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Would India take Afghan refugees from Pakistan?

Would India take Afghan refugees from Pakistan?

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true, they do hate us, but there is a reason, why do we give to support to Taliban there? Almost every afghan I have met, hates Taliban. so their view is that Pakistan supports their enemy. I think we should just leave Afghanistan alone and they will leave us alone. Lets try to bring peace to the region and everybody should stop supporting terrorism

Many of those Afghans are namak haraam (treacherous).
We bailed their behinds in the 80's, gave them more than any self serving nation could offer, all in the name of brotherhood.
We stuck our necks out, and do not think that war was just in Afghanistan, it had a huge, I mean huge impact on Pakistan. One that the average person cannot find unless he really analysis the events post invasion within Pakistan.

Should we stop exerting influence there? Sure why not, but only if the prerequisites are met.
You see, Afghans still don't recognize the Duran line and that is a problem, furthermore, the anti-Pak agenda of some Afghans goes back way before the 80's, way before the taliban. In fact, you can trace it back to the 60's where the Afghan government led some very aggressive campaigns to separate and invade parts of FATA, also don't forget their involvement in Balochistan since the 70's.

And now with all the worlds powers using Afghanistan as a playground, including some very hostile powers who are waging war against us. Why? Oh why should we stop taking care of ourselves?
India doesn't have guts to camp even Bengali speaking refuges back in 71 who's language and art and culture many Indians claim and lay hand on, howcome India will ever accept Afghan refugees who are

1. Muslims

2. Mainly Pukhtuns

3. with 180 degree different culture and language

4. When India terms own Indian citizens as Bangladeshis in Bihar

Anyway Indians in Afghanistan and Afghanistanis in India are like An African in England or US or for that matter in France
Many of those Afghans are namak haraam (treacherous).
We bailed their behinds in the 80's, gave them more than any self serving nation could offer, all in the name of brotherhood.
We stuck our necks out, and do not think that war was just in Afghanistan, it had a huge, I mean huge impact on Pakistan. One that the average person cannot find unless he really analysis the events post invasion within Pakistan.

Should we stop exerting influence there? Sure why not, but only if the prerequisites are met.
You see, Afghans still don't recognize the Duran line and that is a problem, furthermore, the anti-Pak agenda of some Afghans goes back way before the 80's, way before the taliban. In fact, you can trace it back to the 60's where the Afghan government led some very aggressive campaigns to separate and invade parts of FATA, also don't forget their involvement in Balochistan since the 70's.

And now with all the worlds powers using Afghanistan as a playground, including some very hostile powers who are waging war against us. Why? Oh why should we stop taking care of ourselves?

But mate, the same Pakistan used these Afganistanis for their own purposes.. 2 years ago, most of the Pakistanis here badly wanted Afghanistan to be part of Pakistan.. It was no secret that many of the Pakistanis worked in various office of Afghanistan when it was under Taliban.. You cannot deny the fact that most of the Afghani people hate you because of your own doing.. Its always take two to tango mate.. Yes, there were lot of refugees in your country from Afghanistan but its doesnt correct your wrong doings against their country..
But mate, the same Pakistan used these Afganistanis for their own purposes..

On the contrary, Pakistan is the only nation in this world foolish enough to blindly jump in where it isn't needed and at a point where it's own interests conflict it's dedication to the Ummah.

2 years ago, most of the Pakistanis here badly wanted Afghanistan to be part of Pakistan..

Who in their right mind would want that? :woot:

It was no secret that many of the Pakistanis worked in various office of Afghanistan when it was under Taliban.. You cannot deny the fact that most of the Afghani people hate you because of your own doing.. Its always take two to tango mate.. Yes, there were lot of refugees in your country from Afghanistan but its doesnt correct your wrong doings against their country..

Of course, we supported the taliban, and before that we supported other elements against the Najibullah government and before that we supported the Mujahideen.

They hate us irrationally. They forget that we did for them without ever asking for any sort of gratitude.
They also seem to be of the false opinion that their nation would be some sort of paradise on earth if it wasn't for the evil Pakistanis. And they act as if we've done more bad to them than good, which is absolutely false.
On the contrary, Pakistan is the only nation in this world foolish enough to blindly jump in where it isn't needed and at a point where it's own interests conflict it's dedication to the Ummah.
Its not their mistake that you consider your self the guardian of Ummaah.. As far as they are concerned their country was under invasion and they needed all the help you want.. And I personally do not think its not the love of them you entered in to the battle, rather you do not want USSR on your country.. Its better to fight a war in other country than your own..Anyway I am not talking about the battle against USSR.. I am talking about what you did to that country after USSR with drawn.. You wanted it to a satellite state of yours and you are now paying price of it.. I am sure that you guys all will fight against some one who try to control your country..

Who in their right mind would want that? :woot:

Ask @Aeronaut .. he was very much vocal about it in this forum... May be an old Afghan member @ahmed can vouch for it..

Of course, we supported the taliban, and before that we supported other elements against the Najibullah government and before that we supported the Mujahideen.

They hate us irrationally. They forget that we did for them without ever asking for any sort of gratitude.
They also seem to be of the false opinion that their nation would be some sort of paradise on earth if it wasn't for the evil Pakistanis. And they act as if we've done more bad to them than good, which is absolutely false.

