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Would you support Musharraf if he comes back to active politics?

Would you support Musharraf if he returns to active politics?

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His crimes are nothing compared to Hameed Gul's, Zia ul Haq, Nawaz Sharif and Zardari's.

First of all, with Zia ul Haq and Hameed Gul, yes, I agree. With Shareef and Zardari? No.

Even then, two wrongs do not make a right. Don't try and deflect the issue, we're talking about Musharraf, not the others. Zardari and Shareef are working within the confines of the constitution, or at least pretending too.

First you try and guilt trip me, now you're trying to deflect the issue using classic fallacies. If you have a valid argument, I'd love to hear it, but this is not how to build an argument in your own favor.
I am a supporter of "Pakistan" only and don't give an eff about any political party or their so called leader. I praise any/everyone who does good for the country and criticize everyone who harmed Pakistan, and unfortunately despite my strong support to Musharraf in his earlier days, I think this man Musharraf alone has caused more harm to Pakistan than all the corrupt politicians together. My thinking is not poisoned by religion, ethnicity, or cast.

for the highlighted, I gave my opinion, it's YOU who had a problem with my view.

Some of my countrymen who are the so called champions of democrazy like @Leader @Thorough Pro @Jungibaaz and other PMLN & PTI activists are opposing to playing active role in politics by Musharraf ... And this is his democratic right which those so called democratics are not ready to accept :lol:

@Horus there should be some kind of filtration system by countries in PDF polls because Indians manipulate the results to infiltrating in polls ..............
Some of my countrymen who are the so called champions of democrazy like @Leader @Thorough Pro @Jungibaaz and other PMLN & PTI activists are opposing to playing active role in politics by Musharraf ... And this is his democratic right which those so called democratics are not ready to accept :lol:

@Horus there should be some kind of filtration system by countries in PDF polls because Indians manipulate the results to infiltrating in polls ..............

The guy is facing treason charges, so unless he comes clean out of it, his democratic right should be considered suspended.

63% people says yes.

Musharraf is a great guy. He did some political blunders but he is far better then others. His economic achievements are the best in Pakistan. He achieved 7% GDP growth. He nearly tripled Pakistan GDP. He tripled exports as well.

He created electricity shortage but was a very low shortage compare to today. There was just a few hours loadshedding in that time. i guess 1-2 hours because the shortage was too low. Musharraf was eager to remove electricity shortage. He tried to make Kalabagh dam to make enough electricity for Pakistan, to remove water shortage which with todays calculation if we don't make dams then we will face in 8 years. Kalabagh dam if built can stop floods in Pakistan and if musharraf remained for few years then for today we wouldn't have electricity shortage, nor floods.

Above everything, he was not a corrupt guy. Pakistan GDP in 2007 was 170$ billion and if till today musharraf remained our GDP could be triple then today. If we take 2005 calculations then Pakistan was a High middle income country for today if musharraf remained.

I support him also.
@batmannow want your response for the poll
First of all, with Zia ul Haq and Hameed Gul, yes, I agree. With Shareef and Zardari? No.

Even then, two wrongs do not make a right. Don't try and deflect the issue, we're talking about Musharraf, not the others. Zardari and Shareef are working within the confines of the constitution, or at least pretending too.

First you try and guilt trip me, now you're trying to deflect the issue using classic fallacies. If you have a valid argument, I'd love to hear it, but this is not how to build an argument in your own favor.
Sure for you zardari & Sharif are working within constitution that's why both are the wealthiest politicians on earth ?
Nation is dying & hypocrates like you are giving medals for the most croupt political elite of Pakistan ?
Isn't that's enough to shut you down ?


The guy is facing treason charges, so unless he comes clean out of it, his democratic right should be considered suspended.
When your PM is having genocide trial then nothing matters friend ?
BTW the case is fake !
Was fake & will remain fake & politically motivated if not , there are lot of cases on your leadership by noora mafia ?
Sure for you zardari & Sharif are working within constitution that's why both are the wealthiest politicians on earth ?
Nation is dying & hypocrates like you are giving medals for the most croupt political elite of Pakistan ?
Isn't that's enough to shut you down ?


