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WWW Syria presidential election

Who do you think will win?

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That was referendum not election learn the difference idiots...
First, calling me an idiot only verifies your lack of ability in making your case intelligently. Secondly, the first was a referendum, the second an election and in either case an over 99% or 97% vote is clear evidence of a sham.
First, calling me an idiot only verifies your lack of ability in making your case intelligently. Secondly, the first was a referendum, the second an election and in either case an over 99% or 97% vote is clear evidence of a sham.
Syria never had an election, this is the first election under the new constitution, the older constitution didn't state anything about elections, and calling you an idiot is allowed in this case because of your ignorance and making fun of something you know nothing about... and I have another reason to call you that, because you said the second was an election, and like I said before this is the FIRST ELECTION... so your sources are giving your wrong information and only idiots will believe false propaganda sources... Alasad has a strong popularity in Syria, thus why he is still in power... Syria: Questions that can not be Answered?

and by the way, only idiots believe that democracy exists in this world... we saw the democracy USA brought to the world by killing MILLIONS since WWII... now look at Libya, there is no order, only terrorists ruling the country and destroying it... and Afghanistan, do you want me to start a list?
Syria never had an election, this is the first election under the new constitution, the older constitution didn't state anything about elections, and calling you an idiot is allowed in this case because of your ignorance and making fun of something you know nothing about... and I have another reason to call you that, because you said the second was an election, and like I said before this is the FIRST ELECTION... so your sources are giving your wrong information and only idiots will believe false propaganda sources.
I see the problem, You obviously do not have the intelligence to know the difference between idiocy and ignorance which are two different things. You clearly are ignorant of that and it is not "making fun" to call someone an idiot, it is simply to argue with the ill manners and intelligence of a 12 year old. You can also dance around it all you want and I don't care how popular you think Assad is, (and the fact that the country has been in a bloodbath of internal conflict would seem to indicate you are again, ignorant of the truth.), any one who wins two referendums by over 97% of the vote is clearly only "winning" a vote that is a sham and a fraud.
A Saudi who doesn't even know what the word elections means is talking... Hahaha

If elections means your Ba'ath style elections then we don't want it, it's all yours to enjoy, I'm sure you and the rest of Syrians are enjoying it for 3 years now, oh wait you're not even in Syria, you're in the JEW USA!
I see the problem, You obviously do not have the intelligence to know the difference between idiocy and ignorance which are two different things. You clearly are ignorant of that and it is not "making fun" to call someone an idiot, it is simply to argue with the ill manners and intelligence of a 12 year old. You can also dance around it all you want and I don't care how popular you think Assad is, (and the fact that the country has been in a bloodbath of internal conflict would seem to indicate you are again, ignorant of the truth.), any one who wins two referendums by over 97% of the vote is clearly only "winning" a vote that is a sham and a fraud.
in this case ignorance will equal idiocy, because you have the tools to know the truth however you don't know how to use those tools thus you are an idiot. nothing more, again that 97% is referendum, is basically a yes no question thus it is not an election... IDIOT...

If elections means your Ba'ath style elections then we don't want it, it's all yours to enjoy, I'm sure you and the rest of Syrians are enjoying it for 3 years now, oh wait you're not even in Syria, you're in the JEW USA!
shut the hell up you don't even have any type of elections neither western or eastern :rofl:

plus we Syrians never wanted this war, we wanted change in peaceful manner, however your puppet governments gcc taking order from the west were asked to support terrorists and increase the bloodshed..
in this case ignorance will equal idiocy, because you have the tools to know the truth however you don't know how to use those tools thus you are an idiot. nothing more, again that 97% is referendum, is basically a yes no question thus it is not an election... IDIOT...
Ya, we already covered that you ignorant fool but you are still stuck on it and again, you ignore the point that EVEN IF A REFERENDUM, if it is 99% and 97% it is clearly a fraud. Now if you didn't argue like an asinine 12 year old, you would have realized that was the point about two posts ago.
Ya, we already covered that you ignorant fool but you are still stuck on it and again, you ignore the point that EVEN IF A REFERENDUM, if it is 99% and 97% it is clearly a fraud. Now if you didn't argue like an asinine 12 year old, you would have realized that was the point about two posts ago.
fool, my point was that referendum is not "democratic" thus it 97% , it is just a yes or no question... however now there is something "democratic" called elections and there are three candidates... now you are the one stuck and keep repeating like parakeet the number 99 and 97... go take a hike you ignorant idiot uneducated fool, most of Americans don't even know their own national anthem or their own government composition... thus you are ruled by politicians and think you live in "democracy"... you do whatever the MSM tells you to do or believe... and heck most of your allies in ME don't know what elections means, or even let their women drive...
fool, my point was that referendum is not "democratic" thus it 97% , it is just a yes or no question... however now there is something "democratic" called elections and there are three candidates... now you are the one stuck and keep repeating like parakeet the number 99 and 97.
I give up. You are just too dumb to argue with. You just keep insisting that because it is a referendum that the fact that someone wins it by 99% or 97% somehow, magically means that it isn't a fraud. Really, you are simply too ignorant of the point to comprehend it. Clearly, you must really be about 12 years old.
I give up. You are just too dumb to argue with. You just keep insisting that because it is a referendum that the fact that someone wins it by 99% or 97% somehow, magically means that it isn't a fraud. Really, you are simply too ignorant of the point to comprehend it. Clearly, you must really be about 12 years old.
read what I said, I said that the referendum it is not democratic, what does that mean ? you are a true idiot, I think I'm insulting all the idiots in the world by calling you an idiot ....:hitwall: why am I wasting time with you??
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Ya, we already covered that you ignorant fool but you are still stuck on it and again, you ignore the point that EVEN IF A REFERENDUM, if it is 99% and 97% it is clearly a fraud. Now if you didn't argue like an asinine 12 year old, you would have realized that was the point about two posts ago.

Why not? Not many Syrians would like to have Syria without a president if the majority votes NO on referendum :p:
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read what I said, I said that the referendum it is not democratic, what does that mean ? you are a true idiot, I think I'm insulting all the idiots in the world by calling you an idiot ....:hitwall: why am I wasting time with you??
Because you are too much of a dumb *** to realize that IT DOES NOT MATTER TO THE POINT IF IT IS WAS A REFERENDUM!!! Assad got 99% of the vote in one for the same reason why there was never any question why his father "won" 99-100% every single time. Because they were A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FRAUD! I don't care if it's a presidential election, a REFERENDUM, or it's a vote for most popular guy in school; if the result is a 99% outcome, then it is CLEARLY a sham. Anyone but an idiot would know that! It's why the poll in the OP is so comical.
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Because you are too much of a dumb *** to realize that IT DOES NOT MATTER TO THE POINT IF IT IS WAS A REFERENDUM!!! Assad got 99% of the vote in one for the same reason why there was never any question why his father "won" 99-100% every single time. Because they were A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FRAUD! I don't care if it's a presidential election, a REFERENDUM, or it's a vote for most popular guy in school; if the result is a 99% outcome, then it is CLEARLY a sham. Anyone but an idiot would know that! It's why the poll in the OP is so comical.

innocent till proven guilty :raise:
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