No body hates any one with out a reason.. By supporting Taliban you made their country hell.. Just look at the enemy you are fighting, is TTP have the same ideology as Afghan Taliban has? You do not want that kind of elements in your country but you have no problem helping the same element to rule over your neighborhood and then you are saying they hate you with out a reason...Yes, your country did many things for them.. Took a lot of refugees, supported armed resistance against an invasion but it does not give you the right to take them for granted..Matter is simple buddy, give respect and take respect..You cannot ask them to give you respect and not to hate you until and unless you stop supporting anti national elements of their country..
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Since Pakistan is the evil behind everything going wrong in Afghanistan while India is Afghanistan's new found love and 'strategic partner' , it seems to be a feasible option to relocate 50% of Afghan refugees to India through the UN lead process.

The Question i pose is, will India be willing to take around 2 million refugees from its 'friend and strategic ally' that it boasts so much about at every opportunity.

I personally have no problem with the refugees, however its time when our burden is shared since we are evil behind the misery of Afghanistan and its 'innocent' regime lead by Karzai.

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Why does a nation need to accomodate the refugees of it's strategic ally/political friend. Although i understand where the question stems from, the real question resides in the initiation of conflict where pakistan willingly chose to be on the side that confronted the communist government in afghanistan, did Zia calculate the strategic implications of mass transit of refugees in afghan conflict. Another question is after the defeat of communists in afghanistan, what role would have US played in rehabilitation of afghans because clearly pakistan wouldn't have been able to do such mammoth task by itself? How many worst case scenarios were studied by Zia, to drag pakistan into afghan conflict.

Exodus of afgan refugees is an outcome of instability in afghanistan, and historically pakistan has had a huge hand in facilitating the aggression in every conflict.

Pakistan sided with CIA sponsored revolution against the communist, Then after Commies pulled out, Pakistan aided Mullah omar and Co against Najibullah/rabbani/Massoud led government at the time. Pakistan then aided and promoted the Mullah omar led taliban government to an extent where it had military advisors and diplomatic staff in afghanistan (which later had to be airlifted in konduz, ref: airlift of evil), the same pakistan that had facilitated aided and promoted the taliban turned against them and then switched sides to support US to invade afghanistan. And now instead of helping the fledgling government in kabul, pakistan is busy sabotaging this government too. So to complain about refugees from afghanistan is quite hippocratic.

Imagine a scenario, where pakistan wouldn't have meddled in afghan affairs at all. Remained in it's own borders with the same development rate of the 60's... there wouldn't have been any source to complain about.

Now coming back to question of "Will India take afghan refugees", the answer is a big no. just like pakistan doesn't take bihari refugees from it's 71 partition, or palestenian refugees although they are allies of pakistan, or just like none of countries took pakistani rufegees in 71 although they were strategic allies of pakistan. All India can do is build hospitals, schools, roads and and give afghans a fighting chance of improving their conditions.
My advice to the Indian's and this is honest friendly no bull**** advice, run away from Afghanistan while you still can. From Zorastrians to Alexander to the Raj to Russia to NATO... Afghanistan has a habit of crippling those who go in too deep.
Why not i thought they were best friends with a common evil enemy called Pakistan. Right @Sher Malang ?

By that token you ought to accept your own biharis from B.desh, palestinians (for whom your heart cries all the time), chechenyans etc. etc. AFTER you do that we MAY think about Afghan refugees who are indeed our friends. But I have a better idea. Just vacate pakistan for them. Your islamic brothers in Arabia have more land than they can take care of! Sounds right?

Once the Afghans are in Pak, we will have excellent relations. Why would they want to be in a crowded country like India when they can have all of PAK!
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My advice to the Indian's and this is honest friendly no bull**** advice, run away from Afghanistan while you still can. From Zorastrians to Alexander to the Raj to Russia to NATO... Afghanistan has a habit of crippling those who go in too deep.
That is good advice... Why can't pakistani administration follow the same advice?
The Indian population is already a big burden on it's government; but if there was a border between Afghanistan and India the case today would be surely different!

We have a border with Afghanistan about 106 km long. Speech by Sh. P. Chidambaram on "India

> 8. None of the threats to national security can be effectively countered unless we embrace science and technology and impart instruction in science and technology beginning at the school level. There are four physical domains in our world – land, sea, air and space. We have a land border of a length of about 15,000 kms with Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, China, Bangladesh and Myanmar, and even a small length of 106 kms with Afghanistan.

I guess now I will DEFINITELY be monitored and removed from the fora!!
That is good advice... Why can't pakistani administration follow the same advice?

Getting out of Quicksand is not that easy my dear friend. It is not as simple for Pakistan to cut and run, i thought you would have know that by now.
Getting out of Quicksand is not that easy my dear friend. It is not as simple for Pakistan to cut and run, i thought you would have know that by now.

I have always thought, fight through proxies and asymmetric means has taken the honor out of the nationhood. It would be much simpler if it would have straight one on one confrontations.
But then again we live in different time, and honor is a forgotten word..... the damage has been done far back, and India would like to grab onto any fulcrums in kabul as we dont have any imminent immediate threat from afghanistan. But having a leverage in the form of ability to influence asymmetric retaliation in western sector might be an perceived advantage in some quarters.
I have always thought, fight through proxies and asymmetric means has taken the honor out of the nationhood. It would be much simpler if it would have straight one on one confrontations.
But then again we live in different time, and honor is a forgotten word..... the damage has been done far back, and India would like to grab onto any fulcrums in kabul as we dont have any imminent immediate threat from afghanistan. But having a leverage in the form of ability to influence asymmetric retaliation in western sector might be an perceived advantage in some quarters.

Yes i can respect that, after all we all must do what is in our best interests.
India had never stopped any refugee from neighbouring countries seeking asylum in India in the past. If Afghanistan have direct border and access with India, they could too come to India. But between India and Afghanistan lies a hostile territory to both countries.

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