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Would India’s northeast be better off with China?

Are you serious ?then thay must be doing a very bad job,i am seeing some of these posters for few years,none of them are promoted to next level :D

Oh! They are being promoted, haven't you seen some old trolls with lots of posts & "Ranks" under their belts are not coming here to troll? When they are promoted, they move to next level to troll Japanese & Americans. :-)
For our North Eastern brothers, we don't look you difference from us, and you will never be. just gave these Indians the middle fingers and join us instead. And you're no longer to worry about Brahmaputra water.
For our Tibitean and Xinjiang brothers and sisters, we don't look you difference from us, and you will never be. just gave these Chinese the middle fingers and join us instead. And you're no longer to worry about human right violations.

Guys, sorry for the atrocious English in that sentence of mine, above. I just reproduced that post from our learned Kiss_of_the_Dragon with a couple of substitutions.
These listed people only self immolated in secret or without warning, they wouldn't dare to make a declaration prior self immolation or they would be thrown into jail but in India's case, the kid was commited suicide on open public, you claim Indian people is not aware? even the media was there to film and take the picture...you indians are just pathetic liars.

So if u remember tht pic so clearly than could you tell me da reason tht guy immolated himself???who was tht person he was protesting against ??? o_O you r one pathetic ignorant guy ,he was helped by the ppl did beat out da flames later and he ws taken to hospital with 85% burns ,know da complete story n then criticise other,n calling us indians pathetic wouldn't change da fact tht they immolate themselves cos of ur PRC rule in tibet . 126 tibetians had immolated themseves in china n tibet since 2009,so plz look at tis no's before lukin' at incidents in India n Nepal.r else be n ignort if u wana be i don't forkin' care :coffee:
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And who is your Colonial master, genius? Isn't it the great Kublai Khan who taught you how to hold your sword? :D

And don't start the 40's history, more hiccups would follow :-)

Don't try to divert the conversation, I already provide you the link that your formal colonial master answer to your question about united India and I repeated

"India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the equator.

and you don't like, go dig his graveyard and ask him :lol:

For our Tibitean and Xinjiang brothers and sisters, we don't look you difference from us, and you will never be. just gave these Chinese the middle fingers and join us instead. And you're no longer to worry about human right violations.

Guys, sorry for the atrocious English in that sentence of mine, above. I just reproduced that post from our learned Kiss_of_the_Dragon with a couple of substitutions.

you forgot to attached an article for the imitation...epic failed copy.
Well it's a logical statement, if you Indian from New delhi hate some much the so call Chini-look alike, then might as well to ask them to join China, since we're chini, we don't have problem to accept them :whistle:
Well, racial abuses are mostly seen in the uneducated, less mature class while we have North Easterners occupying multiple high level posts in the New Delhi. They enjoy much more privileges than an ordinary citizen. You might not have problem to accept them, but at the same time they don't have any serious problem which can bar them to stay within Indian Union.

Don't try to divert the conversation, I already provide you the link that your formal colonial master answer to your question about united India and I repeated

"India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the equator.
Click to expand..."

and you don't like, go dig his graveyard and ask him :lol:

Unlike you, the ordinary Chinese we,Indians care a damn what a colonial racist had to say about us.
And who is your Colonial master, genius? Isn't it the great Kublai Khan who taught you how to hold your sword? :D

And don't start the 40's history, more hiccups would follow :-)

China's history shows without an iron fist, China is no more than warring states. When China transformed into democracy in 1912 it was again reduced into warring states with many parallel governments until Mao Zedong came to unite it under an iron fist. @Kiss_of_the_Dragon can better tell you, how they are forever thankful to Mao Zedong.
Well it's a logical statement, if you Indian from New delhi hate some much the so call Chini-look alike, then might as well to ask them to join China, since we're chini, we don't have problem to accept them
images (1).jpg
Don't try to divert the conversation, I already provide you the link that your formal colonial master answer to your question about united India and I repeated

"India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the equator.

I can see you are so fond of white worshipping. Is that because of Britain helped you to liberate your country from the Japanese.
China's history shows without an iron fist, China is no more than warring states. When China transformed into democracy in 1912 it was again reduced into warring states with many parallel governments until Mao Zedong came to unite it under an iron fist. @Kiss_of_the_Dragon can better tell you, how they are forever thankful to Mao Zedong.

Actually they worship a man who had committed secret pacts with the Japanese during WW II sacrificing the Nationalist forces to their own fate. And these ignorant hypocrites try to sale patriotism to us :rolleyes:
Actually they worship a man who had committed secret pacts with the Japanese during WW II sacrificing the Nationalist forces to their own fate. And these ignorant hypocrites try to sale patriotism to us :rolleyes:

What kind of pact.
Well, racial abuses are mostly seen in the uneducated, less mature class while we have North Easterners occupying multiple high level posts in the New Delhi. They enjoy much more privileges than an ordinary citizen. You might not have problem to accept them, but at the same time they don't have any serious problem which can bar them to stay within Indian Union.

