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Would you support Musharraf if he comes back to active politics?

Would you support Musharraf if he returns to active politics?

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I will always support Gen. Musharraf.
what the f*ck are you even talking about?
Mush was behind IK Qadri show? Dude, IK has hated Mushy since the beginning, that's nonsense!
Dear innocent fellow factualities are hard and different your rubbish words cannot change better take care of your words. The slangs don't have place in noble people. Diffrence of opinions should not result and emphasized on cheap words.

I would love to know those Hard Facts.

It is OK for Disagreement but at least we should have some grounds behind disagreement other then Rhetoric. We can discuss those Facts that you have but I am missing.

If Musharraf's Agenda is a Paid Agenda then it should be Exposed as well but before it got exposed why Should we involve in Accusations against a person that has been Target of Selective Justice now a Days while those Terror Outfits are roaming Freely in our Streets. What is the Exact Ideology behind putting Musharraf Trialed Selectively while letting Banned Outfit member Roaming Freely?There should be some thing other then rhetoric which we can discuss so that we can clear our Minds from what we are missing at least.
Dear Gazi hard facts are evident to every slightly keen eye bright like day light and have tried to explain in 1st points and im not a advocate to debate. If someone refuses yes still has own ideas in opposition can have can't be and shouldn't be forced. I shouldn't not force my way of thinking similarly you shouldn't people can judge themselves. Media can mold but can't change the ground realities.


With the treason case against Pervez Musharraf in a stalemate, the former army chief is thinking of reviving his political career by going to the apex court against the Sindh High Court’s (SHC) order, which bars him from contesting elections.

The SHC had questioned Musharraf’s credentials for invoking emergency rule in 2007 and held that he lacked the qualification to be elected as a legislator. The court had observed that Musharraf could not be called ‘Sadiq’ or ‘Ameen’ under the criteria laid down in articles 62 and 63 of the Constitution.

A close aide to Musharraf told The Express Tribune that the former president was likely to knock the doors of the Supreme Court in the next week and had also engaged the services of a renowned counsel for filing the appeal against the SHC verdict.

A year ago, the federal government had put Musharraf on trial for treason. A three-judge special court led by SHC Chief Justice Faisal Arab is hearing the case. But the government has not been actively pursuing the trial due to which the former army chief is preparing for a comeback in national politics, his party leaders say.

Last month, the SHC issued its detailed judgment on the former army chief’s petition against the rejection of his candidature for a National Assembly seat before the 2013 general elections. The returning officer had rejected the nomination papers of Musharraf for NA-250 on the grounds that the former military ruler suspended the constitution and detained judges, and was liable to be tried.

Musharraf filed an appeal in the election tribunal against the returning officer’s decision. He submitted that he was presumed innocent until proven guilty by a court. The tribunal, however, rejected the appeal and upheld the rejection of his nomination papers. Musharraf then moved the SHC appellate bench through a constitutional petition against the judgment of the election tribunal.

A full bench of the SHC, headed by then chief justice Maqbool Baqar, dismissed Musharraf’s plea. “The person who played with the judicial system and abrogated the constitution cannot be termed righteous,” the judgment reads.

The judges held that Musharraf’s act of imposition of emergency spread fear in the society and insecurity among judicial officers and lawyers. “This shameful act lowered the honour and prestige of the country in the comity of nations,” the verdict read.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 8th, 2015.

I think the questions should have been

Will you support Musharraf in addition to Facebok and Twitter or just sit on ur lazy *** ?
Some of my countrymen who are the so called champions of democrazy like @Leader @Thorough Pro @Jungibaaz and other PMLN & PTI activists are opposing to playing active role in politics by Musharraf ... And this is his democratic right which those so called democratics are not ready to accept :lol:

@Horus there should be some kind of filtration system by countries in PDF polls because Indians manipulate the results to infiltrating in polls ..............
@Jungibaaz and other PMLN & PTI activists are opposing to playing active role in politics by Musharraf ... And this is his democratic right which those so called democratics are not ready to accept :lol:

I am not a PMLN activist nor a PTI, so take that rubbish assessment elsewhere. His democratic right to run for politics and elections, as if my right and yours. What's not his right is overthrowing governments, destabilizing and ruining the image of a n already compromised nation. What he did was punishable by the law of any country. But, I think PMLN were wrong for pursuing that now, he should be free to do as he wants.

