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Would India’s northeast be better off with China?

Trust me, no one wants to be part of cow dung, HIV infested, cow piss drinking nation. I think we're all good here, after seeing slum dog billionaire when your compadre did a front flip bomb into a river of shit I think it's safe to say....No. If any countries unhygienic then I think India has to top that list, please find a suitable place to take a dump instead of taking number 2's in other people's mouth. You would've thought that sanitation is a priority, noooo not in India. Not to mention the plethora of slums.

BD may be "low lying", but it does not smell,nor do we use cow piss as a tooth paste or a face wash to exfoliate our skin. We don't have a barbaric caste system which determines your job and we do not have fakirs putting weights on their middle parts to showcase their "talent" and as a means of income.

Yes, we do eat Fish, yes we wear Lungi. Great.
trust me buddy,the N.E.Indians will be least interested to join a nation of illeterate,lungi dhari beggars.heck,even we Bengalis hate your country from the core of our hearts because of the widespread illiteracy and extremism.just look at us,we have produced hundreds if not thousands of bright men and women who are serving the humanity as of now and are placed in important position throughout the world including in the American administration.we have produced scientists like Jagadish Bose,Satendranath Bose,Meghnath Saha to name a few.OTOH,you guys literally don't have any achievement in your CV.when you can't even compete with Bengal then pray tell me how on earth can you compete with the Union of India:azn:.btw even your national anthem has been written by an Indian Nobel laureate...:coffee:
Leaders are chosen by people, slaves make no choice. ;)

we have our own choice under different rules
slaves live within and be fooled by a system that let them choose one incompetent politician over groups of incompetent candidates. They dont even know they are living within such a sham!
In democracy of KMT China was no more than the number of warring states having their own parallel governments, Communism came with Iron fist that made China again reunited. Chinese people aren't made for democracy but rest of the world aren't Chinese. :coffee:

I just love India democracy and have NE vote for fun :sarcastic:
You dont have much freedom when you live in a slum.

What can I say? :lol:
here comes a self righteous lankan whose country have literally butchered more than 200,000 of their own countrymen in the name of fighting a civil war:omghaha:
Still better than ZERO Freedom, Zero Tolerance, 100% Racism against non-Hans, 100% guaranteed death for those who dare to disagree.

you are smoking chillam in your sham system again
if it is true as you babbled, our population will be substanitally less than 1.3 billion now
you have admitted your own misery though!
here comes a self righteous lankan whose country have literally butchered more than 200,000 of their own countrymen in the name of fighting a civil war:omghaha:

Ignore him, he has been trying to draw the attention of the forum members towards himself for quite some time.
hey buddy better look into your own country which is among the poorest ones in Asia and will probably under the Bay of Bengal within the next 2 decades.Assam was,is and will always be a part of the Union of India.heck Assam has been specifically mentioned in our Epic Mahabharata as an ally of the Kurus and the majority of the Assamese(at least 65% are Dharmic followers).so you can clearly see that Assam is culturally and religiously aligned to the Union of India...:coffee:

Mikael, it doesn't matter where Assam is mentioned, Sylhet was also mentioned in your ancient vedic books, who cares? Seriously no one. Your country is too racist, the division amongst the different ethnic groups, not to mention the light skin dark skin malarky that's going on there, the caste system, all this Brahmin, untouchables non sense...And Nido Tania getting murdered.

I'm talking from a political point of view, I love how you PDF Indians burn and then start insulting countries.
absolutely if they cant tolerate them in India then they should hand them over to china..
cant tolerate??? we love them they bring territorial vastness, resources and huge cultural variations and diversity to our country. they are important part of our country and India is incomplete without them. :)
You dont have much freedom when you live in a slum.

What can I say? :lol:

We have a cheerleader here. :omghaha:

trust me buddy,the N.E.Indians will be least interested to join a nation of illeterate,lungi dhari beggars.heck,even we Bengalis hate your country from the core of our hearts because of the widespread illiteracy and extremism.just look at us,we have produced hundreds if not thousands of bright men and women who are serving the humanity as of now and are placed in important position throughout the world including in the American administration.we have produced scientists like Jagadish Bose,Satendranath Bose,Meghnath Saha to name a few.OTOH,you guys literally don't have any achievement in your CV.when you can't even compete with Bengal then pray tell me how on earth can you compete with the Union of India:azn:.btw even your national anthem has been written by an Indian Nobel laureate...:coffee:

Lungi dhari beggars? Your fellow Sikh brethren have beards? I've seen South Indians who wear the lungi and yes we have also produced many bright people...So? The point I'm trying to make is stop trying to show might to smaller countries and get off your high horse because when it comes to the big boys (Pakistan, China) this whole bravado goes away.
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