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Would India’s northeast be better off with China?

You missed my point that if NOTHING is done then 17% is predicted to go underwater.

A 150 billion dollar economy that is growing at 6% a year will fund sufficient funds to build flood defences to protect it's precious coastline.

This is no big deal as a large percentage of the Netherlands also lies underwater.

Check this out:

Country gets new land

BD has added 1790 km squared to it's landmass. Currently BD is actually growing in size.:D

LOL , Ok , go ahead , Build your billion dollar "coastline defences" . We'll destroy them when time comes with a couple of cheap missiles.
LOL , Ok , go ahead , Build your billion dollar "coastline defences" . We'll destroy them when time comes with a couple of cheap missiles.

Dude, you would need massive numbers of bombs to destroy coastal defences to put any significant amount of land at risk. India is dumb but not that dumb to even think about trying this.

It is 2014 now and BD has a net land gain so far so it will be many years before BD needs to even think about spending billions to build coastal defences. As the years pass, the burden on the state will get less due to the growing economy.

All that BD requires is the energy and mineral resources of the North-Eastern states and it will be unstoppable in the march to prosperity.
Dude, you would need massive numbers of bombs to destroy coastal defences to put any significant amount of land at risk. India is dumb but not that dumb to even think about trying this.

It is 2014 now and BD has a net land gain so far so it will be many years before BD needs to even think about spending billions to build coastal defences. As the years pass, the burden on the state will get less due to the growing economy.

All that BD requires is the energy and mineral resources of the North-Eastern states and it will be unstoppable in the march to prosperity.

No , only a few dozen bombs at strategic locations would do the trick. Consider a water bottle ,you only need to poke a tiny hole in it to let all the water escape. Similarly , all we need to do is blast a hole in your flood defenses and see your country flooded.
Bangladesh is a geographical anomaly. That low lying stinking piece of landmass should have been eaten by the ocean ages ago. But by 2050 , we expect that anomaly to be rectified as a result of global warming and climate change. Don't be mad now , i speak nothing but the truth :lol:. You are in the UK , you are safe , unless you get involved in some shady terrorist stuff and they deport you back.

Trust me, no one wants to be part of cow dung, HIV infested, cow piss drinking nation. I think we're all good here, after seeing slum dog billionaire when your compadre did a front flip bomb into a river of shit I think it's safe to say....No. If any countries unhygienic then I think India has to top that list, please find a suitable place to take a dump instead of taking number 2's in other people's mouth. You would've thought that sanitation is a priority, noooo not in India. Not to mention the plethora of slums.

BD may be "low lying", but it does not smell,nor do we use cow piss as a tooth paste or a face wash to exfoliate our skin. We don't have a barbaric caste system which determines your job and we do not have fakirs putting weights on their middle parts to showcase their "talent" and as a means of income.

Yes, we do eat Fish, yes we wear Lungi. Great.
Trust me, no one wants to be part of cow dung, HIV infested, cow piss drinking nation. I think we're all good here, after seeing slum dog billionaire when your compadre did a front flip bomb into a river of shit I think it's safe to say....No. If any countries unhygienic then I think India has to top that list, please find a suitable place to take a dump instead of taking number 2's in other people's mouth. You would've thought that sanitation is a priority, noooo not in India. Not to mention the plethora of slums.

BD may be "low lying", but it does not smell,nor do we use cow piss as a tooth paste or a face wash to exfoliate our skin. We don't have a barbaric caste system which determines your job and we do not have fakirs putting weights on their middle parts to showcase their "talent" and as a means of income.

Yes, we do eat Fish, yes we wear Lungi. Great.

Living in a Mumbai slum would be a dream for any Bangladeshi, which is why there are so many of you illegal parasites here. Bangladesh certainly does smell and much worse than Shit. Type Bangladesh on google and all you see is a bunch of poior people living in their shit covered mudhuts , animals , flies all around etc. India might be dirty , but a thousand times ahead of your poor country. Actually , we don't drink cow piss , but we certainly do piss into the Ganges , which flows into Bangladesh and then you people drink it. so yeah , you or one of your family members has probably ingested molecules of my piss. Now gtfo and grow your jute. 150 million ugly looking flies on a huge piece of Poop. That's what Bangladesh is. Per Capita Income of Sub Saharan Africa is a 100 dollars higher than that fo your %hithole country.
Living in a Mumbai slum would be a dream for any Bangladeshi, which is why there are so many of you illegal parasites here. Bangladesh certainly does smell and much worse than Shit. Type Bangladesh on google and all you see is a bunch of poior people living in their shit covered mudhuts , animals , flies all around etc. India might be dirty , but a thousand times ahead of your poor country. Actually , we don't drink cow piss , but we certainly do piss into the Ganges , which flows into Bangladesh and then you people drink it. so yeah , you or one of your family members has probably ingested molecules of my piss. Now gtfo and grow your jute. 150 million ugly looking flies on a huge piece of Poop. That's what Bangladesh is. Per Capita Income of Sub Saharan Africa is a 100 dollars higher than that fo your %hithole country.

