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WWW Syria presidential election

Who do you think will win?

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Obama gave 40 billion to GM CEO, did he not? :confused:
No, that is not correct. GM filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy and received loans, (after Mr. Obama was already president), in exchange for stock from the United States Government with Congressional approval through law, and GM also received loans to secure it's debt from European banks and governments. GM has paid almost all of the money back to the government.

It also does not change the fact that I posted about six links directly refuting your claim. The overwhelming majority of CEO's, executives and cooperate campaign dollars, supported Mitt Romney....who Mr. Obama handily defeated. Like I said, so much for your theory.
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No , No .

You didn't get my point .

In Syria there is one party ruling the country and in the US there are 2 .

The only difference is that , In Syria people don't have a chance to see another one in power and their government is called dictator but in the US , people have to choose 1 out of 2 parties and they usually vote one to get ride of the other and this cycle has continued for decades but the country is called the symbol of liberty .
Again, you are incorrect. In America, as in many countries, we have two dominate parties, just as they do in Canada (Liberals and Conservatives), the UK (Conservatives and Labour), Australia (Labour and Liberals), Germany (CDU/CSU and SDP), France (Socialist and UMP), Japan (Lib-Dems and Social Democratic Party), Turkey (AKP and CHP), Chile (Socialist party and NR/IDU), etc., etc. It's very common. What you are also getting wrong though is that it is as you put it, "people have to choose 1 out of 2 parties ". No, they don't. Not in the countries listed, nor in the United States. It is that a majority of people freely vote for only a couple of major parties or blocks, and that is typical of most democracies. There is nothing sinister about it. Here are the results of the last US Presidential election with all the parties listed that one could vote for, freely and with a completely secret ballot.

United States presidential election, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No, that is not correct. GM filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy and received loans, after Mr. Obama was already president, in exchange for stock from the United States Government with Congressional approval through law, and GM also received loans to secure it's debt from European banks and governments. GM has paid almost all of the money back to the government.

It also does not change the fact that I posted about six links directly refuting your claim. The overwhelming majority of CEO's, executives and cooperate campaign dollars, supported Mitt Romney....who Mr. Obama handily defeated. Like I said, so much for your theory.

Oligarchs SAY they back 1 of the 2 candidates, but in reality they control both parties. Heck, most of the people in congress are family relatives of oligarchs and they cannot be voted out of congress.

Again, you are incorrect. In America, as in many countries, we have two dominate parties, just as they do in Canada (Liberals and Conservatives),

In the US and Canada, the two dominant parties, in other words, the two parties are both centrist parties, one is center left, the other is center right. In Russia there is more political freedom because there are 4 major parties, United Russia which is center right, Communist which is far left, A Just Russia which is center left, Liberal Democratic Party of Russia which is far right. In the US almost everyone in the congress are either Democratic or Republican. In Russia the congress is pretty much evenly split between the 4 major parties.
Oligarchs SAY they back 1 of the 2 candidates, but in reality they control both parties. Heck, most of the people in congress are family relatives of oligarchs and they cannot be voted out of congress.
If you mean, can rich people give money to campaigns? Yes....because we are a free country that guarantees the right of every individual, rich or poor, to contribute and support any candidate they choose. But again, you keep dodging that I posted link after link, proving that the "rich people" you talk about, contributed overwhelmingly to Mitt Romney in the last presidential campaign...and he lost. So for the third time now...so much for your theory.
If you mean, can rich people give money to campaigns? Yes....because we are a free country that guarantees the right of every individual, rich or poor, to contribute and support any candidate they choose. But again, you keep dodging that I posted link after link, proving that the "rich people" you talk about, contributed overwhelmingly to Mitt Romney in the last presidential campaign...and he lost. So for the third time now...so much for your theory.

Obama has to serve the interests of oligarchs or else oligarchs would hire assassins and assassinate Obama :confused:
Oligarchs SAY they back 1 of the 2 candidates, but in reality they control both parties. Heck, most of the people in congress are family relatives of oligarchs and they cannot be voted out of congress.

In the US and Canada, the two dominant parties, in other words, the two parties are both centrist parties, one is center left, the other is center right. In Russia there is more political freedom because there are 4 major parties, United Russia which is center right, Communist which is far left, A Just Russia which is center left, Liberal Democratic Party of Russia which is far right. In the US almost everyone in the congress are either Democratic or Republican. In Russia the congress is pretty much evenly split between the 4 major parties.
No, in Russia there is only one party that can ever win; Putin's party, United Russia (soon to appear under a new name). I will absolutely guarantee you something; Putin will remain in charge of Russia until he is either dead, or decides he wishes to retire. Mr. Obama by contrast, has exactly 967 days 9 hours and 21 minutes left being president....because the United States is an acutal democracy.

Generic Calendar/Clock - Countdown to Jan 20, 2017 in Washington DC

Obama has to serve the interests of oligarchs or else oligarchs would hire assassins and assassinate Obama :confused:
:lol: I get it now! You are one of those posters! :cuckoo:
No, in Russia there is only one party that can ever win; Putin's party, United Russia (soon to appear under a new name). I will absolutely guarantee you something; Putin will remain in charge of Russia until he is either dead, or decides he wishes to retire. Mr. Obama by contrast, has exactly 967 days 9 hours and 21 minutes left being president....because the United States is an acutal democracy.

