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Would India take Afghan refugees from Pakistan?

Would India take Afghan refugees from Pakistan?

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Failed attempt from Aeronaut to create animosity between Indians and Afghans. Try harder next time!
Since Pakistan is the evil behind everything going wrong in Afghanistan while India is Afghanistan's new found love and 'strategic partner' , it seems to be a feasible option to relocate 50% of Afghan refugees to India through the UN lead process.

The Question i pose is, will India be willing to take around 2 million refugees from its 'friend and strategic ally' that it boasts so much about at every opportunity.

I personally have no problem with the refugees, however its time when our burden is shared since we are evil behind the misery of Afghanistan and its 'innocent' regime lead by Karzai.

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I have some rationale thought.....

1- Honestly...Pakistan done a good job in giving refugee to Afghanistan people....It is without any doubt, i feel your nation needs to be appreciated....And on top of that, if i would not have been India and a Muslim person, trust me i would have had a high respect for you and your nation...Because undoubtedly...Pakistan and its people are very much helpful to Islamic nation and its people without thinking whether it is with their benefit or not....Because your people and policy are always goes by very much emotion of the people rather than strategic objective in the long run....

2- Apart from the above mentioned points, you can not also rule out the fact that your engagement with Afghanistan people during Soviet Invasion is not purely emotional or helping hand kind of thing in nature..Your objective was 2 fold...
- Getting into the camp of USA and countering the influence of USSR which was ally of India in your backyard....
- You are looking for your own proxy GOV in your neighborhood...Even diplomatically, it is nothing wrong in that as long as you do not propagate a theory that you are doing a service to Afghanistan by providing a shelter. Hence the moral sanctity of your statement that if Afgan people do not like you and they are supposed to be a bad people, does not hold true...Because, you have to remember than if Afganistan will not have been in turmoil and Refugee would not have come to your soil, then Afghanistan would have been a stable and successful communist nation with backing of USSR. And on top of that India would have been seating on your west corridor with having a good relationship with communist/Afgan regime....

So in a nutshell,rather than blaming the Afgan refugee for flooding your nation, you should be thankful to them that they provided you an opportunity to keep out your rival groups to infuence your west neighborhood nation. Beacuse of that situation only, today Pakistan is holding a trump card in front of the West as a primary player for a resolution of Afganistan....

Now coming to the question of India....I will put out the question in rational way rather than emotional baggage associated with it....

1- India might have provided shelter for a people as it is providing now..like we have provided shelter to Tibet people of China, and Tamil people of Srilanka and BD people from BD.

But again in my personal opinion ,India should provide refugee to million of people at its border with forecasting some benefit to its own....Nothing is free mean in this world....India has done the same thing in BD creation itself.....If you see the media, Indian media never feels itself as a saint that they have provided shelter to refugee from Bangladesh....Because we know that we provided a refugee with an intent to hit back at Pakistan and use the refugee issue to make its for own advantage....

2- If also in an extreme situation, we have provided, then we would have made sure that we intervene directly in Afganistan unlike how passively we are doing now, to make sure than Afganistan becomes stabilized ASAP and its people return back to their home land by its own.....In that situation people would have appreciated our effort.

@For afghans
Door key dhool suhanay hotay hain................their love for india and indians would crumble once they come in close contact with them in india.

And the good part of your assumption is that Pakistan will never allow India and Afgan come close to each other....And India will keep on playing the victim card in Afghan population and take away the sympathy factor with herself among Afghanistan people.....Is it not all about Strategic thinking and expanding soft power? And that is why India will never ever engage militarily in Afghanistan but always likes to see Pakistan get embroiled in Afghanistan with military related activity...which always creates negative impact in ordinary people.
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I think Pakistan should gift Pakistan hating/India loving Afghans to India...only those Afghans who love Pakistan, should be allowed to live in Pakistan. Furthermore dumb Pakistani govt should build a wall @ Pak-Afghan border.
Since Pakistan is the evil behind everything going wrong in Afghanistan while India is Afghanistan's new found love and 'strategic partner' , it seems to be a feasible option to relocate 50% of Afghan refugees to India through the UN lead process.

