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Will you apologize to Muslims you killed?

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Talibans and alqaida are two different groups. Talibans may have been oppressive rulers in Afghanistan but they were not involved in terrorist activities at international level unlike alqaida . Talibans refused to hand over Osama to USA because of these tribal traditions of hospitality where you guard your guests even if they are criminals but again talibans were not the democratic ruler of Afghanistan and they established their rule in Afghanistan by forced and fearing others

Aiding and abetting criminal is a crime... good riddance!
We need to do a simple math here

Compare the number of innocent people got killed because of American invasion in Iraq/Afghanistan with number of innocent people killed in 9/11( these include Muslims as well ) Osama has been punished but Bush and co got away with all their war crimes

Why lives of american civilian should be more holy than Pakistani /iraqi or Afgani ? This woman asked valid questions. I would have asked the same

The American invasion of Iraq certainly had its flaws.

Interestingly, much of the bloodbath were caused by the Iraqi Muslims themselves with the Americans caught in the middle of the fight. Little can they do to control the situation quickly.

Those militants even bombed funerals of bomb victims! I was awed by such extraordinary brutality.

The Americans? Well, let's just say they put more in their mouth than they could manage to chew. Rest be assured, much of their interests in the Middle East are secured. Though, at a terrible price. The wrongs committed then, and ensuring justice is not in anyone's reach.

I mean, look at Kissinger. Still running around freely. Justice of that scale is an illusion.

Suffice to say, it is unlikely that the Americans would ever go on another military campaign in another country on their own. If needed to 'settle interests', they'll use proxies.
The American invasion of Iraq certainly had its flaws.

Interestingly, much of the bloodbath were caused by the Iraqi Muslims themselves with the Americans caught in the middle of the fight. Little can they do to control the situation quickly.

Those militants even bombed funerals of bomb victims! I was awed by such extraordinary brutality.

The Americans? Well, let's just say they put more in their mouth than they could manage to chew. Rest be assured, much of their interests in the Middle East are secured. Though, at a terrible price. The wrongs committed then, and ensuring justice is not in anyone's reach.

I mean, look at Kissinger. Still running around freely. Justice of that scale is an illusion.

Suffice to say, it is unlikely that the Americans would ever go on another military campaign in another country on their own. If needed to 'settle interests', they'll use proxies.

The us brought the war zone to Iraq.

Iraq never had these bombings before.

Not that you care but Plenty of Iraqi died by Americans.

Americans been trying to kill Iraqi for a long time, sanctions did alot of damage too.
Talibans and alqaida are two different groups. Talibans may have been oppressive rulers in Afghanistan but they were not involved in terrorist activities at international level unlike alqaida . Talibans refused to hand over Osama to USA because of these tribal traditions of hospitality where you guard your guests even if they are criminals but again talibans were not the democratic ruler of Afghanistan and they established their rule in Afghanistan by forced and fearing others

Security Council resolution 1373 passed in Sept 2001 and legally binding under Chapter 7 on all the member countries of UN -

The Council also decided that States should prohibit their nationals or persons or entities in their territories from making funds, financial assets, economic resources, financial or other related services available to persons who commit or attempt to commit, facilitate or participate in the commission of terrorist acts. States should also refrain from providing any form of support to entities or persons involved in terrorist acts; take the necessary steps to prevent the commission of terrorist acts; deny safe haven to those who finance, plan, support, commit terrorist acts and provide safe havens as well.


So tribal laws or code or traditions was/is not valid anymore.
I can't understand how some of us can put the United States & the Al-Qaeeda on the same pedestal & expect some kind of parity ? Should the Al-Qaeeda apologize - Indeed it should....will it - No ! But to equate its refusal or the manner in which in conducts itself whereby everyone from the innocent bystander to some uniform personnel is fair game as somehow granting parity to the US in acting the way it did with utter disregard for human life & with a definition of collateral damage that knows no bound is moronic at best......!

For 3000 dead Americans the Muslim World burned - If you want an apology you should've asked it from Bin Ladin before putting two in him or ask his next in command to do it in his stead. But if you're asserting that if Bin Ladin didn't apologize then neither should Obama or Bush before him for their policies that killed thousands of ours without any rhyme or reason, managed to radicalize the Muslim World even more & created an exponentially more negative image of the United States amongst the common Muslims more than ever, than I don't know whether they are the Presidents of the Land of the Free & the Home of the Brave or just suave & cultured suit-wearing cold-blooded murderers.

Again the countries of muslim world are part of an UN resolution whereby it is binding upon them to prevent safe havens for terrorists. If they do not, then US will come in and kick the butt as it was the Americans who lost 3000 innocents not to mention more than $30 billion dollars economic loss which happened.

In short, if your dog bit someone outside of your house, the someone will come into your house to hunt for the dog unless you take the onus to kill the dog.
Again the countries of muslim world are part of an UN resolution whereby it is binding upon them to prevent safe havens for terrorists. If they do not, then US will come in and kick the butt as it is the Americans who lost 3000 innocents not to mention more than $30 billion dollars economic loss which happened.

In short, if your dog bit someone outside of your house, the someone will come into your house to hunt for the dog unless you take the onus to kill the dog.

Yes, then why do the us host people that other nations consider terrorists, Britain do aswell.....

