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Would India’s northeast be better off with China?

I have better proposition.

Wouldn't it be better if
-India would get to rule Tibet
-Uighurs would join Turkistan again
-Japan ruled the coasts and hinterland
-Only Beijng under Chinese rule


To stay on topic. They would be "better off" like the title says.

You Analolian is already live on the lost cause when Turks invaded Anatolia and conquered Constantinople, your ancestors were living on the hopeless, Antolians descendants could only embrace Turk as their forefather...so spare us of your intelligent assessement about China....LMAO. If you want more humiliation, just look at those Latino people, even Spain conquer south America, they never considered themself as spanish people only you shameless Anatolian consider yourself as descendant of Turks.
NE is being neglected and the fact that the only way India has access is through the Chicken's neck, the North East is a just an excuse for India to boast their "diverse" population. The general Indian population and the Indians I know have no clue where Assam or Tripura is. It's a win-win if NE joins either China or BD, it allows BD to increase relations with China and takes a lot of weight off our backs.

Keep dreaming Mr. Mullah.You know, how that Chicken neck is formed, just b/c we donated a small piece of land for you and your Mullah community. There is nothing left for you in India, our NE brothers far more matured people than religious fanatics. Save that piece we are donated already which seems like it's existence is in danger already, before dreaming for something.
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It's pretty much retard for you to compare the two event: In Tibet, the guy got himself immolated without any warning, but India's case, it was well prepared and orchestrated, you could even see people were ligned up to see how the boy set the fire on himself and ran across the street and follen down afterward.

you can call as much as witness as you want, it won't change the fact that these people are enough of India and if they decide to join BD, China or be Independant, let them decide and vote...isn't India democracy is about?

I would like to see this so call "another article" :lol:, but I do have an article for you to contemplate

INDIA - CHINA Balkanization of India: a roadmap of Beijing? - Asia News

He didn't immolate himself in tibet it ws in sichuan province of southwest china *don't tell me sichuan is in tibet nw* ,ppl in india were unaware of any tibetian immolating themselves,he came running down da street in flame ppl were helpless*tis ain't any explanation* many tibetians had immolated themselves in china as well,almost 126 since 2009.....here's da list of names:
Phagmo Samdup
Tsultrim Gyatso
Kunchok Tseten
Tsering Gyal
Kunchok Sonam
Wangchen Dolma
Tenzin Sherab
Losang Dawa
Konchok Woeser
Unknown (female)
Konchok Tenzin
Lhamo Kyab
Lobsang Thogme
Kunchok Wangmo*
Tsesung Kyab
Phagmo Dundrup
Sonam Dhargye
Drugpa Khar
Lobsang Namgyal
Konchok Kyab
Tsering Tashi
Wangchen Kyi
Kunchok Pelgye
Pema Dorjee
Lobsang Geleg
Sungdue Kyab
Kunchok Kyab
Tsering Namgyal
Wande Khar
Sanggye Tashi
Kelsang Kyab
Gonpo Tsering
Kunchok Tsering
Sangay Dolma Tamdrin Kyab
Tamdrin Dorjee
Lubhum Gyal
Tsering Dundrup
Wangchen Norbu
Sangdag Tsering
Chagmo Kyi
Khabum Gyal
Tenzin Dolma
Nyangchag Bum
Nyangkar Tashi
Gonpo Tsering
Jinpa Gyatso
Dorjee Kyab
Tamding Tso
Dorjee Lhundrup
Tsewang Kyab
Lhamo Tseten
Dorje Rinchen
Lhamo Kyab
Tamdin Dorje
Sangay Gyatso
Passang Lhamo
Lobsang Damchoe
Lobsang Kelsang
Dolkar Tso
Lobsang Tsultrim
Losang Lozin
Tsewang Dorjee
Dickyi Choezom
Ngawang Norphel Tenzin Khedup
Tamdin Thar
Dorje Tseten
Choepak Kyap
Thubten Nyandak Rinpoche & Atse*
Chimey Palden
Tenpa Darjey
Lobsang Sherab
Sonam Dargye
Lobsang Tsultrim
Jamyang Palden
Tsering Kyi
Damchoe Sangpo
Lobsang Gyatso
Tenzin Choedron
Sonam Rabyang
Rinzin Dorje
Losang Jamyang
Sonam Wangyal
Tenzin Phuntsog
Palden Choetso
Dawa Tsering
Tenzin Wangmo
Norbu Damdrul
Kelsang Wangchuk
Lobsang Kelsang
Lobsang Kunchok
Tsewang ,Norbu

And anyways i don't care weather u belive me r nt bt its a bitter fact NE indians neva wana join china!
North-East should join BD and this would be the perfect partnership.:enjoy:

The North-East would join a rapidly growing country of 150 million and their energy and other natural resources would propel this growth even higher. In return North-East people would be treated with much greater respect than by the Indian Hindus and would enjoy prosperity.