The Question i pose is, will India be willing to take around 2 million refugees from its 'friend and strategic ally' that it boasts so much about at every opportunity.

I personally have no problem with the refugees, however its time when our burden is shared since we are evil behind the misery of Afghanistan and its 'innocent' regime lead by Karzai.

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Please vote.

I have couple of counter questions,

Will China take in Pakistan Hazara and Shia Refugees that are flocking to western countries such as Australia? I mean China after all is Pakistan's taller than mountain, deeper than ocean and stronger than iron brother? (And I am not saying it in a sarcastic way). Would China take the stranded East Pakistani refugees?

Will Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Arab countries give visa free access and citizenship to Pakistanis? They are after all Pakistan's brotherly countries and every Pakistani is ever ready to fight for them!

The answer to both is no.

Thats not what "strategic allies" mean. A strategic alliance is an agreement between two or more parties to pursue a set of agreed upon objectives need while remaining independent organizations.

Pakistan took in the Afghan refugees, so they are your responsibility, you had the option of not letting them in, but at that time you were gunning for strategic depth.

The Afghan refugees that did come to India are our responsibility. Although many Afghan refugees left for greener pastures, even today there are close to 20,000 officially registered Afghan refugees in India, there are few more who are living in India illegally, and you ll not hear anyone in India complain about them, unlike you guys.
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Since Pakistan is the evil behind everything going wrong in Afghanistan while India is Afghanistan's new found love and 'strategic partner' , it seems to be a feasible option to relocate 50% of Afghan refugees to India through the UN lead process.

The Question i pose is, will India be willing to take around 2 million refugees from its 'friend and strategic ally' that it boasts so much about at every opportunity.

I personally have no problem with the refugees, however its time when our burden is shared since we are evil behind the misery of Afghanistan and its 'innocent' regime lead by Karzai.

Vote is open to all members.

Please vote.

Well, most Afghan refugees in Pakistan follow a hardline Islamic view, so if they go to india you can expect a lot of "firecrackers" going off with public beheadings, forcing hindu women to wear the veil, AK-47 trotting turban wearing Afghans and sharp rise in opium growth and abundance of heroin. Also hindu temples and statues will get blown up too.

@PlanetWarrior @Roybot @KRAIT
Well, most Afghan refugees in Pakistan follow a hardline Islamic view, so if they go to india you can expect a lot of "firecrackers" going off with public beheadings, forcing hindu women to wear the veil, AK-47 trotting turban wearing Afghans and sharp rise in opium growth and abundance of heroin. Also hindu temples and statues will get blown up too like in bamyan.

@PlanetWarrior @Roybot @KRAIT

Since we don't have a land border with Afghanistan, the only way the refugees can come to India is by a plane. So we have method and system in place to screen them, and make sure the one's that decided to bring their AK-47 along with them are turned back! Besides not all Afghans are Taliban, the Taliban types prefer Pakistan for obvious reasons.

Almost all the Afghan Refugees in India are well educated, decent folks. I know of atleast 6 Afghan doctors here in Australia, who were refugees in India, before making a move to Australia.
Well, most Afghan refugees in Pakistan follow a hardline Islamic view, so if they go to india you can expect a lot of "firecrackers" going off with public beheadings, forcing hindu women to wear the veil, AK-47 trotting turban wearing Afghans and sharp rise in opium growth and abundance of heroin. Also hindu temples and statues will get blown up too.

@PlanetWarrior @Roybot @KRAIT
^^while Roy has explained the reality better. just for hypotheses sake: if such violent acts were committed, the state machinery will act swiftly. unlike the confusion in pakistan on how to deal with insurgency, Indians are surprisingly united on insurgency matters. GOI will have the full backing of the citizens for eradicating violent extremism.
if such violent acts were committed, the state machinery will act swiftly. unlike the confusion in pakistan on how to deal with insurgency, Indians are surprisingly united on insurgency matters. GOI will have the full backing of the citizens for eradicating violent extremism.

