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Will you apologize to Muslims you killed?

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do u really think that by apologizing we should forgive usa,r the lives of thousands of muslims so cheap?

yaar buhat intezaar hai next novel ka btw kia kheyal hai jon snow mar gia ?

LOL, I dont even want to talk about it. :P
do u really think that by apologizing we should forgive usa,r the lives of thousands of muslims so cheap?
Nope but it is a good start...people will mallow that is how strong apology is...and hence ALLAH also put the makaam of 1 who forgives very high coz it is not an easy task...

Western people did say....ACKNOWLEDGING there is a problem is a good start...a sorry would show acknowledgement that AMERICANS HAVE killed civilians and KNOW IT and hopefully didnt mean it!
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@Argus Panoptes well that is their prob now isnt it...freedom of speech allowed that lady to question and freedom of other forms demands an answer!

Of course, Code Pink has that right to question and demonstrate. And Obama respected that right too, as he must, by law. If she had done that in North Korea she would go missing.
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by that logic victims of islamic terrorism should be given license to kill any muslim irrespective of involvement in the terrorist activities. And dont tell that muslim terrorism is somethng born after 9/11. Its there since last 1400 years in one form or another.

America or no america islamic terrorism will be there till the doctrine of jehad ,concept of darul islam and darul hurb r there.

@punit How does your logic work? Really? You guys can bring in Islam from back then....about them killing though most of the accounts are made up but for the benefit of the doubt I gave it to you guys...then when I bring in crusaders....it suddenly becomes MY LOGIC?
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Nope but it is a good start...people will mallow that is how strong apology is...and hence ALLAH also put the makaam of 1 who forgives very high coz it is not an easy task...

Western people did say....ACKNOWLEDGING there is a problem is a good start...a sorry would show acknowledgement that AMERICANS HAVE killed civilians and KNOW IT and hopefully didnt mean it!
didn't mean it?do u what private military contractors did there,so ur saying that the bastards killed nd rapped and plundered but they didn't meant it,we should certainly reply in kind :angry:
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No, you tried to draw moral equivalence, thats the islamist apologist's argument. American troops killing iraqi is not same as a muslim american civilian bombing their own citizen. They are not equivalent and I showed you the equivalent picture.(in indo-pak context)

@hinduguy I beg your pardon? Please READ my posts before quoting me! Indo-Pak is not a good example...

I said if the pakistani hindu thinks 'xyz' and does the killing, is it justified? I did not say India is hindu country, But a hindu from pakistan might feel so and do an atrocious act. Will it be justified?
1stly, it will never be justified I have answered that already....2ndly, We are not talking about 2 countries with a long history of hate and enemity we are talking about A NUMBER OF COUNTRIES all having ISLAM as religion and OIL as the thing others want! We are also talking about the LONG HISTORY of violence AMERICANs have from Vietnam, involvement in gulf war as well as ignorance of the REAL OPPRESSORS in the gaza strip (no idea when they will be LIBERATED like IRAQ, AFGHAN, LIBYA were)

We are also questioning the atrocious crimes done during these wars from rape to murdering INNOCENT CHILDREN , women and blindly opening fire which MANY VIDEOS OF EX SOLDIERS WHO HAVE clearly said and admitted WHAT their orders were and WHAT THEY did was not good!
About america invading muslim countries, no it does not add 2 and 2. Its all in minds of islamists.
Then either you are blind or asleep or simply ignorant

Some countries are fighting against USA politically and america fights against them.
America does not check WHOM THEY SHOOT....I mean heck drones do not check if the house they are throwing bombs on has children in them? Nor do they do ANNOUNCED DRONE ATTACKS...they drop bombs and fly away! Whoever dies is not even taken into account! Do you think after a drone attack they go in to count dead bodies?

Its not as if USA has never faught against non muslim countries.
tell me 1 non-Muslim country which faced this except Vietnam which now mind you MANY acts (war crimes) after 60 odd yrs are called mistake...So, for justice system to kick in it takes 60 yrs? No one willing to learn from mistakes of the past/ history?

Its a country acting on its own interest.
and THAT is exactly what we are pointing out! ITS INTEREST are INHUMANE!

