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Women in Bahrain Breaks Hindu Idols

@Crixus @DalalErMaNodi
Please post bigger font.
You are quoting out of context. The one verse 'kill infidels, wherever you find them...' was a temporal thing. After Mecca conquest, they were given 3 options. Convert, migrate or lethal action. Why, bcz Prophet (SW) owned Kabba as inheritance besides a true follower of Allah's deen (built by his forefather Ibrahim (AS). Plus they force the Prophet (SW) to migrate so they can assassinate him on the way.
Now when he (SW) conquered mecca, a time limit was given to convert, migrate or fight. So wherever in the verse means even Kafirs can be killed in holy land of Mecca. As it is strictly forbidden to kill an animal in mecca premises. @waz

Islamophobes are good at googling 'verses from Qur'an calling for murder of kafirs' which are always verses taken out of context.

My font is small ?

Hum Butshikan hain aur hamesha rehenge. What she did was absolutely right.
What goes around comes around.

I don't condone her actions. It is not allowed to hurt the sentiments or violate the rights of minorities in Islam. Their places of worship must be respected!

However, it is probably a reaction to what is happening to Muslims in India. Do Hindus like you and other Modi Hindutva condemn the destruction of mosques in India and lynching and murder of Muslims?... No!

But the hypocrisy here is and I have lived in the middle East and dealt with khaleejis.

These people are racist and disrespectful towards everyone.

They treat Muslim expats like crap, Bengali Muslims, Pakistani Muslims, Indian Muslims whatever.

Especially the women, they don't even have mercy on you for being a brother of faith.

These 'women' even bring the classic 'small penis' as an insult towards South Asian expats.

So her actions are probably not out of piety but out of spite of foreigners.
Dude he asked for verse ..... I am not a specialist of any religion so I just get it from net... I have no authority to claim if they are correct or not either that's why asked him to correct as he follows Islam

@Crixus @DalalErMaNodi
Please post bigger font.
You are quoting out of context. The one verse 'kill infidels, wherever you find them...' was a temporal thing. After Mecca conquest, they were given 3 options. Convert, migrate or lethal action. Why, bcz Prophet (SW) owned Kabba as inheritance besides a true follower of Allah's deen (built by his forefather Ibrahim (AS). Plus they forced the Prophet (SW) at first place to migrate so they can assassinate him on the way. Also they launched 3 main campaigns against Islam. The last one, Ahzab, was to eliminate Islam as a whole.
Now when he (SW) conquered mecca, a time limit was given to convert, migrate or fight. So wherever in the verse means Kafirs can be killed even in holy land of Mecca. As it is still strictly forbidden to kill an animal in mecca premises (even a lice). @waz
I don't think bhgagwan should be sold like any other items in a shop. I mean bhagwan is not such a thing which can be purchased/sold. It's not a commodity.
Can you please translate what's written in Urdu in the attached photo?
Idol breakers have departed, the rest are idol makers
Though the father was Ibrahim the sons are Azars.

This is an excerpt from Iqbal poetry.
Azar was the father of Prophet Ibrahim(A.S) who was an idol worshipper while Ibrahim(A.S) his son was against idol worshipping.
@Crixus @DalalErMaNodi
Please post bigger font.
You are quoting out of context. The one verse 'kill infidels, wherever you find them...' was a temporal thing.

Yup, it is a verse which comes during war period. Muslim understand killing other people is a big sin, it is also stated in Quran, so Allah needs to bring this verse so that Muslim doesnt have hesitancy to fight during a war. It will be weird if God never allow killing some one who wants to attack us because of they are against our belief. Muslim will be eliminated if that is the case.
Dude now I am Islamophome when the verse clearly mentioned non-believers are lowly ......oh god what a hypocrites

Why were you posting those verses ?

Why else ? To gobsmack us ?

I was already condemning the woman's actions whilst taking flak from other Muslims but then here comes genius non Muslim, to provide fuel to the fire and mock Islam.

I'm done here, let the bashing of Hinduism and India continue, clearly attempting to put things into perspective and calming my Muslim brothers down is not appreciated by you.

You wanna go at loggerheads with them, be my guest.

Don't know what I was thinking defending ingrates who'd rather slander yet another religion instead of discussing things constructively.

Brothers, let the bashing continue.
If it bother too much , they should have asked to be removed from shelves and ask them its prohibit to sell in country or if this is Hindu specific shop then they can keep in this shop and state allow them to sell ... @Irfan Baloch @The SC .....
But, its Modi policy reaction now appearing in different parts of world

When leader himself fanning hate and extremism ... then such type of reactions are expected ...
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Well Muslims have very simple directive

Surah Kafiron

Say, "O disbelievers,
I do not worship what you worship.
Nor are you worshippers of what I worship.
Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship.
Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship.
For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."

For Muslims we are to only focus on our own religion for people who have their own faith they should be given their own certain freedom to do as they wish

Even protection of Other religions is responsibility of Islamic Leadership provided they are loyal tax payer and accept Islamic Leadership

This has been the
signature of Muslim States of past

>Point of conflict was unregulated sale at mall where people normally don't expect certain items
>This created a situation which could have been avoided

  • When War is declared it is normally against State or King against injustice
  • Pakistan maintains many religious buildings from old times
  • War declaration is normally related to social injustice (example what is happening in Kashmir) but it is matter of state

This is internal , social disturbance matter of Bahrain and their citizen

There is no war in Bahrain
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