China would also benefit as they would have a friendly neighbouring country that would have nearby ports for import/export.

All that is required is the dissolution of the aberration that is India.
North-East should join BD and this would be the perfect partnership.:enjoy:

And this joke came from someone who support and want to create BD a Islamist country.

How you will treat them equal? After forcefully converting them to Muslim?
And this joke came from someone who support and want to create BD a Islamist country.

How you will treat them equal? After forcefully converting them to Muslim?

Dude, I am not religious and do not have any problem with non-Muslims. Nor do I remotely care about race unlike Indians it seems.

BD and North-East states are an ideal partnership. Population and natural resources would finally come together to create a winning combination.
North-East should join BD and this would be the perfect partnership.:enjoy:

The North-East would join a rapidly growing country of 150 million and their energy and other natural resources would propel this growth even higher. In return North-East people would be treated with much greater respect than by the Indian Hindus and would enjoy prosperity.

China would also benefit as they would have a friendly neighbouring country that would have nearby ports for import/export.

All that is required is the dissolution of the aberration that is India.

Why do you think Hindu majority states join Islamic country? Why can't your BD govt open the discussion and see what reaction your country will get from India. Don't try to eat more which you are not affordable to digest. Better you stick to your tiny islamic country and stop non-sense on internet forums. You are already killed/Converted 31% Hindus in your country and bring them to 9% now. Are you in such hungry, to get more Hindus to convert and Kill?
Why do you think Hindu majority states join Islamic country? Why can't your BD govt open the discussion and see what reaction your country will get from India. Don't try to eat more which you are not affordable to digest. Better you stick to your tiny islamic country and stop non-sense on internet forums. You are already killed/Converted 31% muslims in your country and bring to 9% now. Are you in such hungry, to get more Hindus to convert and Kill?

To escape racism and poverty. BD Muslims are by far the most tolerant group in the whole of South Asia.

The Indian state still has mass starvation after nearly 7 decades of independence and therefore has failed it's citizens.
I suppose truth hurts.

India is an anomaly in this world of unitary states and I am sure this anomaly will soon be rectified.

Bangladesh is a geographical anomaly. That low lying stinking piece of landmass should have been eaten by the ocean ages ago. But by 2050 , we expect that anomaly to be rectified as a result of global warming and climate change. Don't be mad now , i speak nothing but the truth :lol:. You are in the UK , you are safe , unless you get involved in some shady terrorist stuff and they deport you back.
It's pretty much retard for you to compare the two event: In Tibet, the guy got himself immolated without any warning, but India's case, it was well prepared and orchestrated, you could even see people were ligned up to see how the boy set the fire on himself and ran across the street and follen down afterward.

you can call as much as witness as you want, it won't change the fact that these people are enough of India and if they decide to join BD, China or be Independant, let them decide and vote...isn't India democracy is about?

I would like to see this so call "another article" :lol:, but I do have an article for you to contemplate

INDIA - CHINA Balkanization of India: a roadmap of Beijing? - Asia News

No harm in preparing roadmaps in local Chinese websites.
But Beijing doesn't have that much juice to try any such thing. They know that their limited juice will be soaked in that case. :D
Bangladesh is a geographical anomaly. That low lying stinking piece of landmass should have been eaten by the ocean ages ago. But by 2050 , we expect that anomaly to be rectified as a result of global warming and climate change


If NOTHING is done then 17% of the BD landmass is predicted to by underwater by 2050.

Don't worry BD has sufficient funds that at most only a few per cent of the land will go underwater.

If NOTHING is done then 17% of the BD landmass is predicted to by underwater by 2050.

Don't worry BD has sufficient funds that at most only a few per cent of the land will go underwater.

LOL , Ok , there goes 17% of your most fertile land. With a little more CO2 emissions from some Indian factories , we could get the figure up to 20%. Good luck growing rice and feeding your hungry ever expanding population :lol:


China would be much better off under Japan. Developed , civilized ( They won't be allowed to eat cockroaches and lizards anymore). They should really get over than Rape of Nanjing thing , it's all history :lol:. China should embrace Japanese rule with open arms
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LOL , Ok , there goes 17% of your most fertile land. With a little more CO2 emissions from some Indian factories , we could get the figure up to 20%. Good luck growing rice and feeding your hungry ever expanding population :lol:

You missed my point that if NOTHING is done then 17% is predicted to go underwater.

A 150 billion dollar economy that is growing at 6% a year will fund sufficient funds to build flood defences to protect it's precious coastline.

This is no big deal as a large percentage of the Netherlands also lies under sea-level.

Check this out:

Country gets new land

BD has added 1790 km squared to it's landmass. Currently BD is actually growing in size.:D
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