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Will you apologize to Muslims you killed?

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[MENTION=134245] @muse well NO ONE but YOU YOURSELF knew that ...

How could you know that " no one" knows what that means, for instance you are the only one who seemed not to get it

I also use "Muzlum" - can you figure out what that might mean?
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@hinduguy ask this to Obama and American govt because according to them OSAMA = Muslim killed some of theirs so they should go to war in Islamic countries...and now Muslims in THEIR country suddenly come out "radicalized" Maybe instead of liberating OTHER COUNTRIES...they should CHECK THEIR OWN!

@muse well NO ONE but YOU YOURSELF knew that ...

@hinduguy please tell this to YOUR COUNTRYMEN who brought up medieval times too make themselves look...I dont know stupid sounds good ..

Americans never said they are fighting against 'muslims'. Thats the islamist idea. Show me where obama said, I will kill muslims because bin laden was muslim'. Iraq was about ego and oil. Afganistan was about safeguarding homeland from further terror attack. Even pakistan supported it and nearly finished AQ.

Like I said, if a pakistani hindu say.. 'hey muslim country attacking hindu country, pakistani army wants to kill hindus, lets kill a few soldier'. Will that be right or wrong? By your logic it seems to be a legitimate form of protest against pakistani govt.

I cant tell anything to my countrymen, my views are mine alone.. sorry.. :)
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@hinduguy ask this to Obama and American govt because according to them OSAMA = Muslim killed some of theirs so they should go to war in Islamic countries...and now Muslims in THEIR country suddenly come out "radicalized" Maybe instead of liberating OTHER COUNTRIES...they should CHECK THEIR OWN!

@muse well NO ONE but YOU YOURSELF knew that ...

@hinduguy please tell this to YOUR COUNTRYMEN who brought up medieval times too make themselves look...I dont know stupid sounds good ..

That is the point nobody should be apologising to anybody. Or everybody apologises to everyone
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"When two tribes go to war ........."

Americans never said they are fighting against 'muslims'. Thats the islamist idea. Show me where obama said, I will kill muslims because bin laden was muslim. Iraq was about ego and oil. Afganistan was about safeguarding homeland from further terror attack. Even pakistan supported it and nearly finished AQ.

Obviosly he cant say that...so all Americans say is THEY HAVE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION - till date not 1 found in Iraq...claimed the same with Syria and now Iran....All countries seem to have 1 thing in common...MUSLIM COUNTRIES...and on some threads you ask me to add 2 and 2 :pop:

Ego and oil, and killing people so that terrorist can recruit the saddened family members and the cycle goes round again...

Like I said, if a pakistani hindu say.. 'hey muslim country attacking hindu country, pakistani army wants to kill hindus, lets kill a few soldier'. Will that be right or wrong? By your logic it seems to be a legitimate form of protest against pakistani govt.
huh? make sense please! Pakistan attacking hindu country? Where? few threads ago MOST of you Indians HAD OPENLY declared India is not a HINDU country it is what was that word used?? SECULAR! remember?

And most of the members on the forum often get offended when being called Hindu they are like I am an atheist and so are majority of the Indians! sooo...you point doesnt hold at all!

That is the point nobody should be apologising to anybody. Or everybody apologises to everyone
@nick_indian not a good point, try again...
Are you trying to say America is taking revenge for Medieval times?! :rofl: when America itself wasnt even discovered? Or was it when they were killing the American Indians and abusing the Black slaves? :pop:
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Obviosly he cant say that...so all Americans say is THEY HAVE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION - till date not 1 found in Iraq...claimed the same with Syria and now Iran....All countries seem to have 1 thing in common...MUSLIM COUNTRIES...and on some threads you ask me to add 2 and 2 :pop:

Ego and oil, and killing people so that terrorist can recruit the saddened family members and the cycle goes round again...

huh? make sense please! Pakistan attacking hindu country? Where? few threads ago MOST of you Indians HAD OPENLY declared India is not a HINDU country it is what was that word used?? SECULAR! remember?

And most of the members on the forum often get offended when being called Hindu they are like I am an atheist and so are majority of the Indians! sooo...you point doesnt hold at all!

@nick_indian not a good point, try again...
Are you trying to say America is taking revenge for Medieval times?! :rofl: when America itself wasnt even discovered? Or was it when they were killing the American Indians and abusing the Black slaves? :pop:

Americans are taking revenge for 9/11 in Afghanistan. Iraq was a mistake.

My original point was very simple. All powers at the height of their power have murdered, plundered, looted etc. Ehy should only America apologise ?

You are making a very simple thing unnecessarily complex to just conjure up an argument from somewhere.
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Obviosly he cant say that...so all Americans say is THEY HAVE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION - till date not 1 found in Iraq...claimed the same with Syria and now Iran....All countries seem to have 1 thing in common...MUSLIM COUNTRIES...and on some threads you ask me to add 2 and 2 :pop:

America can only do that because Muslim countries help them.