And while I agree, his term since 2003-2006 seemed excellent, some very short term gains were made. In all his years of unchallenged rule, he failed to change structural problems in the Pakistani economy, he failed to deal with extremism within society, in fact, the first few years of his rule were down-right miserable because the world hated him and we were as Colin Powell said; 'sanctioned to the eyeballs'.

What followed him, the worst 5 years in living memory, were more or less directly the result of his actions, politics and failures from the start of his term. I can guarantee, had it not have been for Musharraf, we wouldn't have had NS leading us now, and probably not the PPP government in the way that it was. You are still paying for his intervention.
I am not a PMLN activist nor a PTI, so take that rubbish assessment elsewhere. His democratic right to run for politics and elections, as if my right and yours. What's not his right is overthrowing governments, destabilizing and ruining the image of a n already compromised nation. What he did was punishable by the law of any country. But, I think PMLN were wrong for pursuing that now, he should be free to do as he wants.

I didn't declare you as PMLN or PTI activist ... You always talk about democracy but you polled the vote against him to playing role in active politics ... Which is his democratic right ... Any no any democrat can deny this .........
I wonder how many politicians can meet the criteria in its entirety laid down in the articles 62(e) and 62(f). These kinds of clauses were inducted in the constitution by the so-called liberals at the behest of Beardos, as the shrewd Mullah knew that in the eyes of the malleable awam who can be more pious than the self-proclaimed custodians of Islam – hence the power will fall in his lap like a ripe Ghilman. But thanks to Allah, that day hasn’t come yet.

Having said that, I still believe that Musharraf is a dunce. He is a man of mediocre intellect but lofty ambitions. He was also made the COAS, but his ethnic background played a vital role in that appointment than his own military skills. His early years of solo rule were a disaster, but he was eventually saved by the myopic Afghans just as they had previously saved Zia’s illegitimate regime. From an outcast military dictator he became a strategic alliance partner. Debts were rescheduled and the doors of bakhshish were opened wide by the usual friends.

He used NAB to blackmail the corrupt politicians and coerced them into joining his Q league. Madrasa degrees were recognised as BA equivalents so that Mullah could easily field their candidates. Badly dealt with major crisis like the judicial defiance of the CJ, Red Mosque and Swat insurgency. Killed a major Baloch leader knowing well it will send a bad message to Balochestan. Awarded key posts to retired army officers. Not a single case of corruption was opened against any army officer during his long tenure, even Mansur ul Haq went scot-free after handing over 2 million dollars out of 95 he had made through corruption. He was personally involved in the 12th may riots, and last but not least the NRO he negotiated with PPP to make sure he remains the president - but he didn’t know at that time that he would be dealing with a conniving person like Zardari who would easily checkmate him.
Definitely will.

A simple thing to support him is that his economic achievements are one of the bestest in the history of Pakistan.
I didn't declare you as PMLN or PTI activist ... You always talk about democracy but you polled the vote against him to playing role in active politics ... Which is his democratic right ... Any no any democrat can deny this .........

I support his right to run, and involve himself, I don't support him as the man or his party.
There's a difference, I am vehemently pro-democracy, but there is a difference between allowing all the right to partake and supporting all isn't there? Otherwise if I said I hate PPP, it would mean I'm not democratic, that's not how it works buddy.
The man started an undeclared skirmish war that Pakistan lost, he overthrew an elected government, he started civil war because a foreign nation asked him, he's in some way linked to the murder of a previous Pakistani leader; finally he's been going around making Pakistan look bad in the international scene.

If he wasn't a military man, he would have been hung by now.
The man started an undeclared skirmish war that Pakistan lost, he overthrew an elected government, he started civil war because a foreign nation asked him, he's in some way linked to the murder of a previous Pakistani leader; finally he's been going around making Pakistan look bad in the international scene.

If he wasn't a military man, he would have been hung by now.

His only crime, he belongs to Urdu Speaking family. Other wise he would have been a hero in Pakistan.
His only crime, he belongs to Urdu Speaking family. Other wise he would have been a hero in Pakistan.
Don't try and turn this into a sectarian issue. I come from an urdu speaking family, so you trying to guilt trip me is a wasted effort. I have listed just a few of his crimes, do not ignore them.
Don't try and turn this into a sectarian issue. I come from an urdu speaking family, so you trying to guilt trip me is a wasted effort. I have listed just a few of his crimes, do not ignore them.

His crimes are nothing compared to Hameed Gul's, Zia ul Haq, Nawaz Sharif and Zardari's.
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