I love the bravado and might India shows to a small country but when it comes to Pakistan you're getting butt raped left right and center. The so called 20 million Bangladeshi's, sounds like the biggest bull shit to me. Just because you see a bunch of poor people that doesn't cancel out hygiene, people maybe poor but our fakir are a 100x cleaner than the voodoo retards you got over there. Yes you do drink and apply cow piss over your face, I've seen it plenty of times on videos. Parts of India are worse than Sub Saharan Africa so I don't get what you're on about?

When your people find a suitable place to have a shit instead of Ganges (Btw that is dirty as f*ck, thanks for confirming that you do shit and piss in there). There's a 150 million people in our country but at least we know what birth control is, where as India it's 1 billion and increasing substantially.
Living in a Mumbai slum would be a dream for any Bangladeshi, which is why there are so many of you illegal parasites here. Bangladesh certainly does smell and much worse than Shit. Type Bangladesh on google and all you see is a bunch of poior people living in their shit covered mudhuts , animals , flies all around etc. India might be dirty , but a thousand times ahead of your poor country. Actually , we don't drink cow piss , but we certainly do piss into the Ganges , which flows into Bangladesh and then you people drink it. so yeah , you or one of your family members has probably ingested molecules of my piss. Now gtfo and grow your jute. 150 million ugly looking flies on a huge piece of Poop. That's what Bangladesh is. Per Capita Income of Sub Saharan Africa is a 100 dollars higher than that fo your %hithole country.

I think you are wasting your time in responding to an Islamic fanatic. Leave that Mullah aside. These religious fanatics dont have straight answers, all they talk is $hit without any logic. It doesn't matter where they live, they are same $hit. You can crown the dog, but it still eats the pooh.
Assam should be a part of Bangladesh, not only is Bangladesh geographically closer to Assam and the other NE states but our culture is much closer than mainland Indian culture.

Also the "chinky" look as you Indians call it is not alien in the north east of Bangladesh or the south east.
Says the person who claims that BD is the 29 th pseudo state of India:suicide2:

The kind of respect you countrymates give to Chakmas is noteworthy right? Thamen bhai :stop:

Save your country from Rawamy dalals first:rofl:
No harm in preparing roadmaps in local Chinese websites.
But Beijing doesn't have that much juice to try any such thing. They know that their limited juice will be soaked in that case. :D

And what make you think that we don't have much juice to try any of such thing? :coffee:
Every time Beijing lays claim to the whole of Arunachal Pradesh as being part of its national territory, New Delhi’s hackles rise. Arunachal, as indeed all the northeastern states, are indisputably part of the Indian Union. Or are they? While political India claims sovereignty over them, so-called ‘mainstream’ India – another, and misleading, word for the Hindi-Hindu belt – treats them like foreigners.

The tragic case of Nido Tania, the young student from Arunachal Pradesh, who was beaten to death in New Delhi after he got into an altercation with ruffians who had cast a racial slur at him is just one of a long list of hate crimes against people from the northeast when they come to the Indian heartland.

Because Nido was the son of a Congress MLA, his case has drawn VVIP attention: Rahul Gandhi has publicly expressed his support and sympathy for all those from the northeast, and home minister Shinde has told the police to expedite their investigations.

Just four days before Nido was fatally attacked, two women from Manipur were assaulted by a bunch of goons, barely a few kilometres from where the young student from Arunachal was fatally beaten up.

In both these cases – and in all the countless such incidents that go unreported and unrecorded, precisely because they are so common that no one bothers to take note of them – the only provocation was that the victims looked ‘different’ from what Indians are ‘meant’ to look like – whatever that might mean.

People from the northeast are routinely labelled ‘Chinki’. They are frequently asked if they eat dogs, and are presumed by many so-called ‘mainstream’ Indians to be sexually promiscuous, particularly in the case of women who are made to suffer offensive physical and verbal advances.

Days after Nido’s death, newly-appointed Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal promised a number of measures to help fight such racist discrimination, including making a study of the history of the northeast mandatory in schools and the appointing of a special panel comprising people from the region to look into cases of such hate crimes.

Welcome as these and similar proposals are, the question that arises is: Why are such special protective measures necessary at all? Why is Indian society so hostile to anyone who doesn’t in appearance or custom fit into a cookie-cutter stereotype of what being an ‘Indian’ means?
Despite the national mantra of ‘Unity in diversity’, India is increasingly becoming more and more intolerant of any form of difference from the ‘mainstream’, whether that difference is of ethnic appearance or that of sexual preference, as shown by the Supreme Court’s recent ‘recriminalising’ of homosexuality.

Minorities of any kind – ethnic, religious or sexual – feel increasingly unsafe in an India which seems growingly allergic to any kind of heterogeneousness, any kind of diversity or difference.
Political India insists that the northeast is part of the Indian republic, ‘mainstream’ India rejects – often with extreme violence – all ‘foreign-looking’ northeasterners.

