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Would India’s northeast be better off with China?

This does not mean that minorities would be discriminated on the basis of race and/or religion. Minorities keep their culture but rely on the majority to make the important decisions to propel the country forward. A bit like the English make all the decisions here.

There are lots of mongoloid-looking people in BD cities(from Chittagong Hill Tracts) and I have never heard of any of them being attacked by ethnic Bengalis. There is no reason why any country that has a dominant ethnicity should discriminate in any way against it's minorities.

BD is actually more successful than India. It has better critical social indicators like life expectancy and malnutrition and till the election farce has been far more peaceful than India that is racked by insurgencies all over the country.
the hill tracks people are discriminated even now and are fighting ...
BD is successful in certain social parameter because of female friendly culture (inherent to it) rather than the political structure which actually fails itself and plunges the country into cyclical violence.

As to dominant English, that actually is a problem which is why scots want independence. But then after a single English nation materializes(the next logical conclusion of yours as welsh and northern irish should leave too) they will fight among themselves, northeners vs southies.
Your idea of single ethnic state is suitable for people who dont move generally, not for this day and age.
the hill tracks people are discriminated even now and are fighting ...
BD is successful in certain social parameter because of female friendly culture (inherent to it) rather than the political structure which actually fails itself and plunges the country into cyclical violence.

Do mongoloid people get killed in BD cities? No.

Do mongoloid-looking people get killed in Indian Cities? Yes

Whatever the failings of the BD political system, currently aggravated by a certain neighbouring country's interference, the unitary nature of the state has meant that it does not suffer from multiple insurgencies like India does. India spends a lot of it's time and resources trying to hold the country together rather than focusing of development.
Do mongoloid people get killed in BD cities? No.

Do mongoloid-looking people get killed in Indian Cities? Yes

Whatever the failings of the BD political system, currently aggravated by a certain neighbouring country's interference, the unitary nature of the state has meant that it does not suffer from multiple insurgencies like India does. India spends a lot of it's time and resources trying to hold the country together rather than focusing of development.
you should travel to India to see the changes, there is little or no resource used to quell violence(considering resources available to us) .. and most of the violence has genuine reason of govt apathy..
(only exception is kashmir, they really want separation).
the racism is specific to few pockets.
Do mongoloid people get killed in rest of India... nope.
Do people in each state remain within them for the fear of being killed? Most are free to travel around and live where they please.
People everywhere think they are better than others, and have a streak of racism in them. Should one have countries based on that factor alone?
As long as most agree that they want to live together, they should, they need not even from same culture.
Just like london. (ok london is not a country.. but just making a point)
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Do mongoloid people get killed in BD cities? No.

Do mongoloid-looking people get killed in Indian Cities? Yes

Whatever the failings of the BD political system, currently aggravated by a certain neighbouring country's interference, the unitary nature of the state has meant that it does not suffer from multiple insurgencies like India does. India spends a lot of it's time and resources trying to hold the country together rather than focusing of development.

You forgetting Chakmas conflict and thousands of the Chakmas getting massacred. Bengalis who were just 3% of CHT's population in 1947 have overtaken the native population.
@Kiss_of_the_Dragon Here is your original Chinese homeland marked in yellow, the first united China with Great Wall of China as the original border of China. :yes4:


How many times are you going to repeat your retarded lie?
The wall is a series of fort, not a natural border. Various Chinese empire ruled beyond the great wall, before and after it was built.

That's from BBC exposing the Han Chinese dislike for non-Han people. That's not my assessment, you can see the link in the last. :yes4: Now, I can understand why Xinjiang which was a Uyghur majority in 1949 became Han majority now.

Are you not educated enough to know what is "opinion article"? That can be submitted to any press, BBC or NBC. Definitely not, judging by all the quality of your posts.

India is a country built on nationalism, China is a country united with iron fist. ;)

What nationalism? You were never a country until British created in India in 1947, you didn't even fight your independence war, what nationalism?? The only battle you fought was coercing and annexing other princely states to join India. That's why even today, India is not a nation state!