Afghanistan for example is a landlocked country. America can only get to them through other Muslim countries.

Once Muslim countries stop helping America, these wars can no longer happen.
Looks like some people think that blabbering and working around semantics is clever job. To me, that is the stupidest of all. Take the context and answer it with courage.
Pchch...closet Jihadists!!!! :partay:
Obviosly he cant say that...so all Americans say is THEY HAVE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION - till date not 1 found in Iraq...claimed the same with Syria and now Iran....All countries seem to have 1 thing in common...MUSLIM COUNTRIES...and on some threads you ask me to add 2 and 2 :pop:

Ego and oil, and killing people so that terrorist can recruit the saddened family members and the cycle goes round again...

huh? make sense please! Pakistan attacking hindu country? Where? few threads ago MOST of you Indians HAD OPENLY declared India is not a HINDU country it is what was that word used?? SECULAR! remember?

And most of the members on the forum often get offended when being called Hindu they are like I am an atheist and so are majority of the Indians! sooo...you point doesnt hold at all!

@nick_indian not a good point, try again...
Are you trying to say America is taking revenge for Medieval times?! :rofl: when America itself wasnt even discovered? Or was it when they were killing the American Indians and abusing the Black slaves? :pop:

I said if the pakistani hindu thinks 'xyz' and does the killing, is it justified? I did not say India is hindu country, But a hindu from pakistan might feel so and do an atrocious act. Will it be justified?

I am trying to draw a parallel, that such 'hindutva' narrative can never be justified, India is secular or not does not change the issue.

About america invading muslim countries, no it does not add 2 and 2. Its all in minds of islamists. Some countries are fighting against USA politically and america fights against them. Its not as if USA has never faught against non muslim countries.
Its a country acting on its own interest. Exactly pakistan will do if it attack India to safeguard its interest. The response to that should be from GoI, not ordinary pakistani or Indian killing another guy.

BTW, if India goes against USA tomorrow, I dont think USA will think twice before taking action. Same against a christian country.

BTW I am in no way saying USA action is right.
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America can only do that because Muslim countries help them.

Afghanistan for example is a landlocked country. America can only get to them through other Muslim countries.

Once Muslim countries stop helping America, these wars can no longer happen.

@Chinese-Dragon and then we get sanctions and all sorts of OTHER problems!

I said if the pakistani hindu thinks 'xyz' and does the killing is it justified. I did not say India is hindu country, But a hindu from pakistan might feel so and do an atrocious act. Will it be justified?

About america invading muslim countries, no it does not add 2 and 2. Its all in minds of islamists. Some countries are fighting against USA politically and america fights against them. Its not as if USA has never faught against non muslim countries.
Its a country acting on its own interest. Exactly pakistan will do if it attack India. The response to that should be from GoI, not ordinary pakistani or Indian killing another guy.
@hinduguy I do not say killing is justifiable ...I always said that....
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guys don't drag religion into this,iraq invasion was just becuz of the oil,btw if any indian can give me historical account of any city sacked by muslim,in the 1st crusader(siege of jerusalem 1099) when the christians attacked jerusalem the killed every muslim/jew in the city,the general after the siege wrote do the pope "our men were killing and slaying even to the Temple of Solomon, where the slaughter was so great that our men waded in blood up to their ankles"compare this this to the Siege of Jerusalem (1187) when saladin retook the city every christian was given a safe passage to the christian lands with their wealth,
Americans are taking revenge for 9/11 in Afghanistan. Iraq was a mistake.

My original point was very simple. All powers at the height of their power have murdered, plundered, looted etc. Ehy should only America apologise ?

You are making a very simple thing unnecessarily complex to just conjure up an argument from somewhere.
@nick_indian so in this century you think killing is justifiable?! :pop:
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@Chinese-Dragon and then we get sanctions and all sorts of OTHER problems!

@hinduguy I do not say killing is justifiable ...I always said that....

No, you tried to draw moral equivalence, thats the islamist apologist's argument. American troops killing iraqi is not same as a muslim american civilian bombing their own citizen. They are not equivalent and I showed you the equivalent picture.(in indo-pak context)

The legitimate way is to demand for enquiry into human right violations there and punish troops.
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Yes, then why do the us host people that other nations consider terrorists, Britain do aswell.....

I could respect a principal more if it was actually adhered too, but in the West honor is for suckers, they still believe in white man's burden, might is right, these laws and rules only exist to serve their needs, and when they don't they ignore them, there is no honor!

Life is not always fair isn't it? But do you believe that the laws and rules only exist to serve the west's needs? I tend to disagree with your argument because of the following example. Apart from the example you gave, there are other examples as well - Remember Kashmir? And lashkar-e-taiba or Jaish-e-mohammed?? These are banned organizations by UN but there are countries which claim these are freedom fighters, support them and go unpunished, aren't they?
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