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Will you apologize to Muslims you killed?

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I really don't get it - especially coming from a person like you, educated , well traveled, professional - and then this? Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending US policy but recall 50000 Pakistanis killed and wounded by these real Muslims -- there is a side to pick, please pick Pakistan, not the real muslims
Well to Obama's credit, he did listen to the whole thing the woman had to say...

Lots of Islam bashing going on.

Do your job and kick these atheists out of the forum bro.

I can't talk about hindus, but these atheists go on their anti-Islam tirade all day long.

I thought comments regarding religion are not allowed?

You see them on this thread. Ban the morons.
Lots of Islam bashing going on.

Do your job and kick these atheists out of the forum bro.

I can't talk about hindus, but these atheists go on their anti-Islam tirade all day long.

I thought comments regarding religion are not allowed?

You see them on this thread. Ban the morons.

Dont you know religious topics are banned here, unless you are doing it in a very special way, uhm uhm.

The enlightened ones. :P
A bunch of indians crying and moaning about what happened in the middle ages, that was the time when everyone killed everyone just for the fook of it. Grow the fook up will ya.

Middle ages or dark ages... they also did killed a lot of people... try to undersatnd that. Our people got killed so ,No , we cant forget that...
By your other point about Middle ages you are indirectly saying they were all barbarians and looters hence they did that? (which of course they were)

When my ancestors got killed U want us to grow up and when Muslims are killed by the West (and yes I dont like innocents being killed) U want the questions to be answered ?
It is so sad to see that the right thing is always so easily made to look just the opposite, the wrong thing. Looks like the main stream media is doing her job perfectly well, but what is worse is that rather then discussing the merits of what was to be talked about, our own help the ones who dont want it to be discussed at all.
Middle ages or dark ages... they also did killed a lot of people... try to undersatnd that. Our people got killed so ,No , we cant forget that...
By your other point about Middle ages you are indirectly saying they were all barbarians and looters hence they did that? (which of course they were)

When non-Muslims got killed U want us to grow up and when Muslims are killed by the West (and yes I dont like innocents being killed) U want questions to be answered ?

Those were different times, and dont tell me that you saintly hindus didnt go on invading your neighbors, and ps for the amount of time you guys were under Muslim rule. If they really had wanted to kill yall boy dont even get me started.

Did you know that the population of Iraq till the time Chenges khan invaded that country, now that is the mongolians I am talking about not Muslims. Was predominantly Assyrian Christians, and they disappeared not because the barbarian Muslims killed them. But the barbarian mongols did.

Oh boy, go read the history of Jews in Europe, and how they found refuge in Andalusia, know where that, and then in Istanbul. But who am I talking to a brainwashed RSS bafoon.

And talking about todays day and age, either the west stops lecturing the whole universe on the Humanrights garbage. Or live up to it. KApish.
Well to Obama's credit, he did listen to the whole thing the woman had to say...

That lady is well known member of "Code-Pink" & even came to Pakistan to go for Waziristan march with Imran Khan.

Before whenever she would heckle any speaker, she would be forced to leave IMMEDIATELY. This time it was President speaking hence intelligence & security must be meticulous. They definitely knew she was present there & knew she would heckle & Obama was ready for her. So his patient listening was pre-planned. Look they did not remove her on first heckling, which would have been immediate response of Obama's security if it was un-expected.

So it's NOT to his credit, rather to his fakery. Obama is an expert deceiver, a liar.

will muslims do the same 4 their plunder all over the world in past and present!
And when the muslims did that, it was justified under the bandwagon of 'Spread of Islam'? And what about the muslims killing muslims? Care to look in Syria, or your own backyard for the bigger picture.

Spread by sword myth is as real as Kasab evading 2 navies on a small boat & making sure to carry his passport while on an alleged suicide mission... Plunder is ONLY by you guys & ur masters. Muslims whenever ruled the land, & I mean really ruled independently, they ruled justly. Listen to 2 of these Jews, u might get an idea who is the real culprit & who's being falsely accused...

