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Will Iran Follow North Korea’s Path and Ditch the NPT?

Iranians are too gutless to opt out of the NPT. They just can't handle the sanctions.
Well TROLLOLOL!!!:jester::pakistan::jester:
Quite funny coming from someone whos country couldnt even build its own section of the ip pipeline out of fear of us displeasure.By the way you might want to take a little look at the degree of sanctions iran is already facing.
Well TROLLOLOL!!!:jester::pakistan::jester:
Quite funny coming from someone whos country couldnt even build its own section of the ip pipeline out of fear of us displeasure.By the way you might want to take a little look at the degree of sanctions iran is already facing.

US displeasure or UN sanctions against a pariah state?
which UN sanction , can you point me to it ?
There is no UN sanction that bans such a thing just American sanctions, they don't build the pipeline first for not having money and second being deeply dependent on Saudis money which is obviously against such a project ... American pressure is another factor that evidently they can not resist it.
US displeasure or UN sanctions against a pariah state?
Where on earth do you get all of this complete total BULLSH!T from?,I mean seriously m8!.:sarcastic:
This has nothing to do with un sanctions,just the pak governments fear of the us and what it might suffer if it didnt put us interests first.
Have you ever actually stopped for a minute to consider what pakistan might be able to achieve if only it had the courage to put its own interests ahead of americas?............Nah!,probably not,right?:disagree:
I dont think they could do anything to Iran that they haven't already.
Yes they could- their actions against Iran would be more effective due to them having more unity in confronting Iran( which would happen as a reaction to Iran leaving the NPT).

Iran leaving NPT now would be really bad,(If Iranian govt does that to build a nuke as their decision, OK) because it would give Trump what he needs, which has been helping Iran- dividing the top world powers in acting negatively against Iran due to its nuclear program. Besides, Iran's conventional power is strong enough currently, which is a big benefit for Iran because if Iran's conventional power was too weak in the perception of Iranian govt, Iran would have left the NPT already. Its actually weak small countries that go for nukes, like Israel.

Iran can fight America, but Iran cant fight "the world"..thats when i know Iran is in REAL trouble.

Iranians are too gutless to opt out of the NPT.
are you trolling or baiting Iran? People who dont understand Iranian generally agree with this logic : If Iran doesnt do it = Iran cant do it. You people should understand that timing and value extraction are always priority also in Iran's decision making.
They just can't handle the sanctions.
LMAO. but Iran has handled 41+ years of tough US sanctions to date (and Trump toughened them to the max too), so you are literally lying. But if your country faced real US sanctions? ok, lets not go there..

Well TROLLOLOL!!!:jester::pakistan::jester:
Quite funny coming from someone whos country couldnt even build its own section of the ip pipeline out of fear of us displeasure.By the way you might want to take a little look at the degree of sanctions iran is already facing.
LMAO. DONE. Your troll "spear" is sharp.
...LMAO. but Iran has handled 41+ years of tough US sanctions to date (and Trump toughened them to the max too), so you are literally lying. But if your country faced real US sanctions? ok, lets not go there.. ...

Pakistan built the nukes under sanctions and it tested the nukes under sanctions.

Here's a list of 8 rounds of US sanctions on Pakistan:

Pakistan built it because it was determined to do so. It never signed the NPT or any other mumbo jumbo treaty because it wasn't anyone else's business and it used India as the scapegoat.

Pakistan declared in 1974 (3 years after losing half of the country), "We will eat grass if we have to but we will build the Islamic Bomb."

Iranians on the other hand are weak, coward, desperate and drowning in their own stupid propaganda.

Which other civilised nation on the planet goes around barking death to America on daily basis as part of it's state dogma?
Pakistan built the nukes under sanctions and it tested the nukes under sanctions.

Here's a list of 8 rounds of US sanctions on Pakistan:

Pakistan built it because it was determined to do so. It never signed the NPT or any other mumbo jumbo treaty because it wasn't anyone else's business and it used India as the scapegoat.

Pakistan declared in 1974 (3 years after losing half of the country), "We will eat grass if we have to but we will build the Islamic Bomb."

Iranians on the other hand are weak, coward, desperate and drowning in their own stupid propaganda.

Which other civilized nation on the planet goes around barking death to America on daily basis as part of it's state dogma?
Iran joined NPT back in 1968 almost a decade before revolution and were one of first whom joined such a treaty .. the idea of NPT is not bad at all if there would be no double standards... you didn't sign it many other have signed it ... singing such a treaty neither makes countries stupid nor smart .. it's up to countries to make decision base on their own interests ...like being a member of UN or not .. there are double standards in UN too like Veto right or permanent membership of the UNSC .. but all countries stayed though there are double standards. are they moron?
Your problems is you think NPT is the problem while it's being used by powers like any other international organization or treaty to put pressure on their adversary ... you never signed it by you were sanctioned for your nuclear activity so the NPT is somehow irrelevant over here.
Besides How Iran not leaving NPT means Iran weak, coward, desperate but you loosing half of your lands turns you to a strong & brave country?just 'cause you made Islamic bomb? did you get back your lands by these bombs?
Why you think a country having no nuke is weak, coward, desperate and drowning in their own stupid propaganda while many countries such as Japan, Brazil, Argentina and Iran ,which do enjoy nuclear technology more than you, and capable of making nukes do not posses nuke? actually it differs from one country to another .. you built it and entered yourself to an endless arm race and it was your decision many don't.
P.s: Death to america is a political slogan against american policy towards Iran and Iranians ... the point is which other civilized nation on the planet goes around occupy and bomb countries, conduct military coup and impose sanctions on innocent people on daily basis as part of it's state dogma?
Civilized nations do know their enemies potato countries don't know.
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