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Will you apologize to Muslims you killed?

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The question is similar to asking whether pakistan should apologise for killing muslims almost every single day since start of military operations in South wazeeristan..
You can Google akhmadov, Russians are always complaining about the hypocrisy.

I am not condoning anything, just pointing out that all this talk of values and freedoms is a complete fraud, you only have to look on the surface at the contradictions, if you can flagrantly contradict a 'value' then you dont believe in it!
The West have weaponised human rights, bombs and destruction is now freedom, and when the destruction is too much they ignore it - what happened to the values of shared humanity then?

I am not a big proponent of enforcing human right in another country, some western country has taken up the task, best of luck.
BTW, if you think there is no genuine concern for human suffering in western world, you are wrong. Lot of people are geniunely concerned what is happening in syria.. or bosnia.. or many parts of africa ..but because you are muslim, you can only see muslims suffering.

You talk about shared humanity, surely you want some people to intervene when muslims are under attack, and incapable of defending. Right?

BTW, its not only about human suffering in war, that people are worried about, its also tragedy like falling of a factory in bangladesh. Now western consumers are asking why they should buy those products. In your mind of course its another western ploy to kill bangladeshis.. :)
If Hitler never represented all Germans, what makes you think Bin Laden represented all Muslims? :what:

most western countries do not see it as west vs muslims. It is western thought vs Islamist thought.... at intellectual level. If west was against muslims they wont be hosting such big muslim population, and allowing migration even now.

Individual western person could be bigoted like Individual muslim.
most western countries do not see it as west vs muslims. It is western thought vs Islamist thought.... at intellectual level. If west was against muslims they wont be hosting such big muslim population, and allowing migration even now.

No, I don't think so either. Your friend on the other hand likes to associate over a billion and a half people with a madman, however.

in today's secular world the big fish eats the small fish,its as simple as that ;)

I think the world has always been like that. Crying for an apology is little more than a waste of time.
No, I don't think so either. Your friend on the other hand likes to associate over a billion and a half people with a madman, however.

I think the world has always been like that. Crying for an apology is little more than a waste of time.

I replied because the topic seems to be 'USA should aplologize to muslim world'. First of all its not a fight against muslims, so apology to muslims do not arise.
But yes, US has failed in Iraq(abuse against civilians), so probably a sorry note is due to Iraqis. Libyans are happy with intervension, so a thank you note from libyans is expected.
If Hitler never represented all Germans, what makes you think Bin Laden represented all Muslims? :what:

When did I say he did ? I was replying to this guy who was saying that muslims are fed up if the actions of America and are doing this current violence out of majboori . It is him who is making those violent extremists represent all muslims here.
We only invaded Pakiastan in 1971 (and proud of it :p ), other than that the Mauryas had to stand their ground to stop the Macedonians entering through Afghanistan!! So , No, we did not went on a killing spree of millions of people unlike the `Believers` .. who found a Holy Book and translated it into whatever suited them . KApish , BOY (as U mentioned )

Blah. blah.. Blah... I m not talking about Barbarian Mongols , the topic on hand is Abrahamic religions!! open a new thread on Mongols if U wish.

I bet not a single person in ur whole city of `whatever` wud know the full form of RSS without googling it!! stupid rovhal!!

If U have the balls ,go stop them , but dont hold ur breath that some `massiah`will come and protect U..Both Islam and Christianity has the most numbers of deaths on their hands !! Stop Bark!ng like a cadela in heat!!

KApish , Son :P

So I would recommend you to watch your cow **** drinking mouth when you talk about my religion eh boy. The rest only if I Was to get a dollar every time a retarded yinduu ran his mouth, I would have been richer then bill gates. Why dont you join your kind in licking the white mans @$$, your master I am sure has taken another dump. His @$$ is not going to clean its self now eh boy.
So I would recommend you to watch your cow **** drinking mouth when you talk about my religion eh boy. The rest only if I Was to get a dollar every time a retarded yinduu ran his mouth, I would have been richer then bill gates. Why dont you join your kind in licking the white mans @$$, your master I am sure has taken another dump. His @$$ is not going to clean its self now eh boy.
reading game of thrones r we boy eh?
@WebMaster @Aeronaut @nuclearpak @Awesome say hello to all of the guys bringing in Islam into every thread just to bash it....

As for those who really want to discuss the video:

Well, the question still went un answered WILL AMERICANS say sorry or is their ego getting in the way?
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As for those who really wan to discuss the video:

Well, the question still went un answered WILL AMERICANS say sorry or is their ego getting in the way?

Their ego or not, I think it is an unrealistic hope to expect a US apology anytime soon. May be in few decades, just may be?
@WebMaster @Aeronaut @nuclearpak @Awesome say hello to all of you guys bringing in Islam into every thread just to bash it....

As for those who really wan to discuss the video:

Well, the question still went un answered WILL AMERICANS say sorry or is their ego getting in the way?
do u really think that by apologizing we should forgive usa,r the lives of thousands of muslims so cheap?

Watching it as well!
yaar buhat intezaar hai next novel ka btw kia kheyal hai jon snow mar gia ?
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Their ego or not, I think it is an unrealistic hope to expect a US apology anytime soon. May be in few decades, just may be?
@Argus Panoptes well that is their prob now isnt it...freedom of speech allowed that lady to question and freedom of other forms demands an answer!
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