Unlike you, the ordinary Chinese we,Indians care a damn what a colonial racist had to say about us.

yeah..tell that to those NE people, if they believe you, otherwise there is nothing so call the ULFA. and for the colonial racist, you ask me a question about united India, I digged the way up for the answer and to figure out that it was your formal colonial prime minster's statement about India...I invent nothing and here again what he said.

India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the equator.
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if you still not happy, go to England and have some face slapping on British.
Every time Beijing lays claim to the whole of Arunachal Pradesh as being part of its national territory, New Delhi’s hackles rise. Arunachal, as indeed all the northeastern states, are indisputably part of the Indian Union. Or are they? While political India claims sovereignty over them, so-called ‘mainstream’ India – another, and misleading, word for the Hindi-Hindu belt – treats them like foreigners.

The tragic case of Nido Tania, the young student from Arunachal Pradesh, who was beaten to death in New Delhi after he got into an altercation with ruffians who had cast a racial slur at him is just one of a long list of hate crimes against people from the northeast when they come to the Indian heartland.

Because Nido was the son of a Congress MLA, his case has drawn VVIP attention: Rahul Gandhi has publicly expressed his support and sympathy for all those from the northeast, and home minister Shinde has told the police to expedite their investigations.

Just four days before Nido was fatally attacked, two women from Manipur were assaulted by a bunch of goons, barely a few kilometres from where the young student from Arunachal was fatally beaten up.

In both these cases – and in all the countless such incidents that go unreported and unrecorded, precisely because they are so common that no one bothers to take note of them – the only provocation was that the victims looked ‘different’ from what Indians are ‘meant’ to look like – whatever that might mean.

People from the northeast are routinely labelled ‘Chinki’. They are frequently asked if they eat dogs, and are presumed by many so-called ‘mainstream’ Indians to be sexually promiscuous, particularly in the case of women who are made to suffer offensive physical and verbal advances.

Days after Nido’s death, newly-appointed Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal promised a number of measures to help fight such racist discrimination, including making a study of the history of the northeast mandatory in schools and the appointing of a special panel comprising people from the region to look into cases of such hate crimes.

Welcome as these and similar proposals are, the question that arises is: Why are such special protective measures necessary at all? Why is Indian society so hostile to anyone who doesn’t in appearance or custom fit into a cookie-cutter stereotype of what being an ‘Indian’ means?
Despite the national mantra of ‘Unity in diversity’, India is increasingly becoming more and more intolerant of any form of difference from the ‘mainstream’, whether that difference is of ethnic appearance or that of sexual preference, as shown by the Supreme Court’s recent ‘recriminalising’ of homosexuality.

Minorities of any kind – ethnic, religious or sexual – feel increasingly unsafe in an India which seems growingly allergic to any kind of heterogeneousness, any kind of diversity or difference.
Political India insists that the northeast is part of the Indian republic, ‘mainstream’ India rejects – often with extreme violence – all ‘foreign-looking’ northeasterners.

So, would our northeastern states be better off with China, or at least better off independent of India?

Nido Tania might have had an answer to that question. And he might have been alive today to answer it if he hadn’t been compelled to be part of a country whose self-appointed ‘mainstream’ hates all people like him.

Would India’s northeast be better off with China? by Juggle-Bandhi : Jug Suraiya's blog-The Times Of India

For our North Eastern brothers, we don't look you difference from us, and you will never be. just gave these Indians the middle fingers and join us instead. And you're no longer to worry about Brahmaputra water.

The number of people who consider north-eastern as brothers and help them is much greater than people who call them what they should not.
What kind of pact.

The Japanese hardly engaged with the Communists, it's Chiang who faced all the heat ;)

yeah..tell that to those NE people, if they believe you, otherwise there is nothing so call the ULFA. and for the colonial racist, you ask me a question about united India, I digged the way up for the answer and to figure out that it was your formal colonial prime minster's statement about India...I invent nothing and here again what he said.

India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the equator.
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if you still not happy, go to England and have some face slapping on British.

Churchill seems to be a hero to you, parroting all the bull shits he said. :lol:And do you know anything about ULFA? Do you know what happened to them? You are just pointlessly roaming your argument here and there. I feel pity for you :rolleyes:
yeah..tell that to those NE people, if they believe you, otherwise there is nothing so call the ULFA. and for the colonial racist, you ask me a question about united India, I digged the way up for the answer and to figure out that it was your formal colonial prime minster's statement about India...I invent nothing and here again what he said.

India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the equator.
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if you still not happy, go to England and have some face slapping on British.

India is a country built on nationalism, China is a country united with iron fist. ;)
yeah..tell that to those NE people, if they believe you, otherwise there is nothing so call the ULFA. and for the colonial racist, you ask me a question about united India, I digged the way up for the answer and to figure out that it was your formal colonial prime minster's statement about India...I invent nothing and here again what he said.

India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the equator.
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if you still not happy, go to England and have some face slapping on British.

Why would someone want to join china knowing fully well that they can never live freely in china.
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