I could respect a principal more if it was actually adhered too, but in the West honor is for suckers, they still believe in white man's burden, might is right, these laws and rules only exist to serve their needs, and when they don't they ignore them, there is no honor!
Yes, then why do the us host people that other nations consider terrorists, Britain do aswell.....

I could respect a principal more if it was actually adhered too, but in the West honor is for suckers, they still believe in white man's burden, might is right, these laws and rules only exist to serve their needs, and when they don't they ignore them, there is no honor!
which terrorist does USA host, or UK host. Altaf hussain is not a terrorist.
Talk about ignorant idiots! He dealt with it? How by giving no answers nor any apology?!

will muslims do the same 4 their plunder all over the world in past and present!

@punit "plunder" only escalated exponentially when America used its inhuman techniques! Maybe you were asleep over the past decade...By crying wolf tears for 9/11 and REPEATED replying it to draw anger and ignorance in their community they have used this as a ticket of continuous terrorism in Muslim land

Besides, were your child/ parent raped or killed in front of you...I doubt you would just stand and watch or cry forever or even protest...

You would take the 1st help you get and terrorist TARGET these people...

Conclusions, AMERICANS have ONLY increased the number of recruits for terrorist organizations! Nothing else has been yielded ...NOTHING!
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U.S. gave asylum to accused Chechen terror leader

And now there is Overt support for terrorists in Syria, Libya.....
give a legit link mate, dont want to get virus in my system.
About support to terrorists in syria (indirect) I agree partially. You are free to fight against USA in legitimate way, and thats what govt of syria is doing.
You cannot kill person of your country because the country under attack belongs to same faith. If turkey attacks greek should british christians kill a few muslims here then?
And when the muslims did that, it was justified under the bandwagon of 'Spread of Islam'? And what about the muslims killing muslims? Care to look in Syria, or your own backyard for the bigger picture.

@Skull and Bones care to look who AIDED in this "muslims killing muslims"? who established Saddam, Mubarak, Ghadafi, Assad? ALL were Acknowledged as well as supported by Americans! ALL....PLUS why did America SUDDENLY wake up AND DECIDED TO LIBERATE after 20 yrs of oppression from these "TYRANTS?" Seriously, where was EVERYONE when these "tyrants" were being aided by Americans ?! Why didnt you cry out loud then?

That is because they can. When muslims could, they did it too , in the medieval era.

@nick_indian then PLEASE take into account the CRUSADERS or does your history ONLY highlight about Muslim conquests?
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give a legit link mate, dont want to get virus in my system.
About support to terrorists in syria (indirect) I agree partially. You are free to fight against USA in legitimate way, and thats what govt of syria is doing.
@hinduguy define legitimate when they put sanctions or do not answer TO ANYONE! remember how UN opposed them from going into Afghan and Iraq, yet they did...so who does USA answer to? ONLY its pockets!
You cannot kill person of your country because the country under attack belongs to same faith. If turkey attacks greek should british christians kill a few muslims here then?
Its not that simple and you know it too...

Mr. Obama is an entirely political person, I don't think he has an strong opinions on anything - He senses that Muzloums are exhausted and that US policy has achieved it's objectives -- Libya is history, Syria will be one way or another, Wahabis will be history once their role in US policy is played out - Iranians are hanging on by the skin of their teeth, and Pakistan, well, we all know - So now the focus is on Muzloums in the West who may "self Radicalize" (combust in the absence of a catalyst) -- Hint: coming to a Muzloum near you, and the Muzloum you save may be yourself

@muse What are you!? Who spells Muslims like that?! :blink:

What majboori led the muslims kill 3000 American in 2001 ?

That America helped in stopping the massacre of muslims in Bosnia and helped them get a country ? or that America helped Kuwait free itself from that maniac Saddam ?

Oh wait 9/11 was done by jews and CIA . Sorry i forgot :rolleyes:

@nick_indian make some Bosnian friends and then ask them HOW Americans "helped them"
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@hinduguy define legitimate when they put sanctions or do not answer TO ANYONE! remember how UN opposed them from going into Afghan and Iraq, yet they did...so who does USA answer to? ONLY its pockets!
Its not that simple and you know it too...

@muse What are you!? Who spells Muslims like that?! :blink:
Countries go to war. They always do. Nothing special about america. Pakistan and India went to war. India and china went to war. Which of these countries went to UN to seek mandate for war?

Tell me, if pakistan attacks India, should a pakistani hindu go and kill pakistani soldier? Just because the country under attack happens to have population that has same faith as him?
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Tell me, if pakistan attacks India, should a pakistani hindu go and kill pakistani soldier? Just because the country under attack happens to have population that has same faith as him?
@hinduguy ask this to Obama and American govt because according to them OSAMA = Muslim killed some of theirs so they should go to war in Islamic countries...and now Muslims in THEIR country suddenly come out "radicalized" Maybe instead of liberating OTHER COUNTRIES...they should CHECK THEIR OWN!

Busted by the spelling police -- Don't like my spelling?

I use "Muzloum" (innocent) when highlighting the "victim" complex displayed by some of our "More Muslim than Mohammad" crowd
@muse well NO ONE but YOU YOURSELF knew that ...

Countries go to war. They always do. Nothing special about america.

@hinduguy please tell this to YOUR COUNTRYMEN who brought up medieval times too make themselves look...I dont know stupid sounds good ..

That is because they can. When muslims could, they did it too , in the medieval era.
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