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Would India’s northeast be better off with China?

Even martians are Chinese, stop making me bored with your crap. :wacko:

A Han Chinese see all non-Han Sino-Tibetan people as barbarians, hate their culture and tried to destroy it.

you said that not me, I will take your word as for granted :lol:
then why use Chinky as excuse to deal with your NE people, you could very well use Vietnamese or Pinoy to label your NE people. :lol:

Dude not every body calls them Chinky.. man its only a few loser's who do. Without even knowing that you are here posting news which has little true in reality.
@Kiss_of_the_Dragon Here is your original Chinese homeland marked in yellow, the first united China with Great Wall of China as the original border of China. :yes4:

then why use Chinky as excuse to deal with your NE people, you could very well use Vietnamese or Pinoy to label your NE people. :lol:

Because they are Sino-Tibetan folks who are a bunch of O3a carriers just like us, unlike those non-Sino-Tibetans such as Japs, Koreans and Viets.

As for the rests such as Japs/Koreans/Viets, Indians would probably label them as gooks, if not chinks.
Dude not every body calls them Chinky.. man its only a few loser's who do. Without even knowing that you are here posting news which has little true in reality.

not according to this article...dude, go read over again. :rolleyes:
Assam should be a part of Bangladesh, not only is Bangladesh geographically closer to Assam and the other NE states but our culture is much closer than mainland Indian culture.

Don't worry Bay of Bengal will liberate Bangladesh from Bangladeshis, until then you can join as the province of Myanmar, you will be bestowed as the neighbouring country of China.
From the mid-17th Century, large tracts of the western region were conquered by the Qing dynasty in a series of brutal wars. The inhabitants of these lands were not Han. With their different physical appearance, darker skin, distinctive customs and lower level of development, the Han saw them as the Other, as "barbarians".

If the strength of the Han identity is that it has held China together, its weakness, I would argue, has been its relative lack of respect for difference, an underlying assumption that the non-Han should become like the Han - indeed eventually be absorbed into the Han. This attitude is not difficult to understand, it is how the Han became almost, but not quite, synonymous with being Chinese, or, to put it another way, how China was created.

BBC News - A Point Of View: How China sees a multicultural world

Nice try buddy, that was 2000 year's ago Han, we're 21st century, your calendar is retarded by 2 milleniums.:coffee:

That's was your first united China rest of them foreign land, when it was first united how it even matter that it was 2000 years old. :laugh:
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