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Would India’s northeast be better off with China?

The Japanese hardly engaged with the Communists, it's Chiang who faced all the heat ;)

Churchill seems to be a hero to you, parroting all the bull shits he said. :lol:And do you know anything about ULFA? Do you know what happened to them? You are just pointlessly roaming your argument here and there. I feel pity for you :rolleyes:

I wasn't aware of it but these days I have read lots of Chinese history and found lots of grey areas and fake claims. :laugh:
That's from BBC exposing the Han Chinese dislike for non-Han people. That's not my assessment, you can see the link in the last. :yes4: Now, I can understand why Xinjiang which was a Uyghur majority in 1949 became Han majority now.

Almost all the Han who were moved to Xinjiang, were sent to Dzhungaria/Northern Xinjiang, where Uyghurs are also migrants to. Uyghurs are native to the Tarim Basin in Southern Xinjiang, and in Dzungaria they are settlers. Dzhungharia was also sparsely populated before most of the Han moved in. Dzhungaria is the native land of the Dzhungar Mongols, and they ruled over it during the Zungar Khanate times. Uyghurs from the Tarim Basin never ruled that area, they moved there under Qing rule.

The Truth about Uyghur demographics and Han immigration in Xinjiang

The Geography of China: Sacred and Historic Places - Britannica Educational Publishing - Google Books
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Almost all the Han who were moved to Xinjiang, were sent to Dzhungaria/Northern Xinjiang, where Uyghurs are also migrants to. Uyghurs are native to the Tarim Basin in Southern Xinjiang, and in Dzungaria they are settlers. Dzhungharia was also sparsely populated before most of the Han moved in. Dzhungaria is the native land of the Dzhungar Mongols, and they ruled over it during the Zungar Khanate times. Uyghurs from the Tarim Basin never ruled that area, they moved there under Qing rule.

The local Dzungarians were exterminated in the genocide in mid 1700s by the army of the Qing Dynasty. Same happened to Miao/Hmong in Guizhou in late 1870s when more than 70% of them unrooted or exterminated from their homeland.
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I wasn't aware of it but these days I have read lots of Chinese history and found lots of grey areas and fake claims. :laugh:

Mao was a far sighted leader and succeeded in preserving bulk of his forces for the upcoming civil war while the Japanese got their opposition teared into halves. After the war, Generalissimo simply did not have enough forces to fight the communists. In other words, the Chinese under the Nationalist regime were sacrificed for by another set of Chinese themselves for a selfish struggle for power. And guess what, they are now quoting us Churchill.:lol:
Mao was a far sighted leader and succeeded in preserving bulk of his forces for the upcoming civil war while the Japanese got their opposition teared into halves. After the war, Generalissimo simply did not have enough forces to fight the communists. In other words, the Chinese under the Nationalist regime were sacrificed for by another set of Chinese themselves for a selfish struggle for power. And guess what, they are now quoting us Churchill.:lol:

You mean Mao Zedong didn't do anything to liberate China from the Japanese, that's a great surprise. :laugh: Anyway, Chinese still love him for uniting China on iron fist from warring states although his legacy is very brutal against common Chinese people, all of it spared for uniting China.
I suppose truth hurts.

India is an anomaly in this world of unitary states and I am sure this anomaly will soon be rectified.
people who demand unitary states are mildly racists, and need to be taught about multiculturalism and pluralism.
Every time Beijing lays claim to the whole of Arunachal Pradesh as being part of its national territory, New Delhi’s hackles rise. Arunachal, as indeed all the northeastern states, are indisputably part of the Indian Union. Or are they? While political India claims sovereignty over them, so-called ‘mainstream’ India – another, and misleading, word for the Hindi-Hindu belt – treats them like foreigners.

The tragic case of Nido Tania, the young student from Arunachal Pradesh, who was beaten to death in New Delhi after he got into an altercation with ruffians who had cast a racial slur at him is just one of a long list of hate crimes against people from the northeast when they come to the Indian heartland.

Because Nido was the son of a Congress MLA, his case has drawn VVIP attention: Rahul Gandhi has publicly expressed his support and sympathy for all those from the northeast, and home minister Shinde has told the police to expedite their investigations.

Just four days before Nido was fatally attacked, two women from Manipur were assaulted by a bunch of goons, barely a few kilometres from where the young student from Arunachal was fatally beaten up.

In both these cases – and in all the countless such incidents that go unreported and unrecorded, precisely because they are so common that no one bothers to take note of them – the only provocation was that the victims looked ‘different’ from what Indians are ‘meant’ to look like – whatever that might mean.

People from the northeast are routinely labelled ‘Chinki’. They are frequently asked if they eat dogs, and are presumed by many so-called ‘mainstream’ Indians to be sexually promiscuous, particularly in the case of women who are made to suffer offensive physical and verbal advances.