Exactly pakistan will do if it attack India to safeguard its interest. The response to that should be from GoI, not ordinary pakistani or Indian killing another guy.
Well, that is what MOST PEOPLE THINK they are doing...FIGHTING AMERICANS to KICK THEM out of THEIR country! and AFTER TONS of protest MANY have taken it 1 step ahead, take the war to AMERICAN lands let them feel what they have suffered! THAT is how I see this act...OR just a simple psycho case....surprisingly no psy test was done...while a NON MUSLIM GUY is PRONOUNCED PSYCHO (in less than 2 days) if he does the same...i.e. school killings!

BTW, if India goes against USA tomorrow, I dont think USA will think twice before taking action. Same against a christian country.
well, If USA takes action....it doesnt drag the action to Nepal or Sri Lanka now, will it? Like what happened all over gulf?

Maybe that is why many Indians feel safe to kiss American *** when such threads are opened....

BTW I am in no way saying USA action is right.
Good tht you know...Back to the topic....Will Americans apologize as a 1st step?

It was and is never justifiable unless done in self defence under grave threat to life or serious injury.

@nick_indian of course not!! It is STILL NOT justifiable when YOU have failed to find WMD when you ANNOUNCED THAT WAS YOUR REASON for entering the country!

It is also not justifiable how you cry for 3K people of 9/11 for more than a decade but ignore 10K killing of more than a decade

It is also not justifiable of "LIBERATING" oil rich nations while ignoring GAZA strip which NEEDS MORE HELP....esp when aid groups are TARGETED AS WELL!
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@hinduguy I beg your pardon? Please READ my posts before quoting me! Indo-Pak is not a good example...

1stly, it will never be justified I have answered that already....2ndly, We are not talking about 2 countries with a long history of hate and enemity we are talking about A NUMBER OF COUNTRIES all having ISLAM as religion and OIL as the thing others want! We are also talking about the LONG HISTORY of violence AMERICANs have from Vietnam, involvement in gulf war as well as ignorance of the REAL OPPRESSORS in the gaza strip (no idea when they will be LIBERATED like IRAQ, AFGHAN, LIBYA were)

We are also questioning the atrocious crimes done during these wars from rape to murdering INNOCENT CHILDREN , women and blindly opening fire which MANY VIDEOS OF EX SOLDIERS WHO HAVE clearly said and admitted WHAT their orders were and WHAT THEY did was not good!
Then either you are blind or asleep or simply ignorant

America does not check WHOM THEY SHOOT....I mean heck drones do not check if the house they are throwing bombs on has children in them? Nor do they do ANNOUNCED DRONE ATTACKS...they drop bombs and fly away! Whoever dies is not even taken into account! Do you think after a drone attack they go in to count dead bodies?

tell me 1 non-Muslim country which faced this except Vietnam which now mind you MANY acts (war crimes) after 60 odd yrs are called mistake...So, for justice system to kick in it takes 60 yrs? No one willing to learn from mistakes of the past/ history?

and THAT is exactly what we are pointing out! ITS INTEREST are INHUMANE!

Well, that is what MOST PEOPLE THINK they are doing...FIGHTING AMERICANS to KICK THEM out of THEIR country! and AFTER TONS of protest MANY have taken it 1 step ahead, take the war to AMERICAN lands let them feel what they have suffered! THAT is how I see this act...OR just a simple psycho case....surprisingly no psy test was done...while a NON MUSLIM GUY is PRONOUNCED PSYCHO (in less than 2 days) if he does the same...i.e. school killings!

well, If USA takes action....it doesnt drag the action to Nepal or Sri Lanka now, will it? Like what happened all over gulf?

Maybe that is why many Indians feel safe to kiss American *** when such threads are opened....

Good tht you know...Back to the topic....Will Americans apologize as a 1st step?

@nick_indian of course not!! It is STILL NOT justifiable when YOU have failed to find WMD when you ANNOUNCED THAT WAS YOUR REASON for entering the country!

It is also not justifiable how you cry for 3K people of 9/11 for more than a decade but ignore 10K killing of more than a decade

It is also not justifiable of "LIBERATING" oil rich nations while ignoring GAZA strip which NEEDS MORE HELP....esp when aid groups are TARGETED AS WELL!

When did I say what America does is justifiable ? Especially in Iraq i have said it number of times , it was wrong.

I am not ignoring anything. You just keep hopping from one tangent to another. i don't get your point.

I made a very simple point. Every power has done killings, lootings and plunder when they were strong and mighty. Either everybody apologises to everybody or none apologises to none. Why should Americans be the only ones asked to apologise ?
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