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Would India’s northeast be better off with China?

sorry we're not democratic country, their request are denied...:lol: you India learn to practice what you preach, I would delight to see when NE declare independant and how the world will judge Indian's so call world most populous democracy :rofl:

Ideally Chinese consider Taiwan as the a province of China but all Taiwanese can travel across this world with their own passport.
Unfortunately my government doesn't have the technology of turning human beings into robots. HAN CCP specializes in this craft. And those who are immune are eliminated for the greater good of the Police State.

C'mon don't be so modest, you guys are good in this field, you know how to diffienciate between Indians and Chini-look-alike in New Delhi...you perform well beyond what robot could do.
Unfortunately my government doesn't have the technology of turning human beings into robots. HAN CCP specializes in this craft. And those who are immune are eliminated for the greater good of the Police State.

Please dont start another indian verbal diahhrea again about your system over China
Yours is just a dump site for heaping one mega shame after another.
'democracy" in india or whatever you call it is the synonym of mountains of shame
Please dont start another indian verbal diahhrea again about your system over China
Yours is just a dump site for heaping one mega shame after another.
'democracy" in india or whatever you call it is the synonym of mountains of shame

The author of the article on which this thread is based belongs to the free world the part of the world where he won't be prosecuted for airing his/her opinion.

There is no shame in accepting our fault, an innocent life was lost for wrong reasons. We accept our fault and we vow to rectify it. That is unlike China where the CCP is always right. And those who are wrong DIE.
Please dont start another indian verbal diahhrea again about your system over China
Yours is just a dump site for heaping one mega shame after another.
'democracy" in india or whatever you call it is the synonym of mountains of shame

Democracy is not made for Chinese, Chinese always need someone with Iron Fist to keep China in control.
Err why china and not Burma ??.. they always had some special love for us .. we have nothing in common with china..
You Indians look down on Chini-look alike, soon or later they will have to decide which side will give them self-respect and dignity.

True, any Chini look alike are regarded as schedule tribal. So all East Asians are regarded as schedule tribals, which occupy the same social class as the untouchables. White Europeans are considered as Brahmins or "above". They are worshipped in India.
Please dont start another indian verbal diahhrea again about your system over China
Yours is just a dump site for heaping one mega shame after another.
'democracy" in india or whatever you call it is the synonym of mountains of shame

India is a flawed democracy.
Can we all agree the region would be "better off" if China wouldn't exist?
The author of the article on which this thread is based belongs to the free world the part of the world where he won't be prosecuted for airing his/her opinion.

There is no shame in accepting our fault, an innocent life was lost for wrong reasons. We accept our fault and we vow to rectify it. That is unlike China where the CCP is always right. And those who are wrong DIE.

You might one to check on the situation of press freedom in India .
Assam should be a part of Bangladesh, not only is Bangladesh geographically closer to Assam and the other NE states but our culture is much closer than mainland Indian culture.

Also the "chinky" look as you Indians call it is not alien in the north east of Bangladesh or the south east.
hey buddy better look into your own country which is among the poorest ones in Asia and will probably under the Bay of Bengal within the next 2 decades.Assam was,is and will always be a part of the Union of India.heck Assam has been specifically mentioned in our Epic Mahabharata as an ally of the Kurus and the majority of the Assamese(at least 65% are Dharmic followers).so you can clearly see that Assam is culturally and religiously aligned to the Union of India...:coffee:
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