Generic Calendar/Clock - Countdown to Jan 20, 2017 in Washington DC

Putin can be assassinated, especially by the LDPR. It all depends on his reaction to Novorossiya, which is strongly backed by the LDPR. Communist party came close to winning in the 2012 election. It's not Putin's fault that Russia does not have term limits. Neither does Germany.
Communist party came close to winning in the 2012 election. It's not Putin's fault that Russia does not have term limits. Neither does Germany.
1. 64% Putin vs. 17% Zyuganov....is almost wining? o_O
2. Germany, like any parliamentary system, does not have term limits for the PM as it is a majority party rule system. The President of Germany, as in most parliamentary systems, is a largely ceremonial one. Not so in Russia. Putin runs the whole enchilada from the top down.
1. 64% Putin vs. 17% Zyuganov....is almost wining? o_O
2. Germany, like any parliamentary system, does not have term limits for the PM as it is a majority party rule system. The President of Germany, as in most parliamentary systems, is a largely ceremonial one. Not so in Russia. Putin runs the whole enchilada from the top down.

Still, it's better than in the US where anyone who is not from the 2 dominant centrist parties cannot even get 1% of votes :confused:
Still, it's better than in the US where anyone who is not from the 2 dominant centrist parties cannot even get 1% of votes :confused:
You mean as opposed to Russia's one man/one party, cult of personality, who is the only entity that will ever "win" the presidency? Really, that you live, and according to your profile flags, are from Canada and therefore know full well what a real democratic government is with competing parties, a transparent electoral system, a completely free press, no fear of speaking out against the government, etc., and yet you think "one man rule" Putin's Russia is not only equal to that, but even a superior democracy? Well, that just makes me think you are either trying to play the fool, really are the fool, or so deluded by anti-Western bias and propaganda, that you don't care for real democracy to begin with and think one man dictatorship supported by oligarchs, is the way to go. I haven't figured out which one of those you are yet. This is just one of those exchanges where I wind up scratching my head and saying, "An intelligent chap living in Canada can't really actually BELIEVE the hog-wash he's writing...can he?"

Journalistic death toll in Putin's Russia | Media | theguardian.com
Again, you are incorrect. In America, as in many countries, we have two dominate parties, just as they do in Canada (Liberals and Conservatives), the UK (Conservatives and Labour), Australia (Labour and Liberals), Germany (CDU/CSU and SDP), France (Socialist and UMP), Japan (Lib-Dems and Social Democratic Party), Turkey (AKP and CHP), Chile (Socialist party and NR/IDU), etc., etc. It's very common. What you are also getting wrong though is that it is as you put it, "people have to choose 1 out of 2 parties ". No, they don't. Not in the countries listed, nor in the United States. It is that a majority of people freely vote for only a couple of major parties or blocks, and that is typical of most democracies. There is nothing sinister about it. Here are the results of the last US Presidential election with all the parties listed that one could vote for, freely and with a completely secret ballot.

United States presidential election, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those parties are not even known in the US as they don't have equal facilities to compete with Republicans and Democrats .

To be honest , They're just some names to tell the world the US has free election in which dozens of parties take part but the main parties don't let anyone else grow and threaten their interests .

Your democracy doesn't let other parties to participate in debate , Jill Stein was an example that was arrested and kicked out because of complaining about this .

Those parties are not even known in the US as they don't have equal facilities to compete with Republicans and Democrats .

To be honest , They're just some names to tell the world the US has free election in which dozens of parties take part but the main parties don't let anyone else grow and threaten their interests .

Your democracy doesn't let other parties to participate in debate , Jill Stein was an example that was arrested and kicked out because of complaining about this .

No, Jill Stein was arrested for criminal trespass on private property. Just because you are a presidential candidate, you don't get a "free pass" to break the laws that everyone has to obey. As to her Party, I think about everybody in America knows what the Green Party is. It's just you are making the same case that the Party does, namely, "We can't win elections therefore the sytem is rigged!" No, they can't win elections for the same reason they are not the ruling party in any country that I know of, i.e., they just are not popular enough, particularly in a country with people as innately conservative as Americans generally are. She did campaign, was on the ballot, was not harassed or silenced by the government, (except in arresting her for illegally trespassing on private party just like anyone else who was uninvited would be.), and she is free to speak, demonstrate, write or campaign to her hearts content. Others who you insist are "unknowns" were people like Roseanne Barr who I doubt any American does NOT know as she was the star of the top rated TV show in the country for years and is a nationally known comedian and activist. Gary Johnson, who any American who wants marijuana legal across the country knows, as the Republican turned Libertarian. He also was the former Governor of the state of New Mexico and has been a frequent guest on every major news and talk show, Letterman, Jay Leno, etc. Rocky Anderson is well known, as not only is he my former city mayor of many years, he was the mayor of Salt Lake City during that city's hosting of the 2002 Winter Olympics, so yah, not just nationally known, but globally. Did they win? No, but then the green party of the UK or Canada or Chile or Spain or Japan or Finland has not won a majority either. Does it mean all those countries don't really have democracy? Of course not. It just means that they have not been able to garner enough votes.

In contrast, the Green Party of Iran for example, is in exile and not allowed by Iran's clerical regime to participate in elections.
The US is a 2 party system. It's no better than China's 1 party system. It is a party dictatorship. Both the Democrats and the Republicans are centrists controlled by powerful oligarchs. Hey, money makes the world go around, especially in countries where religion is weak, such as the US.
This race is much more important and way more interesting than "elections" in Syria:

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