Days after Nido’s death, newly-appointed Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal promised a number of measures to help fight such racist discrimination, including making a study of the history of the northeast mandatory in schools and the appointing of a special panel comprising people from the region to look into cases of such hate crimes.

Welcome as these and similar proposals are, the question that arises is: Why are such special protective measures necessary at all? Why is Indian society so hostile to anyone who doesn’t in appearance or custom fit into a cookie-cutter stereotype of what being an ‘Indian’ means?
Despite the national mantra of ‘Unity in diversity’, India is increasingly becoming more and more intolerant of any form of difference from the ‘mainstream’, whether that difference is of ethnic appearance or that of sexual preference, as shown by the Supreme Court’s recent ‘recriminalising’ of homosexuality.

Minorities of any kind – ethnic, religious or sexual – feel increasingly unsafe in an India which seems growingly allergic to any kind of heterogeneousness, any kind of diversity or difference.
Political India insists that the northeast is part of the Indian republic, ‘mainstream’ India rejects – often with extreme violence – all ‘foreign-looking’ northeasterners.

So, would our northeastern states be better off with China, or at least better off independent of India?

Nido Tania might have had an answer to that question. And he might have been alive today to answer it if he hadn’t been compelled to be part of a country whose self-appointed ‘mainstream’ hates all people like him.

Would India’s northeast be better off with China? by Juggle-Bandhi : Jug Suraiya's blog-The Times Of India

For our North Eastern brothers, we don't look you difference from us, and you will never be. just gave these Indians the middle fingers and join us instead. And you're no longer to worry about Brahmaputra water.

1.what kind of development you talking about with china?like tibet .
BBC News - Tibetan immolations: Desperation as world looks away

2.in china all is welll.. no issues?
3.Nido tania.. RIP. his soul.. its not happening only with north east indians but with all indian ..specially in delhi.?

You Indians look down on Chini-look alike, soon or later they will have to decide which side will give them self-respect and dignity.
which side will give them self-respect and dignity
definitely not china...\never ever
These listed people only self immolated in secret or without warning, they wouldn't dare to make a declaration prior self immolation or they would be thrown into jail but in India's case, the kid was commited suicide on open public, you claim Indian people is not aware? even the media was there to film and take the picture...you indians are just pathetic liars.

Why bother, we will let these people to discover what's self-respect and dignity, when they learn that Chini-look alike has no place in India, it will be up to them to decide their own destiny. we provide them the same lip service as India for those exile Tibetans...and we stand no lost by doing that :coffee:
Lying, raping, boasting, planning to plan on doing things, claiming indigenous made imported products, using myths as real history, begging, raping are typical traits of you know who .

You Indians assessement about Han is just epic failed, that why you couldn't accomodate a chini-look alike even in India capital.
Who cares about that badly written article. Its an opinion piece. And i'm proud of our Chinese looking Chinese. Indians and white people are jealous. Europe is being islamisize so they are jealous of Chinese homogeneous population and want to try and lie to us that multiculturalism is good...**** the west snd its lies.
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Assam should be a part of Bangladesh, not only is Bangladesh geographically closer to Assam and the other NE states but our culture is much closer than mainland Indian culture.
Also the "chinky" look as you Indians call it is not alien in the north east of Bangladesh or the south east.
I will consider joining china before BD,what does that shit filled over populated place have anyway?Just dirty pole vaulters desperate to pollute our beautiful north east.

If NE join BD, it will fix water issue, have rail like, electricity grid connection, will be a win-win for China-BD
We NE will consider joining africa before the thought of BD even comes to mind.Don't insult us NE Indians by comparing us to them.
people who demand unitary states are mildly racists, and need to be taught about multiculturalism and pluralism.

You are intelligent enough to know that multi-ethnic states, which do not have ant dominant ethnicity, do not work.

Unless a country has a dominant ethnic-group then it is destined to fail.

Malaysia is multi-ethnic but is successful due it's dominant Malay group that comprises around 60% of it's population.

India is not successful as it has no dominant group to lead it. I know that Indians know deep down that their country is untenable but they cannot admit it.
You are intelligent enough to know that multi-ethnic states, which do not have ant dominant ethnicity, do not work.

Unless a country has a dominant ethnic-group then it is destined to fail.

Malaysia is multi-ethnic but is successful due it's dominant Malay group that comprises around 60% of it's population.

India is not successful as it has no dominant group to lead it. I know that Indians know deep down that their country is untenable but they cannot admit it.
thats old style thinking, thats what bnp thinks.. there should be a dominant culture and all should be subservient to that.
but does it work in cities. Like london? mumbai?
As urbanization gathers pace, we are going to see more people who are not like us. Better learn to live with that than throwing stones at nearest mosque.