So, would our northeastern states be better off with China, or at least better off independent of India?

Nido Tania might have had an answer to that question. And he might have been alive today to answer it if he hadn’t been compelled to be part of a country whose self-appointed ‘mainstream’ hates all people like him.

Would India’s northeast be better off with China? by Juggle-Bandhi : Jug Suraiya's blog-The Times Of India

For our North Eastern brothers, we don't look you difference from us, and you will never be. just gave these Indians the middle fingers and join us instead. And you're no longer to worry about Brahmaputra water.

In my neighborhood alone I see a dozen of my northeastern brothers working side by side with others. I am sure there are millions spread out in India who don't feel alienated.

If you feel so much for them why does the border stop you from helping them. It is just lip service and no action.
He didn't immolate himself in tibet it ws in sichuan province of southwest china *don't tell me sichuan is in tibet nw* ,ppl in india were unaware of any tibetian immolating themselves,he came running down da street in flame ppl were helpless*tis ain't any explanation* many tibetians had immolated themselves in china as well,almost 126 since 2009.....here's da list of names:
Phagmo Samdup
Tsultrim Gyatso
Kunchok Tseten
Tsering Gyal
Kunchok Sonam
Wangchen Dolma
Tenzin Sherab
Losang Dawa
Konchok Woeser
Unknown (female)
Konchok Tenzin
Lhamo Kyab
Lobsang Thogme
Kunchok Wangmo*
Tsesung Kyab
Phagmo Dundrup
Sonam Dhargye
Drugpa Khar
Lobsang Namgyal
Konchok Kyab
Tsering Tashi
Wangchen Kyi
Kunchok Pelgye
Pema Dorjee
Lobsang Geleg
Sungdue Kyab
Kunchok Kyab
Tsering Namgyal
Wande Khar
Sanggye Tashi
Kelsang Kyab
Gonpo Tsering
Kunchok Tsering
Sangay Dolma Tamdrin Kyab
Tamdrin Dorjee
Lubhum Gyal
Tsering Dundrup
Wangchen Norbu
Sangdag Tsering
Chagmo Kyi
Khabum Gyal
Tenzin Dolma
Nyangchag Bum
Nyangkar Tashi
Gonpo Tsering
Jinpa Gyatso
Dorjee Kyab
Tamding Tso
Dorjee Lhundrup
Tsewang Kyab
Lhamo Tseten
Dorje Rinchen
Lhamo Kyab
Tamdin Dorje
Sangay Gyatso
Passang Lhamo
Lobsang Damchoe
Lobsang Kelsang
Dolkar Tso
Lobsang Tsultrim
Losang Lozin
Tsewang Dorjee
Dickyi Choezom
Ngawang Norphel Tenzin Khedup
Tamdin Thar
Dorje Tseten
Choepak Kyap
Thubten Nyandak Rinpoche & Atse*
Chimey Palden
Tenpa Darjey
Lobsang Sherab
Sonam Dargye
Lobsang Tsultrim
Jamyang Palden
Tsering Kyi
Damchoe Sangpo
Lobsang Gyatso
Tenzin Choedron
Sonam Rabyang
Rinzin Dorje
Losang Jamyang
Sonam Wangyal
Tenzin Phuntsog
Palden Choetso
Dawa Tsering
Tenzin Wangmo
Norbu Damdrul
Kelsang Wangchuk
Lobsang Kelsang
Lobsang Kunchok
Tsewang ,Norbu

And anyways i don't care weather u belive me r nt bt its a bitter fact NE indians neva wana join china!

These listed people only self immolated in secret or without warning, they wouldn't dare to make a declaration prior self immolation or they would be thrown into jail but in India's case, the kid was commited suicide on open public, you claim Indian people is not aware? even the media was there to film and take the picture...you indians are just pathetic liars.

In my neighborhood alone I see a dozen of my northeastern brothers working side by side with others. I am sure there are millions spread out in India who don't feel alienated.

If you feel so much for them why does the border stop you from helping them. It is just lip service and no action.

Why bother, we will let these people to discover what's self-respect and dignity, when they learn that Chini-look alike has no place in India, it will be up to them to decide their own destiny. we provide them the same lip service as India for those exile Tibetans...and we stand no lost by doing that :coffee:
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And what make you think that we don't have much juice to try any of such thing? :coffee:

If you have, try it in reality, than venting frustration in online forum. Even I want to see news items like, China captures N.E India or North East India no more a part of India but part of China from now on. :tup:

Though I want to see, I know I won't see that happen. But still all the best from my side!! Give a shot, no harm in trying right. Failure is the pillar of success!! :enjoy:
For our North Eastern brothers, we don't look you difference from us, and you will never be. just gave these Indians the middle fingers and join us instead. And you're no longer to worry about Brahmaputra water.

Reply from your North East brothers..


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