China's history shows without an iron fist, China is no more than warring states. When China transformed into democracy in 1912 it was again reduced into warring states with many parallel governments until Mao Zedong came to unite it under an iron fist. @Kiss_of_the_Dragon can better tell you, how they are forever thankful to Mao Zedong.

Again, your dumb fabrication of chinese history. In 1912, monarchy rule was replaced with a republic, but it was never a democracy. ROC has alway been the one legitimate ruler of CHina until CCP won the war. ROC(KMT) and CCP are political parties caught in a civil war. China the country was always there.
Just because you country is created in British in 1947, you need not feel inferior and repeatedly fabricate chinese history. You can't change history, but your complex can be treated.
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You Indians look down on Chini-look alike, soon or later they will have to decide which side will give them self-respect and dignity.

You think if there's a referendum today they'll actually chose you? :lol: . We got our problems and we'll sort them out withoot your help thank you.

How many times are you going to repeat your retarded lie?
The wall is a series of fort, but a natural border. Various Chinese empire ruled beyond the great wall, before and after it was built.

Are you not educated enough to know what is "opinion article"? That can be submitted to any press, BBC or NBC. Definitely not, judging by all the quality of your posts.

What nationalism? You were never a country until British created in India in 1947, you didn't even fight your independence war, what nationalism?? The only battle you fought was coercing and annexing other princely states to join India. That's why even today, India is not a nation state!

Again, your dumb fabrication of chinese history. In 1912, monarchy rule was replaced with a republic, but it was never a democracy. ROC has alway been the one legitimate ruler of CHina until CCP won the civil war. ROC and CCP are political parties caught in a civil war. China the country was always there. Just because you country is created in British in 1947, you need not feel inferior and repeatedly fabricated chinese history. You can't change historic facts, but your complex can be treated.

Hey fatty, long time, how are things man?
BD is actually more successful than India. It has better critical social indicators like life expectancy and malnutrition and till the election farce has been far more peaceful than India that is racked by insurgencies all over the country.

How many times are you going to repeat your retarded lie?
The wall is a series of fort, but a natural border. Various Chinese empire ruled beyond the great wall, before and after it was built.

Are you not educated enough to know what is "opinion article"? That can be submitted to any press, BBC or NBC. Definitely not, judging by all the quality of your posts.

What nationalism? You were never a country until British created in India in 1947, you didn't even fight your independence war, what nationalism?? The only battle you fought was coercing and annexing other princely states to join India. That's why even today, India is not a nation state!

Again, your dumb fabrication of chinese history. In 1912, monarchy rule was replaced with a republic, but it was never a democracy. ROC has alway been the one legitimate ruler of CHina until CCP won the civil war. ROC and CCP are political parties caught in a civil war. China the country was always there. Just because you country is created in British in 1947, you need not feel inferior and repeatedly fabricated chinese history. You can't change historic facts, but your complex can be treated.

You are again back with your fake history and crying. :omghaha::omghaha:
You are obviously an Indian fascist, firstly speak decently its not your daddy jans forum, secondly go deal with with your over 20 insurgencies before mouthing off here, I admit there are inurgencies in Pakistan as well but not everything is a dick measuring contest (but if it was we know who would win:lol:), and you think before you write any of your perverted opinions.....

Oh you want to dick Measure... Lets agree k 20 Insurg are in India but TTP is 10 times more powerful than this 20 insurg in Inida.... Who would win????/ Come out of your house once in a while and see the reality in Pakistan first..... You don't see bombs blowing up Buildings and Shops in Inida Every day/...
You are again back with your fake history and crying. :omghaha::omghaha:

Making empty statement is an admission you have lost the argument. Get a life, all you do is fabricating lies about Chinese history, and when you are exposed, you resort to brainless taunting. You got banned twice for that.
Making empty statement is an admission you have lost the argument. Get a life, all you do is fabricating lies about Chinese history, and when you are exposed, you resort to brainless taunting. You got banned twice for that.

Better you go learn your Chinese history property and stop telling me your fake history.
Better you go learn your Chinese history property and stop telling me your fake history.

I rebutted you point for point, post for post. All you could do is making empty statement and taunting. Everyone can see that, you are only tarnishing your own reputation.
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