We need to do a simple math here

Compare the number of innocent people got killed because of American invasion in Iraq/Afghanistan with number of innocent people killed in 9/11( these include Muslims as well ) Osama has been punished but Bush and co got away with all their war crimes

Why lives of american civilian should be more holy than Pakistani /iraqi or Afgani ? This woman asked valid questions. I would have asked the same
I am sorry for the role I played in Fallujah

As a US marine who lost close friends in the siege of Fallujah in Iraq seven years ago, I understand that we were the aggressors

it has been seven years since the end of the second siege of Fallujah – the US assault that left the city in ruins, killed thousands of civilians, and displaced hundreds of thousands more; the assault that poisoned a generation, plaguing the people who live there with cancers and their children with birth defects.

It has been seven years and the lies that justified the assault still perpetuate false beliefs about what we did.

The US veterans who fought there still do not understand who they fought against, or what they were fighting for.

I know, because I am one of those American veterans. In the eyes of many of the people I "served" with, the people of Fallujah remain dehumanised and their resistance fighters are still believed to be terrorists. But unlike most of my counterparts, I understand that I was the aggressor, and that the resistance fighters in Fallujah were defending their city.

It is also the seventh anniversary of the deaths of two close friends of mine, Travis Desiato and Bradley Faircloth, who were killed in the siege. Their deaths were not heroic or glorious. Their deaths were tragic, but not unjust.

How can I begrudge the resistance in Fallujah for killing my friends, when I know that I would have done the same thing if I were in their place? How can I blame them when we were the aggressors?

It could have been me instead of Travis or Brad. I carried a radio on my back that dropped the bombs that killed civilians and reduced Fallujah to rubble. If I were a Fallujan, I would have killed anyone like me. I would have had no choice. The fate of my city and my family would have depended on it. I would have killed the foreign invaders.

Travis and Brad are both victims and perpetrators. They were killed and they killed others because of a political agenda in which they were just pawns. They were the iron fist of American empire, and an expendable loss in the eyes of their leaders.

I do not see any contradiction in feeling sympathy for the dead US Marines and soldiers and at the same time feeling sympathy for the Fallujans who fell to their guns. The contradiction lies in believing that we were liberators, when in fact we oppressed the freedoms and wishes of Fallujans. The contradiction lies in believing that we were heroes, when the definition of "hero" bares no relation to our actions in Fallujah.

What we did to Fallujah cannot be undone, and I see no point in attacking the people in my former unit. What I want to attack are the lies and false beliefs. I want to destroy the prejudices that prevented us from putting ourselves in the other's shoes and asking ourselves what we would have done if a foreign army invaded our country and laid siege to our city.

I understand the psychology that causes the aggressors to blame their victims. I understand the justifications and defence mechanisms. I understand the emotional urge to want to hate the people who killed someone dear to you. But to describe the psychology that preserves such false beliefs is not to ignore the objective moral truth that no attacker can ever justly blame their victims for defending themselves.

The same distorted morality has been used to justify attacks against the native Americans, the Vietnamese, El Salvadorans, and the Afghans. It is the same story over and over again. These people have been dehumanised, their God-given right to self-defence has been delegitimised, their resistance has been reframed as terrorism, and US soldiers have been sent to kill them.

History has preserved these lies, normalised them, and socialised them into our culture: so much so that legitimate resistance against US aggression is incomprehensible to most, and to even raise this question is seen as un-American.

History has defined the US veteran as a hero, and in doing so it has automatically defined anyone who fights against him as the bad guy. It has reversed the roles of aggressor and defender, moralised the immoral, and shaped our societies' present understanding of war.

I cannot imagine a more necessary step towards justice than to put an end to these lies, and achieve some moral clarity on this issue. I see no issue more important than to clearly understand the difference between aggression and self-defence, and to support legitimate struggles. I cannot hate, blame, begrudge, or resent Fallujans for fighting back against us. I am sincerely sorry for the role I played in the second siege of Fallujah, and I hope that some day not just Fallujans but all Iraqis will win their struggle.