When your PM is having genocide trial then nothing matters friend ?
BTW the case is fake !
Was fake & will remain fake & politically motivated if not , there are lot of cases on your leadership by noora mafia ?
I've told you before, don't reply to me unless you have a legitimate reply to a conversation piece. You can't even spell HYPOCRITE right.
The guy is facing treason charges, so unless he comes clean out of it, his democratic right should be considered suspended.

any leader who dont have any Charges on him ? kindly Enlighten us :)
even IK got some Charges in times of dharna drama :D
I've told you before, don't reply to me unless you have a legitimate reply to a conversation piece. You can't even spell HYPOCRITE right.
Hummm so hurt ?
Mr nobody guy ? Lolzzz
Stupidness at its peak right ?
It shows your IQ level that , you are some kinda book worm never have any goddammed contact to the real world ?
& that's the reason of your croupt support to the croupt elites of Pakistan ?
Tell me what again ?
After getting negative ratings its my right to tell that book worm that , that the least you can do ?
Go & face the real world coward hiding behind the book shelfes ?
secretaries needs to correct the written languages not the bosses ? Idiot ? Lolzzz
Last edited:
any leader who dont have any Charges on him ? kindly Enlighten us :)
even IK got some Charges in times of dharna drama :D

When your PM is having genocide trial then nothing matters friend ?
BTW the case is fake !
Was fake & will remain fake & politically motivated if not , there are lot of cases on your leadership by noora mafia ?

do you understand treason? though I would like the charges be dropped, but as long as he is facing it, his right to participate in election must be suspended.
do you understand treason? though I would like the charges be dropped, but as long as he is facing it, his right to participate in election must be suspended.

In Pakistan treason means nothing ... every politician is a Traitor ..
do you understand treason? though I would like the charges be dropped, but as long as he is facing it, his right to participate in election must be suspended.
Yes I understand what you are trying put here well whatever he has done was under special conditions ?
&with the full agreement of defence forces civilian adminstration & the law abusing judiciary was on board on everything ?
If you want to start that case it must be started from the times of ayub khan ?
Each aidders & abidders like imran khan & chodry iftikhar should be hanged including musharaf ?
Sure you won't be willing that ?
He got his term. He was all powerful for longer duration. He couldn't done any miracle nor he can do anything better than that as he will be weak as compared to his previous duration.

If you compare tenure of NS with Musharraf , this govt is performing better.

lets try some one new. IK is better option. He deserves one chance. Lets see


With the treason case against Pervez Musharraf in a stalemate, the former army chief is thinking of reviving his political career by going to the apex court against the Sindh High Court’s (SHC) order, which bars him from contesting elections.

The SHC had questioned Musharraf’s credentials for invoking emergency rule in 2007 and held that he lacked the qualification to be elected as a legislator. The court had observed that Musharraf could not be called ‘Sadiq’ or ‘Ameen’ under the criteria laid down in articles 62 and 63 of the Constitution.

A close aide to Musharraf told The Express Tribune that the former president was likely to knock the doors of the Supreme Court in the next week and had also engaged the services of a renowned counsel for filing the appeal against the SHC verdict.

A year ago, the federal government had put Musharraf on trial for treason. A three-judge special court led by SHC Chief Justice Faisal Arab is hearing the case. But the government has not been actively pursuing the trial due to which the former army chief is preparing for a comeback in national politics, his party leaders say.

Last month, the SHC issued its detailed judgment on the former army chief’s petition against the rejection of his candidature for a National Assembly seat before the 2013 general elections. The returning officer had rejected the nomination papers of Musharraf for NA-250 on the grounds that the former military ruler suspended the constitution and detained judges, and was liable to be tried.

Musharraf filed an appeal in the election tribunal against the returning officer’s decision. He submitted that he was presumed innocent until proven guilty by a court. The tribunal, however, rejected the appeal and upheld the rejection of his nomination papers. Musharraf then moved the SHC appellate bench through a constitutional petition against the judgment of the election tribunal.

A full bench of the SHC, headed by then chief justice Maqbool Baqar, dismissed Musharraf’s plea. “The person who played with the judicial system and abrogated the constitution cannot be termed righteous,” the judgment reads.

The judges held that Musharraf’s act of imposition of emergency spread fear in the society and insecurity among judicial officers and lawyers. “This shameful act lowered the honour and prestige of the country in the comity of nations,” the verdict read.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 8th, 2015.

Heck no!

He got his 10 years. That's it.

Time to move on. He is now political liability for our army.

The more he gets into political mud, the more mud slinging against Pak army.

So please keep him away. Far far far away.
Heck no!

He got his 10 years. That's it.

Time to move on. He is now political liability for our army.

The more he gets into political mud, the more mud slinging against Pak army.

So please keep him away. Far far far away.

Yup. Truly its time to move on. He is already a liability. Let him do whatever he wants on his own footings. No need to support him for any stupid idea. There are good signs of political evolution in our country. Bad guys will flash out automatically. Used kartooos dobaaara nae chalain ga.
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