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Would you support Musharraf if he comes back to active politics?

Would you support Musharraf if he returns to active politics?

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My point is that he fucked up the country just to keep his own *** in power. He didn't even spare the army that he otherwise claims to be so proud of, he ruined its image and again, for nothing but only to keep his *** in power.

Choosing between Musharraf and PMLN/PPP is like choosing between blood cancer and brain cancer.
Pakistan was way more Fucked up when he took his Charge but when he left Pakistan was in a way better situation and if handled Intelligently could have Prosper by now but Sadly we have ungrateful People who are more interested in their opinion based on self Interest rather then Facts and Figures.
Non of your explanations is correct and factual, but your own way of thinking.

Hard facts are undeniably different.

You have your own ideas about.. I TOTALLY DISAGREE WITH EACH OF YOUR PRESUMED ANSWERS. you may not agree with me and i never with you and facts are facts.

He would never empowered again its just day dreaming and we never wanted.

Dear fellow ideologies can never be matched by paid agendas which can be accessed by any thoughtful mind from the each explanation given to my points. Even dreadful enemies of country are presumed to be friends.. Alas. So the remusharaf agenda is very clear... How can be accepted.

Thanks mr ghazi
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My point is that he fucked up the country just to keep his own *** in power. He didn't even spare the army that he otherwise claims to be so proud of, he ruined its image and again, for nothing but only to keep his *** in power.

Choosing between Musharraf and PMLN/PPP is like choosing between blood cancer and brain cancer.
If the country was developing leaps and bounds and corruption was minimum then I don't see a problem if his *** is in power. The common man was happy and there was peace and prosperity. Whether he was a good or strategic politician should not matter because at the end of the day Pakistan was benefitting the most. And under current democrazy Pakistan is not benefiting at all. So there you have it.
........along with this dumb *** nawaz shareef who picked this low life TALINGA Musharraf?.
Yes and Mister 10% and Maulana Diesel too, along with all their cronies. Pakistan would be a much better place without them.
Mush was the real hidden power behind imran. After total collapse of imran qadri puppet show mush is out in open.

No more space for foreign pups rather soon all pupps in all elite class (irrespective of party) would be bare and thrown out of country like rotten eggs.
Musharaf + Imran Khan Alliance would be good for Pakistan
good things wont happen to pk so easily...

I'll support him if his agenda includes aggressive foreign policy pivot towards Central Asia, Russia, Turkey and away from India.
no need to use ur if as buts are strong like he will never be an active politician in Pakistan considering his past and his conspiracies against the civilian leaders!
One might be so inclined to support Admiral Mansour-ul-haq for Defence Minister, who regardless of the Harpoon Scandal was rumoured to be a good officer.
Mush was the real hidden power behind imran. After total collapse of imran qadri puppet show mush is out in open.

No more space for foreign pups rather soon all pupps in all elite class (irrespective of party) would be bare and thrown out of country like rotten eggs.
what the f*ck are you even talking about?
Mush was behind IK Qadri show? Dude, IK has hated Mushy since the beginning, that's nonsense!
Yes and Mister 10% and Maulana Diesel too, along with all their cronies. Pakistan would be a much better place without them.
The tragedy of present situation of our divine country started when Jinnah (RA) admitted the members of Unionist Party(Feudal of Punjab & Sindh),into Muslim League against the far sighted advice of Allama Iqbal(RA).These Landlords were the creation of British Colonial Govt,and were not sincere in establishing a
Quraan & Sunnah based country.Hence......Baqee na rahee teri aaina zamiree
A kushtae sultani o mullai o piree (IQBAL ra)
Why can't this commando just relax and lead a nice quiet life playing golf and bridge like most retired generals do? :undecided:

He can even join PDF!! :-)

But seriously, whatever his faults, he's the only person who was close to sorting out the Kashmir issue with his Indian counterparts. No present politician in Pakistan has the balls to do it.

Musharaff's decision to come into politics should be welcome. Developing a strong political party creates more democratical choices for people. This is the only way in the developing countries people can change their ruling dynasties.
I really like his political move more people should follow his foot steps like former chief justice Iftikhar chaudhry. All those big gun sort of people should come forward with their parties and see what they can do.
One might be so inclined to support Admiral Mansour-ul-haq for Defence Minister, who regardless of the Harpoon Scandal was rumoured to be a good officer.
Very good point...............but was it not Agosta Submarine?.
He must come back and complete his un finish job Hang all who he didn't including Lal worship place Evil, arrest all corrupt political religious leaders board up them all in a ship ( better bombed that ship in ocean ) after that again say sorry to nation about NRO deal he done with bloody leeches.
Non of your explanations is correct and factual, but your own way of thinking.

Hard facts are undeniably different.
I would love to know those Hard Facts.

You have your own ideas about.. I TOTALLY DISAGREE WITH EACH OF YOUR PRESUMED ANSWERS. you may not agree with me and i never with you and facts are facts.

He would never empowered again its just day dreaming and we never wanted.
It is OK for Disagreement but at least we should have some grounds behind disagreement other then Rhetoric. We can discuss those Facts that you have but I am missing.

Dear fellow ideologies can never be matched by paid agendas which can be accessed by any thoughtful mind from the each explanation given to my points. Even dreadful enemies of country are presumed to be friends.. Alas. So the remusharaf agenda is very clear... How can be accepted.

Thanks mr ghazi
If Musharraf's Agenda is a Paid Agenda then it should be Exposed as well but before it got exposed why Should we involve in Accusations against a person that has been Target of Selective Justice now a Days while those Terror Outfits are roaming Freely in our Streets. What is the Exact Ideology behind putting Musharraf Trialed Selectively while letting Banned Outfit member Roaming Freely?There should be some thing other then rhetoric which we can discuss so that we can clear our Minds from what we are missing at least.
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