Not to forget, getting your hands on Ak-47, RPG and such isn't as easy as it is in Pakistan. We have a thing called gun control, concept unheard of in Pakistan.
Since we don't have a land border with Afghanistan, the only way the refugees can come to India is by a plane. So we have method and system in place to screen them, and make sure the one's that decided to bring their AK-47 along with them are turned back! Besides not all Afghans are Taliban, the Taliban types prefer Pakistan for obvious reasons.

Almost all the Afghan Refugees in India are well educated, decent folks. I know of atleast 6 Afghan doctors here in Australia, who were refugees in India, before making a move to Australia.

But guns are a part of Afghan culture (a gun is considered the mans "jewelry" in Afghanistan), how dare you expect them not to bring their AK's with them?? That is an insult to Afghan males.

And secondly, a few Afghan doctors don't represent majority of Afghans.
But guns are a part of Afghan culture (a gun is considered the mans "jewelry" in Afghanistan), how dare you expect them not to bring their AK's with them?? That is an insult to Afghan males.

And secondly, a few Afghan doctors don't represent majority of Afghans.
perhaps the afghans headed to pakistan are in to gun bling-shling. we've had the fortune of attracting saner minds. thank you.
But guns are a part of Afghan culture (a gun is considered the mans "jewelry" in Afghanistan), how dare you expect them not to bring their AK's with them?? That is an insult to Afghan males.

And secondly, a few Afghan doctors don't represent majority of Afghans.

The one's with such mentality can move to places with similar mentality, like Pakistan. Heck, we have many folks here on PDF proudly showing off their unlicensed AK-47s :lol:

The Afghans who are decent, educated folks are more than welcome to seek asylum in India.
Not to forget, getting your hands on Ak-47, RPG and such isn't as easy as it is in Pakistan. We have a thing called gun control, concept unheard of in Pakistan.
And Afghanistan! Gun is a Afghans "jewelry", Woman is his "property", that's their culture which even predates Islam.

There is a saying, you can take the Afghan out of Afghanistan, but you can't take Afghanistan out of the Afghan.

PS, knives and blunt objects can easily replace guns.
And Afghanistan! Gun is a Afghans "jewelry", Woman is his "property", that's their culture which even predates Islam.

There is a saying, you can take the Afghan out of Afghanistan, but you can't take Afghanistan out of the Afghan.

PS, knives and blunt objects can easily replace guns.
no such issues here. thank you for the concern though.
The one's with such mentality can move to places with similar mentality, like Pakistan. Heck, we have many folks here on PDF proudly showing off their unlicensed AK-47s :lol:

The Afghans who are decent, educated folks are more than welcome to seek asylum in India.

You shouldn't discriminate against those poor Afghans just because of their unique culture. That's called "racism" and "intolerance"! As the nation of Gandhi and as Afghanistan's strategic ally you should follow his teachings of tolerance and acceptance of Afghan uniqueness.
And Afghanistan! Gun is a Afghans "jewelry", Woman is his "property", that's their culture which even predates Islam.

There is a saying, you can take the Afghan out of Afghanistan, but you can't take Afghanistan out of the Afghan.

PS, knives and blunt objects can easily replace guns.

Its silly to assume that all Afghans are inherently violent. I for one don't believe in such generalization. So even if some violent Afghans do sneak into India, we have LEA which can deal with them.

We never had any problem with the 20,000 Afghan refugees who are already in India, no reason to think that it would happen in future.

You shouldn't discriminate against those poor Afghans just because of their unique culture. That's called "racism" and "intolerance"! As the nation of Gandhi and as Afghanistan's strategic ally you should follow his teachings of tolerance and acceptance of Afghan uniqueness.

Please use google to understand the meaning of strategic ally.

Nation of Pakistan and China are the bff, As a Pakistani try seeking an asylum or heck citizenship for China and see how the strategic ally things works for yourself :lol:

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