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Will you apologize to Muslims you killed?

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in today's secular world the big fish eats the small fish,its as simple as that ;)
guys don't drag religion into this,iraq invasion was just becuz of the oil,btw if any indian can give me historical account of any city sacked by muslim,in the 1st crusader(siege of jerusalem 1099) when the christians attacked jerusalem the killed every muslim/jew in the city,the general after the siege wrote do the pope "our men were killing and slaying even to the Temple of Solomon, where the slaughter was so great that our men waded in blood up to their ankles"compare this this to the Siege of Jerusalem (1187) when saladin retook the city every christian was given a safe passage to the christian lands with their wealth,

not every muslim is saladin and not every christian is crusader. Infact the situations has reversed.

in today's secular world the big fish eats the small fish,its as simple as that ;)

secularism is beyond comprehension of most pakistanis, dont even try to understand it.
Here is another example of how you can use it... 'hey look mom, my car is secular'... :cheers:
not every muslim is saladin and not every christian is crusader.
believe me every muslim is a saladin,if not than he's not a muslim,islam guides us in every aspect of life,the guidelines for war in islam r that do not attack any city without inviting them to accept islam,muslims can attacks another country only when the people there r being oppressed by their government not to force them into islam.it forbids us to kill any man not taking part in the war,not to kill women,children old people,peaceful religious people ,it forbids plunder and to damage any public property
What do these retards in Washington think?

You kill innoncent peoples kids, wives, husbands and they will stay quiet? NO. THEY WILL THINK OF REVENGE. Its natural for humans. Stop killing them and you will see less hate. Apologise and you will see less hate.

Hate, Hate, Hate... This world is messed up.

believe me every muslim is a saladin,if not than he's not a muslim,islam guides us in every aspect of life,the guidelines for war in islam r that do not attack any city without inviting them to accept islam,muslims can attacks another country only when the people there r being oppressed by their government not to force them into islam.it forbids us to kill any man not taking part in the war,not to kill women,children old people,peaceful religious people ,it forbids plunder and to damage any public property

ok..by your own standard, what is the population of 'muslim' in the world. 10? 20? 30 people? Because if you start defining the real muslim, lot more things will be added up.. for example dont tell lies. Please stop repeating the same 'no true scotsman' fallacy and say something that is real.

What do these retards in Washington think?

You kill innoncent peoples kids, wives, husbands and they will stay quiet? NO. THEY WILL THINK OF REVENGE. Its natural for humans. Stop killing them and you will see less hate. Apologise and you will see less hate.

Hate, Hate, Hate... This world is messed up.


I would sympathize with the guy if he was indeed victim. It is still not justified as the soldier was only doing the duty, but even then one would be understanding of a person who has lost a loved one.

He is not iraqi. He is not afgan. He is a citizen of UK.
Will you be totally happy if a christian blows your army, because some christian in some distant country has been killed by a muslim?
will muslims do the same 4 their plunder all over the world in past and present!

what kind of stupidity is that?
have you got any commonsense what so ever?
what do you want me to apologize for to you as muslim? what did i do to you?who have i killed?

obama on the other hand cannot say nothing becuase he ordered the drone strikes so shut your mouth.
he knows that the american people not going for this bs no more thats why they agreed to cut down on it.
what kind of stupidity is that?
have you got any commonsense what so ever?
what do you want me to apologize for to you as muslim? what did i do to you?who have i killed?

obama on the other hand cannot say nothing becuase he ordered the drone strikes so shut your mouth.
he knows that the american people not going for this bs no more thats why they agreed to cut down on it.

American people support drone strikes. Mate - Not sure where you read the news that the drone attacks are losing support. In fact, the disapproval levels has gone down.

Obama and drone strikes: Support but questions at home, opposition abroad | Pew Research Center
ok..by your own standard, what is the population of 'muslim' in the world. 10? 20? 30 people? Because if you start defining the real muslim, lot more things will be added up.. for example dont tell lies. Please stop repeating the same 'no true scotsman' fallacy and say something that is real.