Issue is countries like bd and pakistan(which is actually a multi-culti state but hell bent on breaking it) fail more than India, and cant believe you can succeed without being surrounded by people who are of your tribe.
You Fool of a took.... Some 100 guys take don't count for a state.... how many insurgents are in Pakistan or China Fighting for a Separate state????? Think before you run your mouth in

You are obviously an Indian fascist, firstly speak decently its not your daddy jans forum, secondly go deal with with your over 20 insurgencies before mouthing off here, I admit there are inurgencies in Pakistan as well but not everything is a dick measuring contest (but if it was we know who would win:lol:), and you think before you write any of your perverted opinions.....
thats old style thinking, thats what bnp thinks.. there should be a dominant culture and all should be subservient to that.
but does it work in cities. Like london? mumbai?
As urbanization gathers pace, we are going to see more people who are not like us. Better learn to live with that than throwing stones at nearest mosque.

Issue is countries like bd and pakistan(which is actually a multi-culti state but hell bent on breaking it) fail more than India, and cant believe you can succeed without being surrounded by people who are of your tribe.

This does not mean that minorities would be discriminated on the basis of race and/or religion. Minorities keep their culture but rely on the majority to make the important decisions to propel the country forward. A bit like the English make all the decisions here.

There are lots of mongoloid-looking people in BD cities(from Chittagong Hill Tracts) and I have never heard of any of them being attacked by ethnic Bengalis. There is no reason why any country that has a dominant ethnicity should discriminate in any way against it's minorities.

BD is actually more successful than India. It has better critical social indicators like life expectancy and malnutrition and till the election farce has been far more peaceful than India that is racked by insurgencies all over the country.
Every time Beijing lays claim to the whole of Arunachal Pradesh as being part of its national territory, New Delhi’s hackles rise. Arunachal, as indeed all the northeastern states, are indisputably part of the Indian Union. Or are they? While political India claims sovereignty over them, so-called ‘mainstream’ India – another, and misleading, word for the Hindi-Hindu belt – treats them like foreigners.

The tragic case of Nido Tania, the young student from Arunachal Pradesh, who was beaten to death in New Delhi after he got into an altercation with ruffians who had cast a racial slur at him is just one of a long list of hate crimes against people from the northeast when they come to the Indian heartland.

Because Nido was the son of a Congress MLA, his case has drawn VVIP attention: Rahul Gandhi has publicly expressed his support and sympathy for all those from the northeast, and home minister Shinde has told the police to expedite their investigations.

Just four days before Nido was fatally attacked, two women from Manipur were assaulted by a bunch of goons, barely a few kilometres from where the young student from Arunachal was fatally beaten up.

In both these cases – and in all the countless such incidents that go unreported and unrecorded, precisely because they are so common that no one bothers to take note of them – the only provocation was that the victims looked ‘different’ from what Indians are ‘meant’ to look like – whatever that might mean.

People from the northeast are routinely labelled ‘Chinki’. They are frequently asked if they eat dogs, and are presumed by many so-called ‘mainstream’ Indians to be sexually promiscuous, particularly in the case of women who are made to suffer offensive physical and verbal advances.

Days after Nido’s death, newly-appointed Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal promised a number of measures to help fight such racist discrimination, including making a study of the history of the northeast mandatory in schools and the appointing of a special panel comprising people from the region to look into cases of such hate crimes.

Welcome as these and similar proposals are, the question that arises is: Why are such special protective measures necessary at all? Why is Indian society so hostile to anyone who doesn’t in appearance or custom fit into a cookie-cutter stereotype of what being an ‘Indian’ means?
Despite the national mantra of ‘Unity in diversity’, India is increasingly becoming more and more intolerant of any form of difference from the ‘mainstream’, whether that difference is of ethnic appearance or that of sexual preference, as shown by the Supreme Court’s recent ‘recriminalising’ of homosexuality.

Minorities of any kind – ethnic, religious or sexual – feel increasingly unsafe in an India which seems growingly allergic to any kind of heterogeneousness, any kind of diversity or difference.
Political India insists that the northeast is part of the Indian republic, ‘mainstream’ India rejects – often with extreme violence – all ‘foreign-looking’ northeasterners.

So, would our northeastern states be better off with China, or at least better off independent of India?

Nido Tania might have had an answer to that question. And he might have been alive today to answer it if he hadn’t been compelled to be part of a country whose self-appointed ‘mainstream’ hates all people like him.

Would India’s northeast be better off with China? by Juggle-Bandhi : Jug Suraiya's blog-The Times Of India

For our North Eastern brothers, we don't look you difference from us, and you will never be. just gave these Indians the middle fingers and join us instead. And you're no longer to worry about Brahmaputra water.
yes yes yes
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