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WWW Syria presidential election

Who do you think will win?

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I doubt it ;) why a chinese should give a damn about Syria, let alone putting all of his effort in commenting about it?

China is Russia's top ally. We Chinese people stand by Russia. Syria is a friend of Russia. That makes Syria a friend of China :bounce:
Also US wouldn't put troops in Syria. It is not needed. Just take out Assad's air force. Implement no fly zone. Sunni's will take care of the rest.
Wonder, which sunnis you are talking about? the Syrian sunnis are, apparently with him...they are fighting with him, and they voted for him...
China is Russia's top ally. We Chinese people stand by Russia. Syria is a friend of Russia. That makes Syria a friend of China :bounce:

Then you should be allies with Israel as well. Israel and Russia are very strong friends. even Russians were one of the first ones who recognized Israel as a country, and a big part of israelis are Russian.
Stop make yourself look more fool than what you currently look like.
You are a stupid uneducated farsi false flagger as I expected. :lol:

north Korea parliament and 8 other countries.
what? you expected to invite terrorist supporters (Zionist and their dictator and coup ruled allies)?
Syria Elections International Observers: “Polls Passed in a Democratic and Positive Atmosphere” | Global Research


Observers at the presidential elections in Syria are unanimous that the expression of people’s will was valid and the polls passed in a democratic and positive atmosphere.

On Wednesday morning, observers met for a roundtable meeting at Dama Rose Hotel to give their assessment to presidential elections. Observers include members of parliaments from Russia, Iran, Brazil, Venezuela, North Korea, Tajikistan, the Philippines, Uganda, as well as representatives of Canada, the United States, Ireland, Pakistan, Malaysia and Bahrain.
Syrian election observers

An Iranian observer opened the meeting accusing the US and its European allies of the policy of double standards when “an obvious free choice of Syrian people is put into doubt by Washington and its allies.” He urged a US observer to explain why such anti-Syrian hysteria took place. However, the US observer levelled a harsh criticism on the White House, pledging that upon return to the homeland, he would inform the Americans about a real situation in Syria.
LOL :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Wonder, which sunnis you are talking about? the Syrian sunnis are, apparently with him...they are fighting with him, and they voted for him...
How can Sunni's vote? Most of them left the country and the remaining he is bombing with barrel bombs.

Then you should be allies with Israel as well. Israel and Russia are very strong friends. even Russians were one of the first ones who recognized Israel as a country, and a big part of israelis are Russian.
Stop make yourself look more fool than what you currently look like.
You are a stupid uneducated farsi false flagger as I expected. :lol:

LOL :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Sharp brain :)
How can Sunni's vote? Most of them left the country and the remaining he is bombing with barrel bombs.

Maybe the one that left for merde erdogan country were forbidden to vote, but rest of them living in Syria and in other country voted...for him...and they like the idea of him dropping the barrels on the bearded ticks, just like the old good DDT...
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