Even if the US took out Assad, someone else would have easily replaced him ala Egypt, Libya. At this point, I is better for Syria to not have a transitional government, and let Assad run his max of 2 terms in ofifce, provided he wins today's election. You are forgetting Iraq, which is a major ally of Iran due to both Iraq and Iran being Shia theocracies after the US took out Saddam.
You totally don't know what you are talking about. Syria largely being secular? Last time I checked US didn't intervene in Syria because secularist are minority. Just stop talking dude :lol:
You totally don't know what you are talking about. Syria largely being secular? Last time I checked US didn't intervene in Syria because secularist are minority. Just stop talking dude :lol:

The US public stopped Obama from fighting in Syria. You think it's so easy to fight in Syria? Tens of thousands of Iraqi and Iranian and Syrian and Lebanese militants would be a nightmare for US soldiers. After suffering tens of thousands of casualties in Iraq, the US public has no more appetite for war.
The US public stopped Obama from fighting in Syria. You think it's so easy to fight in Syria? Tens of thousands of Iraqi and Iranian and Syrian and Lebanese militants would be a nightmare for US soldiers. After suffering tens of thousands of casualties in Iraq, the US public has no more appetite for war.
Don't switch the topic. You are wrong about secularist in Syria. They are minority.

Also US wouldn't put troops in Syria. It is not needed. Just take out Assad's air force. Implement no fly zone. Sunni's will take care of the rest.
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