I would sympathize with the guy if he was indeed victim. It is still not justified as the soldier was only doing the duty, but even then one would be understanding of a person who has lost a loved one.

He is not iraqi. He is not afgan. He is a citizen of UK.
Will you be totally happy if a christian blows your army, because some christian in some distant country has been killed by a muslim?

Bro, im talking about the drone attack victims. Just to clear it; I dont believe in violence even if its revenge and I hate the guy who attacked the soldier in London. Such bastards are ruining the name of Islam. I despise such guys.
When will these people stop crying? All you are getting is because of your own actions. You hate the world, other view points, other religions, cultures and what not. Funnier part is you Muslims hate each other for one reason or other. All the suicide bombings, killing of innocent in crowded places, markets in both Muslim and Non-Muslim countries are done by Muslims. FFS, it were the Muslims who invited this on them by attacking and destroying twin towers.

So better grow up and stop this hatred for every one and listen, nobody is apologizing for any reason to you. You kill people right , left and center and then justify it for some reasons and then want people not to hit back on your a$$es. Bunch of Lunatics!!

Bro, im talking about the drone attack victims. Just to clear it; I dont believe in violence even if its revenge and I hate the guy who attacked the soldier in London. Such bastards are ruining the name of Islam. I despise such guys.

Then Muslim countries, read Pakistan, should get its acts together and stop sheltering terrorists. Till the time you harbor terrorists and provide training grounds for terrorists from all over the world, there will be drone strikes. You think by stopping drone strikes and stopping war of terror, Muslims will stop killing innocents. No way they will find some other reasons to kill many more. The hatred in their minds for others is very intense.
Bro, im talking about the drone attack victims. Just to clear it; I dont believe in violence even if its revenge and I hate the guy who attacked the soldier in London. Such bastards are ruining the name of Islam. I despise such guys.

ok sorry. I got confused between threads...
about drone attack, your own govt not only allows it, but I am deeply suspicious it is actively helping it. Dont be so innocent.

USA gives credit to pakistan for rooting out AQ. Did that happen by magic. Your govt is neck deep in this.

This is a war for absolute control over the world and to set their world order all over the globe..... in their hay days Islamic masqraders killed millions in the name of creating Islamic empire..... did they apologise to anyone at that time? NO.... they were busy raping women....killing men....and converting people from other religions to Islam.......
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ok sorry. I got confused between threads...
about drone attack, your own govt not only allows it, but I am deeply suspicious it is actively helping it. Dont be so innocent.

USA gives credit to pakistan for rooting out AQ. Did that happen by magic. Your govt is neck deep in this.

I know that our government did allow it, thats why most of us wanted PTI to come to power as most of us living abroad dont seem to believe that PML-N can do anything with this issue... But the people in Pakistan obviously went with Status Quo so all we can do now is hope.
Talk about ignorant idiots! He dealt with it? How by giving no answers nor any apology?!

@punit "plunder" only escalated exponentially when America used its inhuman techniques! Maybe you were asleep over the past decade...By crying wolf tears for 9/11 and REPEATED replying it to draw anger and ignorance in their community they have used this as a ticket of continuous terrorism in Muslim land

Besides, were your child/ parent raped or killed in front of you...I doubt you would just stand and watch or cry forever or even protest...

You would take the 1st help you get and terrorist TARGET these people...

Conclusions, AMERICANS have ONLY increased the number of recruits for terrorist organizations! Nothing else has been yielded ...NOTHING!

by that logic victims of islamic terrorism should be given license to kill any muslim irrespective of involvement in the terrorist activities. And dont tell that muslim terrorism is somethng born after 9/11. Its there since last 1400 years in one form or another.

America or no america islamic terrorism will be there till the doctrine of jehad ,concept of darul islam and darul hurb r there.
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