I am sorry for the role I played in Fallujah | Ross Caputi | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
We need to do a simple math here

Compare the number of innocent people got killed because of American invasion in Iraq/Afghanistan with number of innocent people killed in 9/11( these include Muslims as well ) Osama has been punished but Bush and co got away with all their war crimes

Why lives of american should be more holy than Pakistani /iraqi or Afgani ? This woman asked valid questions..

Because lives of american whether muslims or non muslims will always be 100 times more important then People from a Corrupt Government and ALL those that Enable corruption and elect same Corrupt People, There are few bad eggs in the basket in america that blatentaly support Islamophobia and such, But overall american Muslims here are Living 100 times better then those muslims that live in muslim countries

SO please Life quality OF america sadly should not be compared with S!ht LIFE of EUROPE,ENGLAND,MIDDLE EAST,INDIA,PAKISTAN,IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN
Because lives of american whether muslims or non muslims will always be 100 times more important then People from a Corrupt Government and ALL those that Enable corruption and elect same Corrupt People, There are few bad eggs in the basket in america that blatentaly support Islamophobia and such, But overall american Muslims here are Living 100 times better then those muslims that live in muslim countries

SO please Life quality OF america sadly should not be compared with S!ht LIFE of EUROPE,ENGLAND,MIDDLE EAST,INDIA,PAKISTAN,IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN

I am not comparing the living standard of Muslims in USA with those in middle east. I am talking about their double standards and foreign policies. British/American/Canadian life should not be more holy than others. why they should be 100 times more important ?
I really don't get it - especially coming from a person like you, educated , well traveled, professional - and then this? Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending US policy but recall 50000 Pakistanis killed and wounded by these real Muslims -- there is a side to pick, please pick Pakistan, not the real muslims

Just admit that we need to declare a war on islam, in the other thread you were maligning the entire religion of Islam lets keep it real, at this point if we alienate the main stream muslim, we will lose the strategic gains we made over the past decade. Unconventional warfare is not simple and we cannot simply at this important lose our allies in this war.

I will quote the general in the new manual released in 2010: “The people are the center of gravity. Only by providing them security and earning their trust and confidence can the Afghan government and ISAF prevail . . . Position joint bases and combat outposts as close to those we’re seeking to secure as is feasible. Decide on locations with input from our partners and local citizens and informed by intel and security assessments." Unless you know the ground reality stop talking this nonsense without considering the position of our boys down there in the ditches fighting this cowards day and night and if we had your way, we would an angry population asking us to leave. Next time you know Mr. baghdad Bob is back with his alquida shop in afghanistan which we do not want as far as national interests are concerned atleast for Canada.

Edit: for General Petraeus's quote
Just admit that we need to declare a war on islam, in the other thread you were maligning the entire religion of Islam lets keep it real, at this point if we alienate the main stream muslim, we will lose the strategic gains we made over the past decade. Unconventional warfare is not simple and we cannot simply at this important lose our allies in this war.

I will quote the general in the new manual released in 2010: “The people are the center of gravity. Only by providing them security and earning their trust and confidence can the Afghan government and ISAF prevail . . . Position joint bases and combat outposts as close to those we’re seeking to secure as is feasible. Decide on locations with input from our partners and local citizens and informed by intel and security assessments." Unless you know the ground reality stop talking this nonsense without considering the position of our boys down there in the ditches fighting this cowards day and night and if we had your way, we would an angry population asking us to leave. Next time you know Mr. baghdad Bob is back with his alquida shop in afghanistan which we do not want as far as national interests are concerned atleast for Canada.

Liontk -- make up your mind, Who are the real muslims? is it us or is it the taliban?? No, yoiu don't get to run from this, We cannolt both be muslims, don't you get that????????
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